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<mainDescription>&lt;a id=&quot;XE_test__developer_testing__test_ideas__for_method_calls&quot; name=&quot;XE_test__developer_testing__test_ideas__for_method_calls&quot;>&lt;/a>&lt;a id=&quot;XE_design__developer_testing__test_ideas__for_method_calls&quot; name=&quot;XE_design__developer_testing__test_ideas__for_method_calls&quot;>&lt;/a>&lt;a id=&quot;XE_test-ideas__for_method_calls&quot; name=&quot;XE_test-ideas__for_method_calls&quot;>&lt;/a> &#xD;
&lt;a id=&quot;Introduction&quot; name=&quot;Introduction&quot;>Introduction&lt;/a>&#xD;
Here's an example of defective code:&#xD;
File file = new File(stringName);&#xD;
The defect is that &lt;font size=&quot;+0&quot;>File.delete&lt;/font> can fail, but the code doesn't check for that. Fixing it requires&#xD;
the addition of the italicized code shown here:&#xD;
File file = new File(stringName);&#xD;
&lt;font color=&quot;#ff0000&quot;>&#xD;
if (&lt;/b>&lt;/i>&lt;/font>file.delete()&lt;font color=&quot;#ff0000&quot;>&#xD;
== false) {...}&lt;/b>&lt;/i>&lt;/font>&#xD;
This guideline describes a method for detecting cases where your code does not handle the result of calling a method.&#xD;
(Note that it assumes that the method called produces the correct result for whatever inputs you give it. That's&#xD;
something that should be tested, but creating test ideas for the called method is a separate activity. That is, it's&#xD;
not your job to test &lt;font size=&quot;+0&quot;>File.delete&lt;/font>.)&#xD;
The key notion is that you should create a test idea for each &lt;i>distinct unhandled relevant result&lt;/i> of a method&#xD;
call. To define that term, let's first look at &lt;i>result&lt;/i>. When a method executes, it changes the state of the&#xD;
world. Here are some examples:&#xD;
It might push return values on the runtime stack.&#xD;
It might throw an exception.&#xD;
It might change a global variable.&#xD;
It might update a record in a database.&#xD;
It might send data over the network.&#xD;
It might print a message to standard output.&#xD;
Now let's look at &lt;i>relevant&lt;/i>, again using some examples.&#xD;
Suppose the method being called prints a message to standard output. That &quot;changes the state of the world&quot;, but it&#xD;
cannot affect the further processing of this program. No matter what gets printed, even nothing at all, it can't&#xD;
affect the execution of your code.&#xD;
If the method returns true for success and false for failure, your program very likely should branch based on the&#xD;
result. So that return value is relevant.&#xD;
If the called method updates a database record that your code later reads and uses, the result (updating the&#xD;
record) is relevant.&#xD;
(There's no absolute line between relevant and irrelevant. By calling &lt;font size=&quot;+0&quot;>print&lt;/font>, your method might&#xD;
cause buffers to be allocated, and that allocation might be relevant after &lt;font size=&quot;+0&quot;>print&lt;/font> returns. It's&#xD;
conceivable that a defect might depend on whether and what buffers were allocated. It's conceivable, but is it at all&#xD;
A method might often have a very large number of results, but only some of them will be &lt;i>distinct&lt;/i>. For example,&#xD;
consider a method that writes bytes to disk. It might return a number less than zero to indicate failure; otherwise, it&#xD;
