blob: 8a720dcc80853ee1a980543e0b0bad1569021cbb [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xmi:XMI xmi:version="2.0" xmlns:xmi="" xmlns:org.eclipse.epf.uma="" xmlns:epf="" epf:version="1.5.1" xmlns:rmc="" rmc:version="7.5.1">
<org.eclipse.epf.uma:ProcessDescription xmi:id="-z9VrO6XKxLBPsLPbkRNDlg" name="discovery,_40DokXqkEd2o_5d3MWaNxQ" guid="-z9VrO6XKxLBPsLPbkRNDlg" version="7.5.1"/>
<org.eclipse.epf.uma:DescriptorDescription xmi:id="-lm3kKBz3aGKgtfJqku4utw" name="identify_decision_point,_ELiLsD3hEd-rQL4FfV6WbQ" guid="-lm3kKBz3aGKgtfJqku4utw">
A &lt;a class=&quot;elementLink&quot; href=&quot;./../../;
guid=&quot;_XUyFIEb1EdySHMdInS9eGA&quot;>Decision point&lt;/a>&amp;nbsp;represents an activity in a business process where decisions are
done. When looking at a task description it is important to search for mental thinking verb, most of the time there is
a set of knowledge to apply to execute this task, which leads to decision. This could be human knowledge or business
logic implementation in a software component. The type of decision will most likely be a reject or accept of the
business event or flag it for future processing downstream in the business process. The decision may also include some
computational expressions to assign value to attribute of the business transaction. Therefore to find decision point in
a business process or use case description start by searching for mental, action verb like analyze, check, validate,
evaluate, verify, assess, ...
In a BPMN process diagram a business process analyst and/ or a rule analyst can annotate the process to highlight
decision point in the process.
&lt;img height=&quot;363&quot; alt=&quot;&quot; src=&quot;resources/finddecisionpoint.bmp&quot; width=&quot;1572&quot; />
The search for decision point, attached to a business process description (done with use case or with BPMN does not
matter), helps to drive the rule analysis, and helps the business to focus at the business rule&amp;nbsp;enforcement.
If&amp;nbsp;the business team misses where the rule should be enforced, he can spend months defining business rules which
IT does not understand where to deploy them. The decision point can help drive the discovery of the business policies
and rules, for an implementation point of view, as well as a way to organize the top down approach. A decision point
support multiple rules, and if implemented with a rule engine, the rules are packaged as rule set.
Also finding the decision points involves studying&lt;br />
• Which use cases/scenarios represent decisions - At what steps in the use case is a decision made?&lt;br />
• Which requirements constitute rich set of decisions?&lt;br />
• Which steps/cases/requirements represent significant complexity?&lt;br />
• Which steps/cases/requirements are most subject to change?&lt;br />
• Look for decision diamonds in the flow charts and activity diagrams, the gateway by itself route the data to the next
activity, but the activity before the gateway should be rich in decisions.
The documentation of the decision point can be done in table format.
<org.eclipse.epf.uma:DescriptorDescription xmi:id="-68Th4UZYizWD_CWSKyd3iw" name="review_decision_point_table,_H0NM8Ht0Ed2obd5av1OT7w" guid="-68Th4UZYizWD_CWSKyd3iw">
<refinedDescription>&lt;a id=&quot;XE_decision_point_table__review&quot; name=&quot;XE_decision_point_table__review&quot;>&lt;/a>See the step description&amp;nbsp;below.</refinedDescription>
<org.eclipse.epf.uma:DescriptorDescription xmi:id="-Jj9nvyH0gVrdCHxKpOws0A" name="decision_point_table,_H0NM8nt0Ed2obd5av1OT7w" guid="-Jj9nvyH0gVrdCHxKpOws0A">
