blob: f80ae059f95e3f0f2712894c06dfb4d6afbf2c00 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xmi:XMI xmi:version="2.0" xmlns:xmi="" xmlns:org.eclipse.epf.uma="" xmlns:epf="" epf:version="1.5.1" xmlns:rmc="" rmc:version="7.5.1">
<org.eclipse.epf.uma:DescriptorDescription xmi:id="-fz8LKMHNt9wb0sZo4mO04w" name="01_01_create_update_product_documenation,_VpCWQPd3EeCFmpfCmMPILg" guid="-fz8LKMHNt9wb0sZo4mO04w">
Development Team Members sometimes take documentation for granted, or do not give it enough consideration. However,&#xD;
after a product is delivered, Customers who pay for the system and for support often do not have enough information to&#xD;
effectively manage the product.&#xD;
If a Technical Writer is made available to a Development Team, that role often takes the burden off the team for&#xD;
developing the formal product documentation and for ensuring that it is in the correct format and business language. If&#xD;
a Technical Writer is not available, the Development Team and Product Owner must make every effort to create enough&#xD;
documentation to ensure that the features that have been developed for each Release are understood and can be&#xD;
communicated effectively by the paying Customer to their Stakeholders.&#xD;
Delivering a professionally developed product requires that a Development Team provide the Customer with accurate,&#xD;
detailed, and comprehensive product documentation.&#xD;
<org.eclipse.epf.uma:DescriptorDescription xmi:id="-h5qFmsSg2p-6LPnB_IUogA" name="01_02_create_update_user_documenation,_VpC9UPd3EeCFmpfCmMPILg" guid="-h5qFmsSg2p-6LPnB_IUogA">
User documentation might include all or parts of user manuals (electronic or paper-based), tutorials, frequently asked&#xD;
questions (FAQs), on-line Help Files, installation instructions, operational procedures, etc. User documentation often&#xD;
is used as the basis for training materials - if the documentation is of poor quality, the training materials might not&#xD;
be any better.&#xD;
Without good user documentation, a system might be well developed by a Development Team but might not meet the End User's&#xD;
expectations because they will not be able operate the application effectively.&#xD;
<org.eclipse.epf.uma:DescriptorDescription xmi:id="-gdsRvq0kijdAY9bJ0FONYg" name="01_03_create_update_support_documenation,_VpC9Ufd3EeCFmpfCmMPILg" guid="-gdsRvq0kijdAY9bJ0FONYg">
Support documentation often is the most overlooked aspect of a documentation effort. Anyone who has had the opportunity&#xD;
to provide End User support for a particular application can appreciate how important effective, well-written support&#xD;
documentation can be. This documentation very often is technical in nature and differs significantly from user or&#xD;
product documentation, which normally is written for the lay person.&#xD;
The Development Team should do its best to make sure that personnel who perform an IT support role have the right amount and&#xD;
the relevant type of information necessary to support the application, whether they provide Tier 1, Tier 2, or Tier 3&#xD;
support. Support documentation often is developed based on these three different support categories. How&#xD;
effectively the code base is commented and the ease with which those comments are found and understood contributes to&#xD;
the quality and quantity of support documentation.&#xD;
<org.eclipse.epf.uma:DescriptorDescription xmi:id="-qS1z2DJT2_jfCUcou-xFYw" name="technical_writer,_VpIc4Pd3EeCFmpfCmMPILg" guid="-qS1z2DJT2_jfCUcou-xFYw">
Some organizations might engage a Technical Writer to help a Development Team review and refine the documentation that&#xD;
is produced by the team during a Sprint/Iteration in support of delivered features.&#xD;
Because they often are skilled at creating and maintaining technical documentation, Technical Writers help to ensure&#xD;
consistency and conformance to corporate standards.&#xD;
<org.eclipse.epf.uma:DescriptorDescription xmi:id="-A9zavwG_ylHmUBtjwrhbpQ" name="product_owner,_VpIc5Pd3EeCFmpfCmMPILg" guid="-A9zavwG_ylHmUBtjwrhbpQ">
<keyConsiderations>The Product Owner's commitment is essential to ensure the project success. By defining the product vision, they provide&#xD;
