blob: 71564c16a4b7c594e9a1491c53a68968a66756d3 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<org.eclipse.epf.uma:TaskDescription xmi:version="2.0" xmlns:xmi="" xmlns:org.eclipse.epf.uma="" xmlns:rmc="" rmc:version="7.5.1" xmlns:epf="" epf:version="1.5.1" xmi:id="-fBwPDexzVTCxcEM5H1ljeQ" name="02_01_package_the_release,_DQowcWzvEeCPgecPbK9bdg" guid="-fBwPDexzVTCxcEM5H1ljeQ" changeDate="2012-05-30T14:12:33.929-0700" version="7.5.1">
The key activities normally used to package a release:&#xD;
Assemble the components and integrate them through a normal (i.e., continuous integration) or release build script&#xD;
Install the release package in one or more test environments and verify its integrity&#xD;
Tag the elements of the release package in the code base to create a baseline&#xD;
Package appropriate documentation to accompany the release: &#xD;
Deployment plan&#xD;
Build plan, procedures, and scripts&#xD;
Backout plan&#xD;
Relevant licensing information&#xD;
Relevant infrastructure information&#xD;
Release communiques&#xD;
<sections xmi:id="_IAEdheB-EeC1y_NExchKwQ" name="Assemble components" guid="_IAEdheB-EeC1y_NExchKwQ">
<sectionDescription>Question all the developers on the development team to determine which components are ready for packaging. Only&#xD;
package%EOL%those components that were completed and accepted during the previous feature development sprint/iterations.&#xD;
Components%EOL%that were not finished or not accepted should not be bundled, unless the customer has granted an exception&#xD;
or they are%EOL%infrastructure-related components.</sectionDescription>
<sections xmi:id="_IAEdguB-EeC1y_NExchKwQ" name="Test the release" guid="_IAEdguB-EeC1y_NExchKwQ">
<sectionDescription>After the components have been packaged and built, that executable should be installed and run in a test environment that&#xD;
mimics the production environment. A &quot;staging&quot; environment usually is maintained for this purpose. Testing typically&#xD;
includes a &quot;smoke test&quot; in which key features are exercised to highlight any unplanned behavior.</sectionDescription>
<sections xmi:id="_IAEdhOB-EeC1y_NExchKwQ" name="Tag source code repository" guid="_IAEdhOB-EeC1y_NExchKwQ">
<sectionDescription>In the team's configuration management (CM) tool, tag all the components that went into the release package so that the&#xD;
package can be reconstructed at a later date, if needed. This tag is known as the release &quot;baseline.&quot;</sectionDescription>
<sections xmi:id="_IAEdg-B-EeC1y_NExchKwQ" name="Package release documentation" guid="_IAEdg-B-EeC1y_NExchKwQ">
<sectionDescription>Gather all the product, user, and support documentation developed earlier in the production release sprint/iteration&#xD;
and%EOL%add it to the release package.</sectionDescription>
<sections xmi:id="_IAEdgeB-EeC1y_NExchKwQ" name="Deliver release package" guid="_IAEdgeB-EeC1y_NExchKwQ">
<sectionDescription>When the entire release package, including documentation, is ready, deliver it to the deployment manager and the release&#xD;
team in a timely manner. Be prepared to answer questions from the deployment engineer, especially questions about&#xD;
conformity to release controls.</sectionDescription>
<purpose>The purpose of this task is to render a complete, deployable package capable of being released into the production&#xD;
environment by the deployment engineer.</purpose>