<refinedDescription>&lt;a id=&quot;XE_decision_point_table&quot; name=&quot;XE_decision_point_table&quot;>&lt;/a>
style=&quot;FONT-SIZE: 10pt; FONT-FAMILY: Arial; mso-bidi-language: AR-SA; mso-fareast-font-family: 'Times New Roman'; mso-ansi-language: EN-US; mso-fareast-language: EN-US&quot;>Groups
together all potential rules that determine one decision.&lt;/span> &lt;a id=&quot;XE_decision_point&quot; name=&quot;XE_decision_point&quot;>It
can be found in a use case description or in a Business Process Map task description.&lt;/a>&amp;nbsp;Presented in table
format the project team can use the following template:
&lt;/p>&lt;br />
&lt;div align=&quot;center&quot;>
&lt;table class=&quot;ISISTable&quot;
style=&quot;BORDER-RIGHT: medium none; BORDER-TOP: medium none; BORDER-LEFT: medium none; WIDTH: 496.15pt; BORDER-BOTTOM: medium none; BORDER-COLLAPSE: collapse; mso-border-alt: solid silver 1.0pt; mso-yfti-tbllook: 480; mso-padding-alt: 0cm 5.4pt 0cm 5.4pt; mso-border-insideh: 1.0pt solid silver; mso-border-insidev: 1.0pt solid silver&quot;
cellspacing=&quot;0&quot; cellpadding=&quot;0&quot; width=&quot;662&quot; border=&quot;1&quot;>
&lt;tr style=&quot;HEIGHT: 15.75pt; mso-yfti-irow: -1; mso-yfti-firstrow: yes&quot;>
style=&quot;BORDER-RIGHT: gray 1pt solid; PADDING-RIGHT: 5.4pt; BORDER-TOP: gray 1pt solid; PADDING-LEFT: 5.4pt; BACKGROUND: #f3f3f3; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0cm; BORDER-LEFT: gray 1pt solid; WIDTH: 70.9pt; PADDING-TOP: 0cm; BORDER-BOTTOM: gray 1pt solid; HEIGHT: 15.75pt&quot;
valign=&quot;top&quot; width=&quot;95&quot;>
&lt;p class=&quot;MsoNormalCxSpFirst&quot; style=&quot;TEXT-ALIGN: center; mso-yfti-cnfc: 1&quot; align=&quot;center&quot;>
&lt;b>&lt;i style=&quot;mso-bidi-font-style: normal&quot;>&lt;span style=&quot;COLOR: #005da0; mso-bidi-language: HE&quot;>&lt;font
size=&quot;3&quot;>&lt;font face=&quot;Times New Roman&quot;>Decision Point&lt;span style=&quot;mso-spacerun: yes&quot;>&amp;nbsp;&lt;/span>
style=&quot;BORDER-RIGHT: gray 1pt solid; PADDING-RIGHT: 5.4pt; BORDER-TOP: gray 1pt solid; PADDING-LEFT: 5.4pt; BACKGROUND: #f3f3f3; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0cm; BORDER-LEFT: #ece9d8; WIDTH: 148.85pt; PADDING-TOP: 0cm; BORDER-BOTTOM: gray 1pt solid; HEIGHT: 15.75pt; mso-border-left-alt: solid gray 1.0pt&quot;
valign=&quot;top&quot; width=&quot;198&quot;>
&lt;p class=&quot;MsoNormalCxSpMiddle&quot; style=&quot;TEXT-ALIGN: center; mso-yfti-cnfc: 1&quot; align=&quot;center&quot;>
&lt;b>&lt;i style=&quot;mso-bidi-font-style: normal&quot;>&lt;span style=&quot;COLOR: #005da0; mso-bidi-language: HE&quot;>&lt;font
size=&quot;3&quot;>&lt;font face=&quot;Times New Roman&quot;>Description&lt;/font>&lt;/font>&lt;/span>&lt;/i>&lt;/b>
style=&quot;BORDER-RIGHT: gray 1pt solid; PADDING-RIGHT: 5.4pt; BORDER-TOP: gray 1pt solid; PADDING-LEFT: 5.4pt; BACKGROUND: #f3f3f3; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0cm; BORDER-LEFT: #ece9d8; WIDTH: 106.65pt; PADDING-TOP: 0cm; BORDER-BOTTOM: gray 1pt solid; HEIGHT: 15.75pt; mso-border-left-alt: solid gray 1.0pt&quot;
valign=&quot;top&quot; width=&quot;142&quot;>
&lt;p class=&quot;MsoNormalCxSpMiddle&quot; style=&quot;TEXT-ALIGN: center; mso-yfti-cnfc: 1&quot; align=&quot;center&quot;>
&lt;b>&lt;i style=&quot;mso-bidi-font-style: normal&quot;>&lt;span style=&quot;COLOR: #005da0; mso-bidi-language: HE&quot;>&lt;font
size=&quot;3&quot;>&lt;font face=&quot;Times New Roman&quot;>Source for Rule Discovery&lt;/font>&lt;/font>&lt;/span>&lt;/i>&lt;/b>
