blob: b9df5d847b843ddbff33296aad7d4bd1564fcc21 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xmi:XMI xmi:version="2.0" xmlns:xmi="" xmlns:org.eclipse.epf.uma="" xmlns:epf="" epf:version="1.5.1" xmlns:rmc="" rmc:version="7.5.1">
<org.eclipse.epf.uma:ProcessDescription xmi:id="-VFp5B68iro5ga1pz4nbQFw" name="develop_architecture,_KaeNsdOFEdyqlogshP8l4g" guid="-VFp5B68iro5ga1pz4nbQFw" version="7.2.0">
This activity refines the initial high-level architecture into working software. The objective is to produce stable
software that adequately addresses the technical risks in scope.
The architect and developers work together to:
Refine the initial sketch of the architecture into concrete design elements
Ensure that the architecture decisions are adequately captured and communicated
Ensure that the team has enough information to enable software to be developed
Ensure that the requirements that were prioritized for the current iteration are adequately addressed in the
In an iterative project, the team should not attempt to develop the architecture for the entire project in a single
pass. Rather, they should focus on meeting the requirements in scope for the current iteration, while making decisions
in the context of the wider project.
These activities are best carried out as a collaborative effort by the team, with the architect acting as a focal point
for coordinating and facilitating the decisions.
The work is best done in several sessions, perhaps performed over a few days.
<org.eclipse.epf.uma:DescriptorDescription xmi:id="-V51fxSq2AzJuVZF90kMOmA" name="architecture_notebook,_EjG_cNOKEdyqlogshP8l4g" guid="-V51fxSq2AzJuVZF90kMOmA">
This artifact&amp;nbsp;describes the &lt;a class=&quot;elementLink&quot;&#xD;
guid=&quot;__O7tAMVvEduLYZUGfgZrkQ&quot;>Software Architecture&lt;/a>.&#xD;
It provides a place for maintaining the list of architectural issues, along with the associated architectural&#xD;
decisions, designs, patterns, code documented (or pointed to), and so forth -- all at appropriate levels to make it&#xD;
easy to understand what architectural decisions have been made and remain to be made.&#xD;
It is helpful for architects to use this artifact to collaborate with other team members in developing the architecture&#xD;
and to help team members understand the motivation behind architectural decisions so that those decisions can be&#xD;
robustly implemented. For example, the architect may put constraints on how data is packaged and communicated between&#xD;
different parts of the system. This may appear to be a burden, but the justification in the Architecture Notebook can&#xD;
explain that there is a significant performance bottleneck when communicating with a legacy system. The rest of the&#xD;
system must adapt to this bottleneck by following a specific data packaging scheme.&#xD;
This artifact should also inform the team members how the system is partitioned or organized so that the team can adapt&#xD;
to the needs of the system. It also gives a first glimpse of the system and its technical motivations to whoever must&#xD;
maintain and change the architecture later.&lt;br />&#xD;
<org.eclipse.epf.uma:DescriptorDescription xmi:id="-j18JWuRaOWhpi32MRwfW7A" name="refine_the_arch,_6RuKMN_1EdyOsumnGvWsEg" guid="-j18JWuRaOWhpi32MRwfW7A">
It is important to continue to reduce the complexity of the&amp;nbsp;solution by raising the levels of abstraction.&amp;nbsp;&#xD;
For more information, see &lt;a class=&quot;elementLinkWithType&quot;&#xD;
guid=&quot;_we3F4ACpEdu8m4dIntu6jA&quot;>Guideline: Abstract Away Complexity&lt;/a>.&#xD;
Continue the collaboration with the whole&amp;nbsp;team on the refining of the architecture in order to promote consensus&#xD;
and a common understanding of the overall solution. The architect should be working to coordinate and guide the&#xD;
technical activities of the team rather than doing all the work alone.&amp;nbsp;Place special emphasis&amp;nbsp;on&#xD;
involving&amp;nbsp;the developer(s) throughout this task since it's the developed solution that will prove out the&#xD;
architecture and may result in refinements to the architecture documentation.&#xD;
Ensure that those who need to act upon the architectural work&amp;nbsp;understand&amp;nbsp;it and are able to work with&#xD;
it.&amp;nbsp;Make sure that the description of the architecture clearly conveys not only the solution but also the&#xD;
motivation and objectives related to the&amp;nbsp;decisions that have been made in shaping the architecture. This will make&#xD;
it easier for others to understand the architecture and to adapt it over time.&#xD;
You can communicate your decisions as many ways as you wish.&amp;nbsp; For example:&#xD;
Publication of&amp;nbsp;reference source code&#xD;
Publication of&amp;nbsp;reference models&#xD;
Publication of&amp;nbsp;software architecture documentation&#xD;
Formal&amp;nbsp;presentations of the material&#xD;
Informal walkthroughs of the architecture&#xD;
This task&amp;nbsp;builds upon the outlined architecture and makes concrete and unambiguous architectural decisions to&#xD;
support development.&amp;nbsp; It takes into&amp;nbsp;account any design and implementation work products that have been&#xD;
developed so far.&amp;nbsp; In other words, the architecture evolves as the solution is designed and implemented, and the&#xD;
architecture documentation is updated to reflect any changes made during development. This is&amp;nbsp;a key,&amp;nbsp;since&#xD;
the actual implementation is the only real &quot;proof&quot; that the software architecture is viable and provides the definitive&#xD;
basis for validating the suitability&amp;nbsp;of the architecture.&amp;nbsp; For more information, see &lt;a&#xD;
guid=&quot;_O1kAANvfEduv2KOT-Teh6w&quot;>Concept: Executable Architecture&lt;/a>.&#xD;
The results are captured for future reference and are communicated across the team.&#xD;