blob: b24cf1b4527a21fdc6e17cea4dc31cc39451a731 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<org.eclipse.epf.uma:ArtifactDescription xmi:version="2.0" xmlns:xmi="" xmlns:org.eclipse.epf.uma="" xmlns:epf="" epf:version="1.5.1" xmlns:rmc="" rmc:version="7.5.1" xmi:id="_BcBR8KX5EdmvhNXG0Oc2uA" name="iteration_plan,_0aQBEslgEdmt3adZL5Dmdw" guid="_BcBR8KX5EdmvhNXG0Oc2uA" changeDate="2008-08-18T04:06:22.000-0700" version="7.2.0">
This artifact captures the key milestones of an iteration, showing start and end dates, intermediate milestones,&#xD;
synchronization points with other teams, demos, and so on. This artifact is also used to capture issues that need to be&#xD;
solved during the iteration.&#xD;
You should list a few objectives for the iteration, which will help guide you throughout the iteration. Also, assess at&#xD;
the end if those objectives have been achieved.&#xD;
The task assignments for an iteration are a subset of all tasks on the &lt;a class=&quot;elementLinkWithType&quot;&#xD;
guid=&quot;_rGNWsCbSEdqh1LYUOGRh2A&quot;>Artifact: Work Items List&lt;/a>. Therefore, the iteration plan ideally references those&#xD;
work items.&#xD;
The evaluation criteria and iteration assessment information are captured in this artifact, so that you can communicate&#xD;
results and actions from assessments.&#xD;
Work items assigned to an iteration do not necessarily have the same priority. When selecting work items from the Work&#xD;
Items List, the iteration plan may end up having work items with different priorities (for example, you assign the&#xD;
remaining high priority work items, plus a few mid-priority ones from the Work Items List). Once work items have been&#xD;
assigned to the iteration, the team ensures that they can complete all work, regardless of original work item&#xD;
priorities. Deciding what to develop first on an iteration will vary across projects and iterations.&#xD;
The main objectives of the iteration plan are to provide the team with the following:&#xD;
One central place for information regarding iteration objectives&#xD;
A detailed plan with task assignments&#xD;
Evaluation results&#xD;
This artifact also helps the team to monitor the progress of the iteration, and keeps the results of the iteration&#xD;
assessment that may be useful for improving the next one.&#xD;
<impactOfNotHaving>Without this artifact, it will be difficult to assess the results of an iteration to determine whether or not the&#xD;
objectives have been met.</impactOfNotHaving>
<reasonsForNotNeeding>This artifact is not required if no iterations are being performed, or if the scope of the project and each iteration is&#xD;
sufficiently small as to be handled informally amongst the team.</reasonsForNotNeeding>
The level of detail or formality of the plan must be adapted to what you need in order to meet these objectives&#xD;
successfully. The plan could, for example, be captured on the following places:&#xD;
A whiteboard listing the objectives, task assignments, and evaluation criteria&#xD;
A one-page document listing the objectives and evaluation criteria of the iteration, as well as referencing the&#xD;
Work Items List for assignments for that iteration&#xD;
A more complex document, supported by a Gantt or Pert chart in a project planning tool&#xD;