style=&quot;BORDER-RIGHT: gray 1pt solid; PADDING-RIGHT: 5.4pt; BORDER-TOP: gray 1pt solid; PADDING-LEFT: 5.4pt; BACKGROUND: #f3f3f3; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0cm; BORDER-LEFT: #ece9d8; WIDTH: 94.75pt; PADDING-TOP: 0cm; BORDER-BOTTOM: gray 1pt solid; HEIGHT: 15.75pt; mso-border-left-alt: solid gray 1.0pt&quot;
valign=&quot;top&quot; width=&quot;126&quot;>
&lt;p class=&quot;MsoNormalCxSpMiddle&quot; style=&quot;TEXT-ALIGN: center; mso-yfti-cnfc: 1&quot; align=&quot;center&quot;>
&lt;font size=&quot;3&quot;>&lt;font face=&quot;Times New Roman&quot;>&lt;b>&lt;i style=&quot;mso-bidi-font-style: normal&quot;>&lt;span
style=&quot;COLOR: #005da0; mso-bidi-language: HE&quot;>Current&lt;/span>&lt;/i>&lt;/b> &lt;b>&lt;i
style=&quot;mso-bidi-font-style: normal&quot;>&lt;span
style=&quot;COLOR: #005da0; mso-bidi-language: HE&quot;>State&lt;/span>&lt;/i>&lt;/b> &lt;b>&lt;i
style=&quot;mso-bidi-font-style: normal&quot;>&lt;span style=&quot;COLOR: #005da0; mso-bidi-language: HE&quot;>of
style=&quot;BORDER-RIGHT: gray 1pt solid; PADDING-RIGHT: 5.4pt; BORDER-TOP: gray 1pt solid; PADDING-LEFT: 5.4pt; BACKGROUND: #f3f3f3; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0cm; BORDER-LEFT: #ece9d8; WIDTH: 75pt; PADDING-TOP: 0cm; BORDER-BOTTOM: gray 1pt solid; HEIGHT: 15.75pt; mso-border-left-alt: solid gray 1.0pt&quot;
valign=&quot;top&quot; width=&quot;100&quot;>
&lt;p class=&quot;MsoNormalCxSpMiddle&quot; style=&quot;TEXT-ALIGN: center; mso-yfti-cnfc: 1&quot; align=&quot;center&quot;>
&lt;b>&lt;i style=&quot;mso-bidi-font-style: normal&quot;>&lt;span style=&quot;COLOR: #005da0; mso-bidi-language: HE&quot;>&lt;font
size=&quot;3&quot;>&lt;font face=&quot;Times New Roman&quot;>Rule Owner -&lt;/font>&lt;/font>&lt;/span>&lt;/i>&lt;/b>
&lt;p class=&quot;MsoNormalCxSpMiddle&quot; style=&quot;TEXT-ALIGN: center; mso-yfti-cnfc: 1&quot; align=&quot;center&quot;>
&lt;b>&lt;i style=&quot;mso-bidi-font-style: normal&quot;>&lt;span style=&quot;COLOR: #005da0; mso-bidi-language: HE&quot;>&lt;font
size=&quot;3&quot;>&lt;font face=&quot;Times New Roman&quot;>SME&lt;/font>&lt;/font>&lt;/span>&lt;/i>&lt;/b>
&lt;tr style=&quot;mso-yfti-irow: 0&quot;>
style=&quot;BORDER-RIGHT: silver 1pt solid; PADDING-RIGHT: 5.4pt; BORDER-TOP: #ece9d8; PADDING-LEFT: 5.4pt; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0cm; BORDER-LEFT: silver 1pt solid; WIDTH: 70.9pt; PADDING-TOP: 0cm; BORDER-BOTTOM: silver 1pt solid; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent; mso-border-top-alt: solid silver 1.0pt&quot;
valign=&quot;top&quot; width=&quot;95&quot;>
&lt;br class=&quot;MsoNormalCxSpMiddle&quot; />
&lt;br />
style=&quot;BORDER-RIGHT: silver 1pt solid; PADDING-RIGHT: 5.4pt; BORDER-TOP: #ece9d8; PADDING-LEFT: 5.4pt; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0cm; BORDER-LEFT: #ece9d8; WIDTH: 148.85pt; PADDING-TOP: 0cm; BORDER-BOTTOM: silver 1pt solid; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent; mso-border-left-alt: solid silver 1.0pt; mso-border-top-alt: solid silver 1.0pt&quot;
valign=&quot;top&quot; width=&quot;198&quot;>
&lt;br class=&quot;MsoNormalCxSpMiddle&quot; />
&lt;br />
style=&quot;BORDER-RIGHT: silver 1pt solid; PADDING-RIGHT: 5.4pt; BORDER-TOP: #ece9d8; PADDING-LEFT: 5.4pt; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0cm; BORDER-LEFT: #ece9d8; WIDTH: 106.65pt; PADDING-TOP: 0cm; BORDER-BOTTOM: silver 1pt solid; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent; mso-border-left-alt: solid silver 1.0pt; mso-border-top-alt: solid silver 1.0pt&quot;
valign=&quot;top&quot; width=&quot;142&quot;>
&lt;br class=&quot;MsoNormalCxSpMiddle&quot; />
&lt;br />
