blob: 041d86d8a982d3b4002706158e13d94ab291cfe7 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2005, 2006 IBM Corporation and others.
# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
# are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
# Contributors:
# IBM Corporation - initial implementation.
# Error Messages
Persistence.invalidNameError.msg=The name ''{0}'' is invalid. Method element name cannot contain these characters: \\ / : * ? " < > |
Persistence.objNotFoundError.msg=Could not find object with id ''{0}''
Persistence.loadLibraryError.msg=Errors encountered while loading method library:
Persistence.loadLibraryError.details=\ \ line: {0}, column: {1}, msg: {2}
Persistence.restoreResourceError.msg=Could not restore resource ''{0}''
Persistence.FileManager.fileReadOnly=File ''{0}'' is read-only
Persistence.renameError.msg=Could not rename ''{0}'' to ''{1}''
Persistence.backupError.msg=Could not backup up resource ''{0}''
Persistence.marker.location=\ in ''{0}''
Persistence.marker.err.cannotResolveProxy=Could not resolve proxy {0}({1}): {2}
Persistence.modifyFileError.msg=Cannot modify file ''{0}''
Persistence.loadResourceError.msg=Could not load resource ''{0}''
Persistence.loadResourceErrorWithReason.msg=Could not load resource ''{0}''. Reason: {1}
Persistence.invalidLibraryFileError.msg=Invalid method library file:
Persistence.fileNotFoundError.msg=Could not locate any method library file in workspace ''{0}''
Persistence.normalizeURIError.msg=Could not find the normalized URI for ''{0}''
Persistence.moveError.msg=Could not move ''{0}'' to ''{1}''. The destination already exists.
Persistence.modifyReadOnlyFileError.msg=Cannot modify read-only file(s): {0}
Persistence.moveResourceError.msg=Resource ''{0}'' is involved in a persistence operation that has not been committed.
Persistence.modifyFilesError.msg=Could not modify one or more files
# Progress Messages method library... the data... method library... all resources into memory... process content descriptions... null/empty presentation name of every breakdown element to its name...