blob: 0a9fc76035b05ac25af2eb41fc51f39321d507be [file] [log] [blame]
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<xmi:XMI xmi:version="2.0" xmlns:xmi="" xmlns:org.eclipse.epf.uma="" xmlns:epf="" epf:version="1.5.1" xmlns:rmc="" rmc:version="7.5.1">
<org.eclipse.epf.uma:DescriptorDescription xmi:id="-S5JIDccPmUswHn8Fuoihmg" name="02_02_deliver_end_user_training,_iEP5wfd3EeCFmpfCmMPILg" guid="-S5JIDccPmUswHn8Fuoihmg">
Often, a Trainer will deliver training to End Users; rarely will the Development Team deliver training because&#xD;
they are busy developing additional features for this or other systems. If a Trainer is not available, the&#xD;
Product Owner might have to train the End Users.&#xD;
End User training usually consists of presentation slides, job aids, hands-on labs and exercises, or workshops that&#xD;
integrate these methods into an environment that the End Users can understand and relate to.&#xD;
<org.eclipse.epf.uma:DescriptorDescription xmi:id="-zWQaePGlqyQtrhSJIcFT5g" name="02_03_deliver_support_training,_iEP5wvd3EeCFmpfCmMPILg" guid="-zWQaePGlqyQtrhSJIcFT5g">
Because a Release ultimately will have to be supported by Help Desk or other technical personnel, a set of training&#xD;
materials designed to convey key concepts to those individuals must be developed and delivered by the&amp;nbsp;Development&#xD;
Team or by a technically oriented Trainer.&#xD;
Delivery of this training might include presentation slides, job aids, lab exercises, or workshops designed to provide&#xD;
real-world scenarios to accelerate learning and retention. In addition, the training materials might be different for&#xD;
each level (tier) of support.&#xD;
<org.eclipse.epf.uma:DescriptorDescription xmi:id="-EOsTkw08ZDXzyCHSCP-bPQ" name="trainer,_iEQg0vd3EeCFmpfCmMPILg" guid="-EOsTkw08ZDXzyCHSCP-bPQ">
<refinedDescription>Many organizations engage Trainers to deliver product training to various audiences. Unlike a software Developer, most&#xD;
Trainers have extensive experience in delivering training materials in a fashion that is well suited to communicating&#xD;
complex concepts to End Users. They bring a necessary creativity and talent that complements the implementation and testing&#xD;
skills of a Development Team.</refinedDescription>
<org.eclipse.epf.uma:DescriptorDescription xmi:id="-EeEevuLnY3VYk0iyk-4PNA" name="product_documentation,_iEQg1Pd3EeCFmpfCmMPILg" guid="-EeEevuLnY3VYk0iyk-4PNA">
Product documentation is created for the benefit of the marketing arm of an organization, the Program Manager, and&#xD;
those people who must assess the business value of a particular system.&#xD;
This is an often overlooked aspect of Development Team implementation. The team should consider that the customers of a&#xD;
particular Release usually are not technical themselves, but do require a detailed enough understanding of how their&#xD;
product operates and how it meets stated business goals and needs.&#xD;
<org.eclipse.epf.uma:DescriptorDescription xmi:id="-KHIo0rQQtM2BlPh4JWpGjg" name="support_documentation,_iEQg1vd3EeCFmpfCmMPILg" guid="-KHIo0rQQtM2BlPh4JWpGjg">
Support documentation usually is developed for the three common tiers of a support organization. Tier 1 typically is&#xD;
the Help Desk where users call when they have a problem with a particular system. Tier 1 support personnel&#xD;
normally answer basic questions and, if necessary, log a ticket and escalate it to the appropriate Level 2 support&#xD;
Tier 2 support personnel may deal with more complex questions or issues regarding an application and might need to&#xD;
do some research on the characteristics of the system to provide an answer. If that person cannot resolve the&#xD;
issue, the ticket is escalated to Tier 3 support personnel who have a deeper understanding of the application's&#xD;
code and the technology support the system's architecture.&#xD;
To properly convey the necessary information to each support tier, the application's code base should be well commented&#xD;
and logically organized. This approach will facilitate the development of the support documentation.&#xD;
Support documentation typically includes:&#xD;
User manuals with work instructions, process descriptions, and procedures&#xD;
Communications, training, and knowledge transfer deliverables&#xD;
Support and operations manuals&#xD;
Service information, including Help Desk scripts&#xD;
<org.eclipse.epf.uma:DescriptorDescription xmi:id="-EXc3pddBCA6wj8qQ0Dqamw" name="user_documentation,_iEQg2Pd3EeCFmpfCmMPILg" guid="-EXc3pddBCA6wj8qQ0Dqamw">
User documentation might include all or parts of user manuals (electronic or paper-based), tutorials, frequently asked&#xD;
questions (FAQs), on-line Help Files, installation instructions, work instructions, operational procedures, etc.&#xD;
<org.eclipse.epf.uma:DescriptorDescription xmi:id="-EIp0kjHvkMcdiHUnbnCsHQ" name="training_materials,_iEQg2vd3EeCFmpfCmMPILg" guid="-EIp0kjHvkMcdiHUnbnCsHQ">
Training materials that can be used to train end users and production support personnel might consist of:&#xD;
Presentation slides&#xD;
Job aids&#xD;
On-line demos&#xD;
Video vignettes&#xD;
Lab exercises&#xD;
Workshop materials, etc.&#xD;
<org.eclipse.epf.uma:ProcessDescription xmi:id="-XsPT6hPwaXWxv6Z9inqp2w" name="x,_ZikMkfd3EeCFmpfCmMPILg" guid="-XsPT6hPwaXWxv6Z9inqp2w"/>