style=&quot;BORDER-RIGHT: silver 1pt solid; PADDING-RIGHT: 5.4pt; BORDER-TOP: #ece9d8; PADDING-LEFT: 5.4pt; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0cm; BORDER-LEFT: #ece9d8; WIDTH: 94.75pt; PADDING-TOP: 0cm; BORDER-BOTTOM: silver 1pt solid; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent; mso-border-left-alt: solid silver 1.0pt; mso-border-top-alt: solid silver 1.0pt&quot;
valign=&quot;top&quot; width=&quot;126&quot;>
&lt;br class=&quot;MsoNormalCxSpMiddle&quot; />
&lt;br />
style=&quot;BORDER-RIGHT: silver 1pt solid; PADDING-RIGHT: 5.4pt; BORDER-TOP: #ece9d8; PADDING-LEFT: 5.4pt; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0cm; BORDER-LEFT: #ece9d8; WIDTH: 75pt; PADDING-TOP: 0cm; BORDER-BOTTOM: silver 1pt solid; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent; mso-border-left-alt: solid silver 1.0pt; mso-border-top-alt: solid silver 1.0pt&quot;
valign=&quot;top&quot; width=&quot;100&quot;>
&lt;br class=&quot;MsoNormalCxSpMiddle&quot; />
&lt;br />
&lt;tr style=&quot;mso-yfti-irow: 1; mso-yfti-lastrow: yes&quot;>
style=&quot;BORDER-RIGHT: silver 1pt solid; PADDING-RIGHT: 5.4pt; BORDER-TOP: #ece9d8; PADDING-LEFT: 5.4pt; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0cm; BORDER-LEFT: silver 1pt solid; WIDTH: 70.9pt; PADDING-TOP: 0cm; BORDER-BOTTOM: silver 1pt solid; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent; mso-border-top-alt: solid silver 1.0pt&quot;
valign=&quot;top&quot; width=&quot;95&quot;>
&lt;br class=&quot;MsoNormalCxSpMiddle&quot; />
&lt;br />
style=&quot;BORDER-RIGHT: silver 1pt solid; PADDING-RIGHT: 5.4pt; BORDER-TOP: #ece9d8; PADDING-LEFT: 5.4pt; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0cm; BORDER-LEFT: #ece9d8; WIDTH: 148.85pt; PADDING-TOP: 0cm; BORDER-BOTTOM: silver 1pt solid; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent; mso-border-left-alt: solid silver 1.0pt; mso-border-top-alt: solid silver 1.0pt&quot;
valign=&quot;top&quot; width=&quot;198&quot;>
&lt;br class=&quot;MsoNormalCxSpMiddle&quot; />
&lt;br />
style=&quot;BORDER-RIGHT: silver 1pt solid; PADDING-RIGHT: 5.4pt; BORDER-TOP: #ece9d8; PADDING-LEFT: 5.4pt; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0cm; BORDER-LEFT: #ece9d8; WIDTH: 106.65pt; PADDING-TOP: 0cm; BORDER-BOTTOM: silver 1pt solid; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent; mso-border-left-alt: solid silver 1.0pt; mso-border-top-alt: solid silver 1.0pt&quot;
valign=&quot;top&quot; width=&quot;142&quot;>
&lt;br class=&quot;MsoNormalCxSpMiddle&quot; />
&lt;br />
style=&quot;BORDER-RIGHT: silver 1pt solid; PADDING-RIGHT: 5.4pt; BORDER-TOP: #ece9d8; PADDING-LEFT: 5.4pt; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0cm; BORDER-LEFT: #ece9d8; WIDTH: 94.75pt; PADDING-TOP: 0cm; BORDER-BOTTOM: silver 1pt solid; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent; mso-border-left-alt: solid silver 1.0pt; mso-border-top-alt: solid silver 1.0pt&quot;
valign=&quot;top&quot; width=&quot;126&quot;>
&lt;br class=&quot;MsoNormalCxSpMiddle&quot; />
&lt;br />
style=&quot;BORDER-RIGHT: silver 1pt solid; PADDING-RIGHT: 5.4pt; BORDER-TOP: #ece9d8; PADDING-LEFT: 5.4pt; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0cm; BORDER-LEFT: #ece9d8; WIDTH: 75pt; PADDING-TOP: 0cm; BORDER-BOTTOM: silver 1pt solid; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent; mso-border-left-alt: solid silver 1.0pt; mso-border-top-alt: solid silver 1.0pt&quot;
valign=&quot;top&quot; width=&quot;100&quot;>
&lt;br class=&quot;MsoNormalCxSpMiddle&quot; />
&lt;br />
&lt;/div>&lt;br />
The name should be explicit and without any ambiguity. It helps to link back to the business process or use case step.
