blob: 6c3bde308acb5f815447d734b8c4527d7b0cfaa0 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<org.eclipse.epf.uma:GuidanceDescription xmi:version="2.0" xmlns:xmi="" xmlns:org.eclipse.epf.uma="" xmlns:epf="" epf:version="1.5.1" xmlns:rmc="" rmc:version="7.5.1" xmi:id="-IdlCQXdDNYGrGJU4TBwvCA" name="new_example,_Nzv5kDoAEdusGsHODb-STA" guid="-IdlCQXdDNYGrGJU4TBwvCA" changeDate="2009-08-05T04:38:30.000-0700" version="1.0.0">
1 Introduction&#xD;
This plan covers the content and enablement portions of the EPF 1.0 project. A separate plan covers the tooling&#xD;
2 Project Organization&#xD;
See also: &lt;a href=&quot;;>;/a>&lt;br />&#xD;
&lt;br />&#xD;
The work is divided into a number of content areas. Each content area is lead by a committer that is the content lead,&#xD;
working closely with a number of committers and contributors. The content lead is responsible for making sure that bugs&#xD;
and enhancement requests are triaged and assigned, and responsible for updating the project burndown (status) on a&#xD;
weekly basis.&lt;br />&#xD;
&lt;br />&#xD;
We also have a content architect (Ricardo Balduino), who is responsible for the overall structure and integration of&#xD;
content from all content areas.&#xD;
The work is divided into the following content areas:&#xD;
Project management: Chris Armstrong (lead), Jochen Krebs, Per Kroll&#xD;
Requirements: Chris Sibbald (lead), Paul Bramble, Ana Paula Valente Pereira, Leonardo Medeiros, Kurt Sand, Bruce&#xD;
MacIsaac, Jim Ruehlin, Ricardo Balduino, and others.&#xD;
Change management: Chris Sibbald (lead), Kurt Sand, and others.&#xD;
Development: Brian Lyons (lead), Scott Ambler, Ricardo Balduino, and others.&#xD;
Architecture: Mark Dickson (lead), Jim Ruehlin, Ana Pereira, Chris Doyle, and others.&#xD;
Test: Brian Lyons (lead), Nate Oster, Jeff Smith, Dana Spears, and others.&#xD;
General: Steve Adolph (lead),&#xD;
Developer outreach: Per Kroll / Naveena Bereny (leads), Ricardo Balduino, Scott Ambler, Kurt Sand, and others.&#xD;
3 Project Practices and Measurements&#xD;
The OpenUP component team will use OpenUP practices adapted to address the fact that we are doing content development&#xD;
rather than coding. Key artifacts include: Project Plan (Word), Work Item List (Bugzilla + Excel), Iteration Plan&#xD;
(Word), and Status Assessment (Word).&#xD;
Progress is tracked using two primary measurements using a point system. It is estimated that 1 point represents 2h of&#xD;
Project backlog: The project backlog shows progress relative to overall work to be done within the project.&#xD;
Iteration backlog: The iteration backlog shows progress relative to work intended for the current iteration.&#xD;
4&amp;nbsp; Project Milestones and Objectives&#xD;
This section covers objectives for the entire EPF 1.0 project.&#xD;
Governance process in place, including guidelines for how to work with CVS&#xD;
Tutorials available to help people adopt EPF composer&#xD;
Process tools matured and usable to produce a broad set of processes and method content.&#xD;
Basic set of interfaces / APIs defined, stabilized, and delivered.&#xD;
Deliver basic printing capability.&#xD;
Mature content. Deliver a mature OpenUP, and beta quality of one or more other processes, whereof one should be&#xD;
another agile process.&#xD;
Generate a high level of interest around EPF v1.0. Press releases, papers, tutorials, workshops, presentations,&#xD;
Identify a broader set of process champions with an interest to contribute to EPF within a specific domain, such as&#xD;
MDA or project management, or a specific vertical such as telecom.&lt;br />&#xD;
&lt;table title=&quot;&quot; cellspacing=&quot;0&quot; cellpadding=&quot;2&quot; width=&quot;85%&quot; border=&quot;1&quot;>&#xD;
&lt;strong>Primary Objective (risks and use cases scenarios)&lt;/strong>&#xD;
&lt;strong>Scheduled start or milestone&lt;/strong>&#xD;
&lt;strong>Duration Estimate (calendar days)&lt;/strong>&#xD;
Inception/ Warm-up&#xD;
Project acceptance and provisioning.&#xD;
IBM donation. Project environment established.&#xD;
Committer meeting. Project organization and plan agreed to.&#xD;
12/23/2005&lt;br />&#xD;
24 days&#xD;
Legal process to be completed by initial committers&#xD;
Train all committers.&#xD;
Provision project, set up website, mailing lists, etc.&#xD;
Agree on structure of OpenUP; agree on how to structure of OpenUP into work units, principles and&#xD;
resources to evolve each unit.&#xD;
Identify outreach activities&#xD;
1/16/2006&lt;br />&#xD;
2/28/2006&lt;br />&#xD;
43 days&#xD;
Agree on naming conventions&#xD;
Agree to key structural information for OpenUP (e.g. tasks, work products, etc. defined)&#xD;
Engage with additional contributors&#xD;
Agree on user experience and have a few examples for OpenUP&#xD;
Validate extensibility / composibility of OpenUP&#xD;
3/1/2006&lt;br />&#xD;
4/15/2006&lt;br />&#xD;
45 days&#xD;
Identify an initial set of key promoters presenting at conferences, writing blogs and articles,&#xD;
Agree on general structure of OpenUP&#xD;
4/15/2006&lt;br />&#xD;
45 days&#xD;
Produce realistic plans for M5&#xD;
Agree on a management process&#xD;
Have all structural content decisions taken&#xD;
Have 30% of content ready for review&#xD;
Plan Agile2006, SD Best Practices, and other outreach activities&#xD;
6/1/2006&lt;br />&#xD;
7/16/2006&lt;br />&#xD;
45 days&#xD;
Finalize structure&#xD;
Improve usability and first impression&#xD;
Review 30% of content&#xD;
Make additional 30% of content available for review&#xD;
Establish a functioning management process for the project&#xD;
Establish a review board&#xD;
Produce initial draft collateral for EPF 1.0 launch&#xD;
Make preview at Agile 2006 successful&#xD;
Start to build a user community. Identify 2 pilot projects.&#xD;
7/17/2006&lt;br />&#xD;
21 days&#xD;
Improve usability and first impression&#xD;
Have 60% of content reviewed&#xD;
Make the final 40% of content available for review&#xD;
Produce more draft collateral for EPF 1.0 launch&#xD;
Continue building a user community&#xD;
8/7/2006&lt;br />&#xD;
28 days&#xD;
Transition / End Game&#xD;
End game&#xD;
Finalize content 0.9&#xD;
Finalize launch collateral&#xD;
Plan next release&#xD;
9/4/2006&lt;br />&#xD;
28 days&#xD;
&lt;br />&#xD;
5 Deployment&#xD;
6 Lessons Learned&#xD;
N/A.&lt;br />&#xD;
&lt;br />&#xD;
&lt;br />&#xD;
&lt;/p>&lt;br />&#xD;
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