returns the number of bytes written (which might be fewer than the number requested). The large number of possibilities&#xD;
can be grouped into three distinct results:&#xD;
a number less than zero.&#xD;
the number written equals the number requested&#xD;
some bytes were written, but less than the number requested.&#xD;
All the values less than zero are grouped into one result because no reasonable program will make a distinction among&#xD;
them. All of them (if, indeed, more than one is possible) should be treated as an error. Similarly, if the code&#xD;
requested that 500 bytes be written, it doesn't matter if 34 were actually written or 340: the same thing will probably&#xD;
be done with the unwritten bytes. (If something different should be done for some value, such as 0, that will form a&#xD;
new distinct result.)&#xD;
There's one last word in the defining term to explain. This particular testing technique is not concerned with distinct&#xD;
results that are already &lt;i>handled&lt;/i>. Consider, again, this code:&#xD;
File file = new File(stringName);&#xD;
if (file.delete() == false) {...}&#xD;
There are two distinct results (true and false). The code handles them. It might handle them incorrectly, but test&#xD;
ideas from &lt;a class=&quot;elementLinkWithType&quot; href=&quot;./../../../xp/guidances/guidelines/test_ideas_for_booleans_and_boundaries.html&quot; guid=&quot;1.7150344523489172E-305&quot;>Guideline: Test Ideas for Booleans and Boundaries&lt;/a> will check that. This test&#xD;
technique is concerned with distinct results that are not specifically handled by distinct code. That might happen for&#xD;
two reasons: you thought the distinction was irrelevant, or you simply overlooked it. Here's an example of the first&#xD;
result = m.method();&#xD;
switch (result) {&#xD;
case FAIL:&#xD;
case CRASH:&#xD;
case DEFER:&#xD;
&lt;font size=&quot;+0&quot;>FAIL&lt;/font> and &lt;font size=&quot;+0&quot;>CRASH&lt;/font> are handled by the same code. It might be wise to check&#xD;
that that's really appropriate. Here's an example of an overlooked distinction:&#xD;
result = s.shutdown();&#xD;
if (result == PANIC) {&#xD;
} else {&#xD;
// success! Shut down the reactor.&#xD;
} &#xD;
It turns out that shutdown can return an additional distinct result: &lt;font size=&quot;+0&quot;>RETRY&lt;/font>. The code as written&#xD;
treats that case the same as the success case, which is almost certainly wrong.&#xD;
&lt;a id=&quot;FindingTestIdeas&quot; name=&quot;FindingTestIdeas&quot;>Finding test ideas&lt;/a>&#xD;
So your goal is to think of those distinct relevant results you previously overlooked. That seems impossible: why would&#xD;
you realize they're relevant now if you didn't earlier?&#xD;
The answer is that a systematic re-examination of your code, when in a testing frame of mind and not a programming&#xD;
frame of mind, can sometimes cause you to think new thoughts. You &lt;i>can&lt;/i> question your own assumptions by&#xD;
methodically stepping through your code, looking at the methods you call, rechecking their documentation, and thinking.&#xD;
Here are some cases to watch for.&#xD;
&quot;Impossible&quot; cases&#xD;
Often, it will appear that error returns are impossible. Doublecheck your assumptions.&#xD;
This example shows a Java implementation of a common Unix idiom for handling temporary files.&#xD;
File file = new File(&quot;tempfile&quot;);&#xD;
FileOutputStream s;&#xD;