An example may be &quot;claim data review&quot;, or &quot;loan eligibility&quot;...
The source for rule discovery describes the main sources of rule harvesting like human, code, database, book, policies,
The current state of automation is optional and just list&amp;nbsp;if for this given decision point we can have tools which
can migrate the business rules&amp;nbsp;from one format to another.&amp;nbsp;
The last column can be useful to define who will be the owner of the rule set(s) supporting the decision point. He/She
will be an important actor of the rule discovery.
<org.eclipse.epf.uma:DescriptorDescription xmi:id="-FWD_oEKFs78KJKJ_KSHXHw" name="business_process_map,_H0NM83t0Ed2obd5av1OT7w" guid="-FWD_oEKFs78KJKJ_KSHXHw">
<refinedDescription>&lt;a id=&quot;XE_business_process_map&quot; name=&quot;XE_business_process_map&quot;>&lt;/a>
A Business Process is a collection of interrelated tasks, which solve a particular business problem or process a
business event: a claim is received and needs to be processed within 15 days.
A business process can be decomposed into several sub-processes, which have their own attributes, but also contribute
to achieving the goal of the super-process.
The following process map is done using BPMN 1.2 (2..0 soon)&amp;nbsp;and illustrates a loan underwriting process. The
entry point is a mail with the loan application received, then the process follow a set of activities to decide if the
loan is eligible and what kind of loan product we can offer to the borrower and at what financial condition. This
process as described here is not taking into account the actors of the process. Swim lanes can be added&amp;nbsp;to group
tasks per actors.
&lt;img height=&quot;600&quot; alt=&quot;&quot; src=&quot;resources/loanapplicationbpm.bmp&quot; width=&quot;357&quot; />&lt;br />
&lt;br />
<org.eclipse.epf.uma:DescriptorDescription xmi:id="-Zt7Ibx5DM49KKxndcqRTtw" name="define_discovery_roadmap,_JbeFsHt0Ed2obd5av1OT7w" guid="-Zt7Ibx5DM49KKxndcqRTtw">
There are two dimensions to consider when preparing the rule discovery activi-ties or roadmap:
The type of source for rule harvesting
The type of analysis used by the project team: use case approach, busi-ness process modeling, mission policies
Tony Morgan in his book &quot;Business Rules and Information Systems: Aligning IT with Business Goals&quot; proposes the
following discovery processed according to the different source above:
The static analysis process uses reading and highlighting the rules within documentation. The elicitation is based
on reading session completed with Question / Answer workshop sessions
Interactive involves a Subject Matter Expert who has the knowledge of the business process and the decisions to
take to process a given business event.The process will be done by using elicitation workshop
Automated involve using a computer and special application to search for rule statement within procedure code, SQL
procedures, code listing... Code review should always be complemented by workshop sessions for Q&amp;amp;A.&lt;br />
So for each decision point within the DP table do the following steps&amp;nbsp;
<org.eclipse.epf.uma:DescriptorDescription xmi:id="-rLfn7xRB2TQqbODEHjDh-g" name="rule_discovery_roadmap,_JbeFsnt0Ed2obd5av1OT7w" guid="-rLfn7xRB2TQqbODEHjDh-g">
<refinedDescription>&lt;a id=&quot;XE_rule_discovery__roadmap&quot; name=&quot;XE_rule_discovery__roadmap&quot;>&lt;/a>For each decision point we can complete the
information about the discovery roadmap and plan. The following table format can be used as template.&lt;br
class=&quot;ISISGuidance&quot; style=&quot;MARGIN: 3pt 0cm 3pt 36pt&quot; /></refinedDescription>
<org.eclipse.epf.uma:DescriptorDescription xmi:id="-Z6HScOkPIosgyp7UCf6Qlg" name="organise_workshop,_LIaIoHt0Ed2obd5av1OT7w" guid="-Z6HScOkPIosgyp7UCf6Qlg">
<refinedDescription>&lt;a id=&quot;XE_workshop__organize&quot; name=&quot;XE_workshop__organize&quot;>&lt;/a>
&lt;p class=&quot;MsoNormal&quot; style=&quot;MARGIN: 3pt 0cm&quot;>
To make the better use of the development and business team's time it is important to plan in advance the workshop
sessions and to clearly state what is in the agenda. We recommend organizing the day in two parts:
&lt;ul style=&quot;MARGIN-TOP: 0cm&quot; type=&quot;disc&quot;>
&lt;li style=&quot;MARGIN: 3pt 0cm; mso-list: l0 level1 lfo1; tab-stops: list 36.0pt&quot;>
Do morning discovery workshop using elicitation techniques with the project stakeholders and subject matter expert.