direction to the team. By externally promoting each Sprint/Iteration result, the Product Owner brings recognition and motivation&#xD;
to the team.</keyConsiderations>
This role is the one and only person responsible for managing the Product Backlog and ensuring the value of the work&#xD;
the Development Team performs. The Product Owner has the responsibility of defining what is the right product to build,&#xD;
determining the order in which features will be built, and making sure that the product actually works. The Product&#xD;
Owner is responsible for defining the features of the product to be developed by the team in terms of:&#xD;
&lt;strong>Functionality:&lt;/strong> Identifies each product requirement as a Product Backlog Item and supplies&#xD;
details for those requirements when they are needed by the team, including specifying the acceptance tests for&#xD;
each requirement&#xD;
&lt;strong>Priority:&lt;/strong> Defines the order in which those backlog items will be developed, according to the value&#xD;
that they bring to Customers and users, which provides the team with a Product Backlog ready for Sprint/Iteration&#xD;
&lt;strong>Goal:&lt;/strong> Defines the release goals and makes decisions concerning release planning&#xD;
The Product Owner has the following responsibilities:&#xD;
&lt;ul class=&quot;noindent&quot;>&#xD;
Define the features of the product&#xD;
Decide on release date and content&#xD;
Responsible for the profitability of the product (ROI)&#xD;
Prioritize features according to market value&#xD;
Adjust features and priorities as needed&#xD;
Accept or reject work results&#xD;
This person maintains the Product Backlog and ensures that it is visible to everyone. Everyone understands what items&#xD;
have the highest priority, so everyone on the Development Team knows what will be worked on.&#xD;
The Product Owner is one person, not a committee. Committees may exist that advise or influence this person but team&#xD;
members who want to change an item's priority must first convince the Product Owner. In this way, organizational&#xD;
methods for setting priorities and requirements are influenced over time by this role.&#xD;
For the Product Owner to succeed, everyone in the organization must respect their decisions. No one is allowed to&#xD;
direct the Development Team to work from a different set of priorities. Team members are not allowed to follow the direction&#xD;
of anyone whose direction does not coincide with the direction provided by the Product Owner. The Product Owner’s&#xD;
decisions are visible in the content and prioritization of the Product Backlog. This visibility requires that the&#xD;
Product Owner do their best. Visibility makes the role of Product Owner both a demanding and a rewarding experience.&#xD;
The Product Owner is responsible for the first of the three Scrum ceremonies, Sprint/Iteration Planning. The Development Team evaluates&#xD;
the prioritized Product Backlog, identifies the top priority items, and commits to completing the selected items during&#xD;
a Sprint/Iteration. These items become the basis for the Sprint/Iteration Backlog.&#xD;
In return for the Development Team's commitment to completing the selected tasks, the Product Owner commits that they will&#xD;
not introduce new requirements to the team during the Sprint/Iteration. Requirements are allowed to change but only outside the&#xD;
Sprint/Iteration. After the team begins a Sprint/Iteration, it remains focused on the goals of that Sprint/Iteration. The only exception to this&#xD;
rule is that a similar amount of work can be removed from a Sprint/Iteration to accommodate a new requirement.&#xD;
<org.eclipse.epf.uma:DescriptorDescription xmi:id="-_kmWRdAS15z9HHQOi2bRUw" name="product_documentation,_VpJD8Pd3EeCFmpfCmMPILg" guid="-_kmWRdAS15z9HHQOi2bRUw">
Product documentation is created for the benefit of the marketing arm of an organization, the Program Manager, and&#xD;
those people who must assess the business value of a particular system.&#xD;
This is an often overlooked aspect of Development Team implementation. The team should consider that the customers of a&#xD;
particular Release usually are not technical themselves, but do require a detailed enough understanding of how their&#xD;