try {&#xD;
// open the temp file.&#xD;
s = new FileOutputStream(file);&#xD;
} catch (IOException e) {...}&#xD;
// Make sure temp file will be deleted&#xD;
The goal is to make sure that a temporary file is always deleted, no matter how the program exits. You do this by&#xD;
creating the temporary file, then immediately deleting it. On Unix, you can continue to work with the deleted file, and&#xD;
the operating system takes care of cleaning up when the process exits. A not-painstaking Unix programmer might not&#xD;
write the code to check for a failed deletion. Since she just successfully created the file, she must be able to delete&#xD;
This trick doesn't work on Windows. The deletion will fail because the file is open. Discovering that fact is hard: as&#xD;
of August 2000, the Java documentation did not enumerate the situations in which &lt;font size=&quot;+0&quot;>delete&lt;/font> could&#xD;
fail; it merely says that it can. But-perhaps-when in &quot;testing mode&quot;, the programmer might question her assumption.&#xD;
Since her code is supposed to be &quot;write once, run everywhere&quot;, she might ask a Windows programmer when &lt;font size=&quot;+0&quot;>File.delete&lt;/font> fails on Windows and so discover the awful truth.&#xD;
&quot;Irrelevant&quot; cases&#xD;
Another force against noticing a distinct relevant value is being already convinced that it doesn't matter. A Java&#xD;
&lt;font size=&quot;+0&quot;>Comparator&lt;/font>'s &lt;font size=&quot;+0&quot;>compare&lt;/font> method returns either a number &amp;lt;0, 0, or a number&#xD;
&amp;gt;0. Those are three distinct cases that might be tried. This code lumps two of them together:&#xD;
void allCheck(Comparator c) {&#xD;
if (, o2) &amp;lt;= 0) {&#xD;
} else {&#xD;
} &#xD;
But that might be wrong. The way to discover whether it is or not is to try the two cases separately, even if you&#xD;
really believe it will make no difference. (Your beliefs are really what you're testing.) Note that you might be&#xD;
executing the &lt;font size=&quot;+0&quot;>then&lt;/font> case of the &lt;font size=&quot;+0&quot;>if&lt;/font> statement more than once for other&#xD;
reasons. Why not try one of them with the result less than 0 and one with the result exactly equal to zero?&#xD;
Uncaught exceptions&#xD;
Exceptions are a kind of distinct result. By way of background, consider this code:&#xD;
void process(Reader r) {&#xD;
try {&#xD;
int c =;&#xD;
} catch (IOException e) {&#xD;
You'd expect to check whether the handler code really does the right thing with a read failure. But suppose an&#xD;
exception is explicitly unhandled. Instead, it's allowed to propagate upward through the code under test. In Java, that&#xD;
might look like this:&#xD;
void process(Reader r) &lt;font color=&quot;#ff0000&quot;>&#xD;
throws IOException&lt;/b>&lt;/i>&lt;/font> {&#xD;
int c =;&#xD;
This technique asks you to test that case &lt;i>even though&lt;/i> the code explicitly doesn't handle it. Why? Because of&#xD;
this kind of fault:&#xD;
void process(Reader r) throws IOException {&#xD;
&lt;font color=&quot;#ff0000&quot;>&#xD;
int c =;&#xD;
&lt;font color=&quot;#ff0000&quot;>&#xD;
Here, the code affects global state (through &lt;font size=&quot;+0&quot;>Tracker.hold&lt;/font>). If the exception is thrown, &lt;font size=&quot;+0&quot;>Tracker.release&lt;/font> will never be called.&#xD;