During the&amp;nbsp;rule harvesting phase the analyst team may want to use the rule template document to enter the rule
description and use some simple diagramming techniques to define the business entities (A good tool is the UML
class diagram but without the details of the methods)
&lt;li class=&quot;MsoNormal&quot; style=&quot;MARGIN: 3pt 0cm; mso-list: l0 level1 lfo1; tab-stops: list 36.0pt&quot;>
Second part of the day is used by&amp;nbsp;the analyst and development team to perform analysis activities and later on
to author the rules.
&lt;p class=&quot;MsoNormal&quot; style=&quot;MARGIN: 3pt 0cm&quot;>
As explained in &lt;a class=&quot;elementLink&quot;
guid=&quot;_ftAoIAjrEdyj5bYZ0eCR5g&quot;>Cycle Approach to Rules Development&lt;/a> the discovery workshops are in phase 1, 2, and
3, but with different frequency of occurrence. Phase 1 and 2, the workshops can be set every morning, but starting on
phase 3 it could happen every two days or more (but never more than a week to keep the focus and efficiency in the
process).&lt;br class=&quot;MsoNormal&quot; style=&quot;MARGIN: 3pt 0cm&quot; />
&lt;p class=&quot;MsoNormal&quot; style=&quot;MARGIN: 3pt 0cm&quot;>
The team should verify to have access to a dedicated meeting room with white boards, pencils, paper; post it, and
potentially a UML tool to quickly develop diagrams..
<org.eclipse.epf.uma:DescriptorDescription xmi:id="-CdOZnJTJqXUWqZwWTv00YA" name="discovery_workshop_itinerary,_LIaIoXt0Ed2obd5av1OT7w" guid="-CdOZnJTJqXUWqZwWTv00YA">
<refinedDescription>&lt;a id=&quot;XE_rule_discovery__workshop_itinerary&quot; name=&quot;XE_rule_discovery__workshop_itinerary&quot;>&lt;/a>
&lt;p class=&quot;MsoNormal&quot; style=&quot;MARGIN: 3pt 0cm&quot;>
&lt;b style=&quot;mso-bidi-font-weight: normal&quot;>Goal:&lt;/b> &lt;span
style=&quot;FONT-SIZE: 10pt; FONT-FAMILY: Arial; mso-fareast-font-family: 'Times New Roman'; mso-bidi-font-family: 'Times New Roman'; mso-bidi-font-size: 12.0pt; mso-ansi-language: EN-US; mso-fareast-language: EN-US; mso-bidi-language: AR-SA&quot;>These
series of Rule discovery workshops&lt;/span> are very important for the &amp;lt;&amp;gt; application, it will help:
&lt;p class=&quot;MsoNormal&quot;
style=&quot;MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt 47.35pt; TEXT-INDENT: -18pt; mso-list: l0 level1 lfo1; tab-stops: list 47.35pt; mso-pagination: none; mso-layout-grid-align: none&quot;>
&lt;span style=&quot;FONT-FAMILY: Symbol; mso-fareast-font-family: Symbol; mso-bidi-font-family: Symbol&quot;>&lt;span
style=&quot;mso-list: Ignore&quot;>·&lt;/span>&lt;/span> To separate a rule as a manageable artifact
&lt;p class=&quot;MsoNormal&quot;
style=&quot;MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt 47.35pt; TEXT-INDENT: -18pt; mso-list: l0 level1 lfo1; tab-stops: list 47.35pt; mso-pagination: none; mso-layout-grid-align: none&quot;>
&lt;span style=&quot;FONT-FAMILY: Symbol; mso-fareast-font-family: Symbol; mso-bidi-font-family: Symbol&quot;>&lt;span
style=&quot;mso-list: Ignore&quot;>·&lt;/span>&lt;/span> To trace rules from the origin to deployment
&lt;p class=&quot;MsoNormal&quot;
style=&quot;MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt 47.35pt; TEXT-INDENT: -18pt; mso-list: l0 level1 lfo1; tab-stops: list 47.35pt; mso-pagination: none; mso-layout-grid-align: none&quot;>
