blob: 527ec3dac417168842fb4c217f0316da96dc20a8 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<org.eclipse.epf.uma:TaskDescription xmi:version="2.0" xmlns:xmi="" xmlns:org.eclipse.epf.uma="" xmlns:rmc="" rmc:version="7.5.1" xmlns:epf="" epf:version="1.5.1" xmi:id="-zT8t7LcbcrgIhYd_XUi6DA" name="01_review_conform_to_release_controls,_PwLDcDHMEeC7j_IRiP-WPQ" guid="-zT8t7LcbcrgIhYd_XUi6DA" changeDate="2012-05-30T14:22:34.002-0700" version="7.5.1">
Release controls describe the minimum number of requirements that a software package must adhere to before being&#xD;
released into production. This is especially important if a development team is new or emerging, because they might not&#xD;
be aware of the great responsibilities a deployment manager has. In fact, a deployment manager is responsible to senior&#xD;
management for ensuring that nothing is placed into production that does not conform to the rigid controls designed to&#xD;
protect the IT organization's ability to successfully deliver IT services to internal and external customers.&#xD;
Release controls typically consist of the following:&#xD;
Release or deployment plan&#xD;
Backout plan&#xD;
Release component definitions&#xD;
Release package integrity verification&#xD;
References to configuration items (CIs)&#xD;
Customer approval&#xD;
Ready for transfer to operations and support staff&#xD;
<sections xmi:id="_IAJWAuB-EeC1y_NExchKwQ" name="Locate release controls" guid="_IAJWAuB-EeC1y_NExchKwQ">
<sectionDescription>If the program%sq%s release controls are not readily available, the development team must engage the deployment manager&#xD;
and/or%EOL%their deployment engineers to know where to find the release controls and be able to comply with them.</sectionDescription>
<sections xmi:id="_IAJWAeB-EeC1y_NExchKwQ" name="Review release controls" guid="_IAJWAeB-EeC1y_NExchKwQ">
<sectionDescription>The development team should thoroughly review the release controls so that it understands what is expected before a&#xD;
release%EOL%is accepted into the production environment. If the team has any questions or issues with the controls, team&#xD;
members should%EOL%communicate directly with the deployment manager or the deployment engineer to understand the issues.</sectionDescription>
<sections xmi:id="_IAJWAOB-EeC1y_NExchKwQ" name="Ensure the team release conforms to the controls" guid="_IAJWAOB-EeC1y_NExchKwQ">
Coordinated releases at the program level are very formal processes. They are formal for a very good reason - namely,&#xD;
the company's production environment could be corrupted and serious business ramifications could result, including:&#xD;
Lost revenue&#xD;
customer dissatisfaction&#xD;
Fines resulting from legal noncompliance&#xD;
Lost employee productivity&#xD;
All development team members that contribute to a release are expected to adhere to all the controls defined at the&#xD;
program level. Non-compliance could result in multiple impacts:&#xD;
The entire release being abandoned, which could lead to customer or end user dissatisfaction&#xD;
The results of multiple feature development Sprint/Iterations not being included in the release&#xD;
Embarrassment on the part of the development team member that did not comply with the controls&#xD;
Loss of funding for that development team&#xD;
<purpose>The purpose of this task is to ensure that there are no (or minimal) negative impacts to existing production systems,&#xD;
products, services, and operations.</purpose>