(Notice that the failure to release will probably have no obvious immediate consequences. The problem will most likely&#xD;
not be visible until &lt;font size=&quot;+0&quot;>process&lt;/font> is called again, whereupon the attempt to &lt;font size=&quot;+0&quot;>hold&lt;/font> the object for a second time will fail. A good article about such defects is Keith Stobie's &lt;a href=&quot;; target=&quot;_blank&quot;>&quot;Testing for Exceptions&quot;&lt;/a>. &amp;nbsp; (&lt;a href=&quot;; target=&quot;_blank&quot;>Get Adobe Reader&lt;/a>))&#xD;
&lt;a id=&quot;UndiscoveredFaults&quot; name=&quot;UndiscoveredFaults&quot;>Undiscovered faults&lt;/a>&#xD;
This particular technique does not address all defects associated with method calls. Here are two kinds that it's&#xD;
unlikely to catch.&#xD;
Incorrect arguments&#xD;
Consider these two lines of C code, where the first line is wrong and the second line is correct.&#xD;
... strncmp(s1, s2, strlen(s1)) ...&#xD;
... strncmp(s1, s2, strlen(&lt;font color=&quot;#ff0000&quot;>&#xD;
s2&lt;/b>&lt;/i>&lt;/font>)) ...&#xD;
&lt;font size=&quot;+0&quot;>strncmp&lt;/font> compares two strings and returns a number less than 0 if the first one is&#xD;
lexicographically less than the second (would come earlier in a dictionary), 0 if they're equal, and a number greater&#xD;
than 0 if the first one is lexicographically larger. However, it only compares the number of characters given by the&#xD;
third argument. The problem is that the length of the first string is used to limit the comparison, whereas it should&#xD;
be the length of the second.&#xD;
This technique would require three tests, one for each distinct return value. Here are three you could use:&#xD;
&lt;div align=&quot;center&quot;>&#xD;
&lt;table style=&quot;BORDER-RIGHT: rgb(128,128,128) 1px solid; BORDER-TOP: rgb(128,128,128) 1px solid; BORDER-LEFT: rgb(128,128,128) 1px solid; BORDER-BOTTOM: rgb(128,128,128) 1px solid&quot; cellspacing=&quot;0&quot; bordercolordark=&quot;#808080&quot; cellpadding=&quot;4&quot; width=&quot;85%&quot; bordercolorlight=&quot;#808080&quot; border=&quot;1&quot;>&#xD;
&lt;th scope=&quot;col&quot; align=&quot;middle&quot; width=&quot;25%&quot; bgcolor=&quot;#c0c0c0&quot;>&#xD;
&lt;th scope=&quot;col&quot; align=&quot;middle&quot; width=&quot;25%&quot; bgcolor=&quot;#c0c0c0&quot;>&#xD;
&lt;th scope=&quot;col&quot; align=&quot;middle&quot; width=&quot;25%&quot; bgcolor=&quot;#c0c0c0&quot;>&#xD;
expected result&#xD;
&lt;th scope=&quot;col&quot; align=&quot;middle&quot; width=&quot;25%&quot; bgcolor=&quot;#c0c0c0&quot;>&#xD;
actual result&#xD;
&lt;td align=&quot;middle&quot; width=&quot;25%&quot;>&#xD;
&lt;td align=&quot;middle&quot; width=&quot;25%&quot;>&#xD;
&lt;td align=&quot;middle&quot; width=&quot;25%&quot;>&#xD;
&lt;td align=&quot;middle&quot; width=&quot;25%&quot;>&#xD;
&lt;td align=&quot;middle&quot; width=&quot;25%&quot;>&#xD;
&lt;td align=&quot;middle&quot; width=&quot;25%&quot;>&#xD;
&lt;td align=&quot;middle&quot; width=&quot;25%&quot;>&#xD;
&lt;td align=&quot;middle&quot; width=&quot;25%&quot;>&#xD;
&lt;td align=&quot;middle&quot; width=&quot;25%&quot;>&#xD;
&lt;td align=&quot;middle&quot; width=&quot;25%&quot;>&#xD;
&lt;td align=&quot;middle&quot; width=&quot;25%&quot;>&#xD;
&lt;td align=&quot;middle&quot; width=&quot;25%&quot;>&#xD;
&lt;/table>&lt;br />&#xD;
The defect is not discovered because nothing in this technique &lt;i>forces&lt;/i> the third argument to have any particular&#xD;