&lt;span style=&quot;FONT-FAMILY: Symbol; mso-fareast-font-family: Symbol; mso-bidi-font-family: Symbol&quot;>&lt;span
style=&quot;mso-list: Ignore&quot;>·&lt;/span>&lt;/span> To link rules to business context
&lt;p class=&quot;MsoNormal&quot;
style=&quot;MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt 47.35pt; TEXT-INDENT: -18pt; mso-list: l0 level1 lfo1; tab-stops: list 47.35pt; mso-pagination: none; mso-layout-grid-align: none&quot;>
&lt;span style=&quot;FONT-FAMILY: Symbol; mso-fareast-font-family: Symbol; mso-bidi-font-family: Symbol&quot;>&lt;span
style=&quot;mso-list: Ignore&quot;>·&lt;/span>&lt;/span> To develop the rule description using business term and natural business
&lt;p class=&quot;MsoNormal&quot;
style=&quot;MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt 47.35pt; TEXT-INDENT: -18pt; mso-list: l0 level1 lfo1; tab-stops: list 47.35pt; mso-pagination: none; mso-layout-grid-align: none&quot;>
&lt;span style=&quot;FONT-FAMILY: Symbol; mso-fareast-font-family: Symbol; mso-bidi-font-family: Symbol&quot;>&lt;span
style=&quot;mso-list: Ignore&quot;>·&lt;/span>&lt;/span> To involve business user in the future ownership of the rules
&lt;p class=&quot;MsoNormal&quot;
style=&quot;MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt 47.35pt; TEXT-INDENT: -18pt; mso-list: l0 level1 lfo1; tab-stops: list 47.35pt; mso-pagination: none; mso-layout-grid-align: none&quot;>
&lt;span style=&quot;FONT-FAMILY: Symbol; mso-fareast-font-family: Symbol; mso-bidi-font-family: Symbol&quot;>&lt;span
style=&quot;mso-list: Ignore&quot;>·&lt;/span>&lt;/span> To prepare for for the logical data model
&lt;p class=&quot;MsoNormal&quot;
style=&quot;MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt 47.35pt; TEXT-INDENT: -18pt; mso-list: l0 level1 lfo1; tab-stops: list 47.35pt; mso-pagination: none; mso-layout-grid-align: none&quot;>
&lt;span style=&quot;FONT-FAMILY: Symbol; mso-fareast-font-family: Symbol; mso-bidi-font-family: Symbol&quot;>&lt;span
style=&quot;mso-list: Ignore&quot;>·&lt;/span>&lt;/span> To prepare the for the rule set implementation
&lt;/p>&lt;br class=&quot;MsoNormal&quot; style=&quot;MARGIN: 3pt 0cm&quot; />
&lt;br />
&lt;p class=&quot;MsoNormal&quot; style=&quot;MARGIN: 3pt 0cm&quot;>
&lt;b style=&quot;mso-bidi-font-weight: normal&quot;>Duration&lt;/b>: 2 hours per session
&lt;p class=&quot;MsoNormal&quot; style=&quot;MARGIN: 3pt 0cm&quot;>
&lt;b style=&quot;mso-bidi-font-weight: normal&quot;>Facilities&lt;/b>: white board, pencil, paper; post it, UML tool like Enterprise
Architect, ISIS rule templates
&lt;p class=&quot;MsoNormal&quot; style=&quot;MARGIN: 3pt 0cm&quot;>
&lt;b style=&quot;mso-bidi-font-weight: normal&quot;>Agenda&lt;/b>:
&lt;p class=&quot;MsoNormal&quot;
style=&quot;MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt 47.35pt; TEXT-INDENT: -18pt; mso-list: l0 level1 lfo1; tab-stops: list 47.35pt&quot;>
&lt;span style=&quot;FONT-FAMILY: Symbol; mso-fareast-font-family: Symbol; mso-bidi-font-family: Symbol&quot;>&lt;span
style=&quot;mso-list: Ignore&quot;>·&lt;/span>&lt;/span> To formalize the rules using templates and business term and language
understood by the business user