product operates and how it meets stated business goals and needs.&#xD;
<org.eclipse.epf.uma:DescriptorDescription xmi:id="-pyRevWV0HtFS5y1wBPcCjw" name="user_documentation,_VpJD8vd3EeCFmpfCmMPILg" guid="-pyRevWV0HtFS5y1wBPcCjw">
User documentation might include all or parts of user manuals (electronic or paper-based), tutorials, frequently asked&#xD;
questions (FAQs), on-line Help Files, installation instructions, work instructions, operational procedures, etc.&#xD;
<org.eclipse.epf.uma:DescriptorDescription xmi:id="-48XjWeRRpF2qfA3kioGYSA" name="support_documentation,_VpJD9Pd3EeCFmpfCmMPILg" guid="-48XjWeRRpF2qfA3kioGYSA">
Support documentation usually is developed for the three common tiers of a support organization. Tier 1 typically is&#xD;
the Help Desk where users call when they have a problem with a particular system. Tier 1 support personnel&#xD;
normally answer basic questions and, if necessary, log a ticket and escalate it to the appropriate Level 2 support&#xD;
Tier 2 support personnel may deal with more complex questions or issues regarding an application and might need to&#xD;
do some research on the characteristics of the system to provide an answer. If that person cannot resolve the&#xD;
issue, the ticket is escalated to Tier 3 support personnel who have a deeper understanding of the application's&#xD;
code and the technology support the system's architecture.&#xD;
To properly convey the necessary information to each support tier, the application's code base should be well commented&#xD;
and logically organized. This approach will facilitate the development of the support documentation.&#xD;
Support documentation typically includes:&#xD;
User manuals with work instructions, process descriptions, and procedures&#xD;
Communications, training, and knowledge transfer deliverables&#xD;
Support and operations manuals&#xD;
Service information, including Help Desk scripts&#xD;
<org.eclipse.epf.uma:ProcessDescription xmi:id="-yeqVyv9laglLKJHLoavEgA" name="prepare_product_documentation,_NTPI8fd3EeCFmpfCmMPILg" guid="-yeqVyv9laglLKJHLoavEgA"/>
<org.eclipse.epf.uma:DescriptorDescription xmi:id="-LQefSmUJtkoZkQhMtmQpfg" name="develop_training_materials,_ofI9sJlWEeGlkdGl1HQlDA" guid="-LQefSmUJtkoZkQhMtmQpfg">
Having the correct amount and type of materials available to adequately train End Users and supporters of an&#xD;
application is necessary to promote usability and to achieve the desired business value. If a Course Developer is&#xD;
available, they can assume most of the burden of creating the training materials, lab exercises, and workshops&amp;nbsp;for&#xD;
delivery of&amp;nbsp;those courses to either End Users or support personnel. If a Course Developer is not&#xD;
available,&amp;nbsp;Development Team Members should take the time to properly develop a suite of training materials for the&#xD;
feature set developed during a Release.&#xD;
Although different parts of training materials should be created during Feature Development Sprint/Iterations, the bulk of the&#xD;
work (and the integration of the materials) usually is reserved for the Release Sprint/Iteration that occurs immediately before a&#xD;
scheduled Release.&#xD;
<org.eclipse.epf.uma:DescriptorDescription xmi:id="-TEGuv2rdghGx-gULZxUyJQ" name="course_developer,_ofSHoJlWEeGlkdGl1HQlDA" guid="-TEGuv2rdghGx-gULZxUyJQ">
<refinedDescription>Many organizations engage Trainers to deliver product training to various audiences. Unlike a software Developer, most&#xD;
Trainers have extensive experience in delivering training materials in a fashion that is well suited to communicating&#xD;
complex concepts to End Users. They bring a necessary creativity and talent that complements the implementation and testing&#xD;
skills of a Development Team.</refinedDescription>
<org.eclipse.epf.uma:DescriptorDescription xmi:id="-81zxeCXkSnPW-ndmULZWlQ" name="training_materials,_ofSHoplWEeGlkdGl1HQlDA" guid="-81zxeCXkSnPW-ndmULZWlQ">
Training materials that can be used to train end users and production support personnel might consist of:&#xD;
Presentation slides&#xD;
Job aids&#xD;
On-line demos&#xD;
Video vignettes&#xD;
Lab exercises&#xD;
Workshop materials, etc.&#xD;