value. What's needed is a test case like this:&#xD;
&lt;div align=&quot;center&quot;>&#xD;
&lt;table style=&quot;BORDER-RIGHT: rgb(128,128,128) 1px solid; BORDER-TOP: rgb(128,128,128) 1px solid; BORDER-LEFT: rgb(128,128,128) 1px solid; BORDER-BOTTOM: rgb(128,128,128) 1px solid&quot; cellspacing=&quot;0&quot; bordercolordark=&quot;#808080&quot; cellpadding=&quot;4&quot; width=&quot;85%&quot; bordercolorlight=&quot;#808080&quot; border=&quot;1&quot;>&#xD;
&lt;th scope=&quot;col&quot; align=&quot;middle&quot; width=&quot;25%&quot; bgcolor=&quot;#c0c0c0&quot;>&#xD;
&lt;th scope=&quot;col&quot; align=&quot;middle&quot; width=&quot;25%&quot; bgcolor=&quot;#c0c0c0&quot;>&#xD;
&lt;th scope=&quot;col&quot; align=&quot;middle&quot; width=&quot;25%&quot; bgcolor=&quot;#c0c0c0&quot;>&#xD;
&lt;b>expected result&lt;/b>&#xD;
&lt;th scope=&quot;col&quot; align=&quot;middle&quot; width=&quot;25%&quot; bgcolor=&quot;#c0c0c0&quot;>&#xD;
&lt;b>actual result&lt;/b>&#xD;
&lt;td align=&quot;middle&quot; width=&quot;25%&quot;>&#xD;
&lt;td align=&quot;middle&quot; width=&quot;25%&quot;>&#xD;
&quot;foo&lt;font color=&quot;#ff0000&quot;>&lt;i>&lt;b>d&lt;/b>&lt;/i>&lt;/font>&quot;&#xD;
&lt;td align=&quot;middle&quot; width=&quot;25%&quot;>&#xD;
&lt;font color=&quot;#ff0000&quot;>&lt;i>&lt;b>&amp;lt;0&lt;/b>&lt;/i>&lt;/font>&#xD;
&lt;td align=&quot;middle&quot; width=&quot;25%&quot;>&#xD;
&lt;/table>&lt;br />&#xD;
While there are techniques suitable for catching such defects, they are seldom used in practice. Your testing effort is&#xD;
probably better spent on a rich set of tests that targets many types of defects (and that you hope catches this type as&#xD;
a side effect).&#xD;
Indistinct results&#xD;
There's a danger that comes when you're coding - and testing - method-by-method. Here's an example. There are two&#xD;
methods. The first, &lt;font size=&quot;+0&quot;>connect&lt;/font>, wants to establish a network connection:&#xD;
void connect() {&#xD;
Integer portNumber = serverPortFromUser();&#xD;
if (portNumber == null) {&#xD;
// pop up message about invalid port number&#xD;
It calls &lt;font size=&quot;+0&quot;>serverPortFromUser&lt;/font> to get a port number. That method returns two distinct values. It&#xD;
returns a port number chosen by the user if the number chosen is valid (1000 or greater). Otherwise, it returns null.&#xD;
If null is returned, the code under test pops up an error message and quits.&#xD;
When &lt;font size=&quot;+0&quot;>connect&lt;/font> was tested, it worked as intended: a valid port number caused a connection to be&#xD;
established, and an invalid one led to a popup.&#xD;
The code to &lt;font size=&quot;+0&quot;>serverPortFromUser&lt;/font> is a bit more complicated. It first pops up a window that asks&#xD;
for a string and has the standard OK and CANCEL buttons. Based on what the user does, there are four cases:&#xD;
If the user types a valid number, that number is returned.&#xD;
If the number is too small (less than 1000), null is returned (so the message about invalid port number will be&#xD;
If the number is misformatted, null is again returned (and the same message is appropriate).&#xD;
If the user clicks CANCEL, null is returned.&#xD;
This code also works as intended.&#xD;
The combination of the two chunks of code, though, has a bad consequence: the user presses CANCEL and gets a message&#xD;
about an invalid port number. All the code works as intended, but the overall effect is still wrong. It was tested in a&#xD;
reasonable way, but a defect was missed.&#xD;
The problem here is that &lt;font size=&quot;+0&quot;>null&lt;/font> is one result that represents two distinct &lt;i>meanings&lt;/i> (&quot;bad&#xD;
value&quot; and &quot;user cancelled&quot;). Nothing in this technique forces you to notice that problem with the design of &lt;font size=&quot;+0&quot;>serverPortFromUser&lt;/font>.&#xD;
Testing can help, though. When &lt;font size=&quot;+0&quot;>serverPortFromUser&lt;/font> is tested in isolation - just to see if it&#xD;
returns the intended value in each of those four cases - the context of use is lost. Instead, suppose it were tested&#xD;
via &lt;font size=&quot;+0&quot;>connect&lt;/font>. There would be four tests that would exercise both of the methods simultaneously:&#xD;
&lt;div align=&quot;center&quot;>&#xD;
&lt;table style=&quot;BORDER-RIGHT: rgb(128,128,128) 1px solid; BORDER-TOP: rgb(128,128,128) 1px solid; BORDER-LEFT: rgb(128,128,128) 1px solid; BORDER-BOTTOM: rgb(128,128,128) 1px solid&quot; cellspacing=&quot;0&quot; bordercolordark=&quot;#808080&quot; cellpadding=&quot;4&quot; width=&quot;85%&quot; bordercolorlight=&quot;#808080&quot; border=&quot;1&quot;>&#xD;
&lt;th scope=&quot;col&quot; align=&quot;middle&quot; width=&quot;25%&quot; bgcolor=&quot;#c0c0c0&quot;>&#xD;
&lt;th scope=&quot;col&quot; align=&quot;middle&quot; width=&quot;25%&quot; bgcolor=&quot;#c0c0c0&quot;>&#xD;
expected result&#xD;
&lt;th scope=&quot;col&quot; align=&quot;middle&quot; width=&quot;25%&quot; bgcolor=&quot;#c0c0c0&quot;>&#xD;
thought process&#xD;
&lt;td align=&quot;middle&quot; width=&quot;25%&quot;>&#xD;
user types &quot;1000&quot;&#xD;
&lt;td align=&quot;middle&quot; width=&quot;25%&quot;>&#xD;
connection to port 1000 is opened&#xD;
&lt;td align=&quot;middle&quot; width=&quot;25%&quot;>&#xD;
&lt;font size=&quot;+0&quot;>serverPortFromUser&lt;/font> returns a number, which is used.&#xD;
&lt;p align=&quot;center&quot;>&#xD;
user types &quot;999&quot;&#xD;
&lt;p align=&quot;center&quot;>&#xD;
popup about invalid port number&#xD;
&lt;p align=&quot;center&quot;>&#xD;
&lt;font size=&quot;+0&quot;>serverPortFromUser&lt;/font> returns null, which leads to popup&#xD;
&lt;td align=&quot;middle&quot; width=&quot;25%&quot;>&#xD;
&lt;p align=&quot;center&quot;>&#xD;
user types &quot;i99&quot;&#xD;
&lt;td align=&quot;middle&quot; width=&quot;25%&quot;>&#xD;
popup about invalid port number&#xD;
&lt;td align=&quot;middle&quot; width=&quot;25%&quot;>&#xD;
&lt;font size=&quot;+0&quot;>serverPortFromUser&lt;/font> returns null, which leads to popup&#xD;
&lt;td align=&quot;middle&quot; width=&quot;25%&quot;>&#xD;
users clicks CANCEL&#xD;
&lt;td align=&quot;middle&quot; width=&quot;25%&quot;>&#xD;
whole connection process should be cancelled&#xD;
&lt;td align=&quot;middle&quot; width=&quot;25%&quot;>&#xD;
&lt;font size=&quot;+0&quot;>&lt;i>serverPortFromUser&lt;/i>&lt;/font> &lt;i>returns null, hey wait a minute that doesn't make&#xD;
&lt;/table>&lt;br />&#xD;
As is often the case, testing in a larger context reveals integration problems that escape small-scale testing. And, as&#xD;
is also often the case, careful thought during test design reveals the problem before the test is run. (But if the&#xD;
defect isn't caught then, it will be caught when the test is run.)&lt;br />&#xD;
&lt;br />&#xD;