&lt;p class=&quot;MsoNormal&quot;
style=&quot;MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt 47.35pt; TEXT-INDENT: -18pt; mso-list: l0 level1 lfo1; tab-stops: list 47.35pt&quot;>
&lt;span style=&quot;FONT-FAMILY: Symbol; mso-fareast-font-family: Symbol; mso-bidi-font-family: Symbol&quot;>&lt;span
style=&quot;mso-list: Ignore&quot;>·&lt;/span>&lt;/span> To prepare the tests for the rules
&lt;p class=&quot;MsoNormal&quot;
style=&quot;MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt 47.35pt; TEXT-INDENT: -18pt; mso-list: l0 level1 lfo1; tab-stops: list 47.35pt&quot;>
&lt;span style=&quot;FONT-FAMILY: Symbol; mso-fareast-font-family: Symbol; mso-bidi-font-family: Symbol&quot;>&lt;span
style=&quot;mso-list: Ignore&quot;>·&lt;/span>&lt;/span> To define the object model for the rule
&lt;p class=&quot;MsoNormal&quot;
style=&quot;MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt 47.35pt; TEXT-INDENT: -18pt; mso-list: l0 level1 lfo1; tab-stops: list 47.35pt&quot;>
&lt;span style=&quot;FONT-FAMILY: Symbol; mso-fareast-font-family: Symbol; mso-bidi-font-family: Symbol&quot;>&lt;span
style=&quot;mso-list: Ignore&quot;>·&lt;/span>&lt;/span> Define the different types of rules, rule writing standards, structure rules
&lt;p class=&quot;MsoNormal&quot;
style=&quot;MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt 47.35pt; TEXT-INDENT: -18pt; mso-list: l0 level1 lfo1; tab-stops: list 47.35pt&quot;>
&lt;span style=&quot;FONT-FAMILY: Symbol; mso-fareast-font-family: Symbol; mso-bidi-font-family: Symbol&quot;>&lt;span
style=&quot;mso-list: Ignore&quot;>·&lt;/span>&lt;/span> Address the rule management requirements around rule ownership, and rule
change requirements
&lt;p class=&quot;MsoNormal&quot; style=&quot;MARGIN: 3pt 0cm&quot;>
&lt;b style=&quot;mso-bidi-font-weight: normal&quot;>Output:&lt;/b> rule set definition, logical data model
&lt;p class=&quot;MsoNormal&quot; style=&quot;MARGIN: 3pt 0cm&quot;>
&lt;b style=&quot;mso-bidi-font-weight: normal&quot;>Invitees&lt;/b>:
&lt;div align=&quot;center&quot;>
&lt;table class=&quot;ISISTable&quot;
style=&quot;BORDER-RIGHT: medium none; BORDER-TOP: medium none; BORDER-LEFT: medium none; BORDER-BOTTOM: medium none; BORDER-COLLAPSE: collapse; mso-border-alt: solid silver 1.0pt; mso-yfti-tbllook: 480; mso-padding-alt: 0cm 5.4pt 0cm 5.4pt; mso-border-insideh: 1.0pt solid silver; mso-border-insidev: 1.0pt solid silver&quot;
cellspacing=&quot;0&quot; cellpadding=&quot;0&quot; border=&quot;1&quot;>
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valign=&quot;top&quot; width=&quot;322&quot;>
&lt;p class=&quot;MsoNormalCxSpMiddle&quot; style=&quot;TEXT-ALIGN: center; mso-yfti-cnfc: 1&quot; align=&quot;center&quot;>
&lt;strong>&lt;em>&lt;font face=&quot;Times New Roman&quot; color=&quot;#005DA0&quot;
style=&quot;BORDER-RIGHT: gray 1pt solid; PADDING-RIGHT: 5.4pt; BORDER-TOP: gray 1pt solid; PADDING-LEFT: 5.4pt; BACKGROUND: #f3f3f3; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0cm; BORDER-LEFT: #ece9d8; WIDTH: 241.55pt; PADDING-TOP: 0cm; BORDER-BOTTOM: gray 1pt solid; mso-border-left-alt: solid gray 1.0pt&quot;
valign=&quot;top&quot; width=&quot;322&quot;>
&lt;p class=&quot;MsoNormalCxSpMiddle&quot; style=&quot;TEXT-ALIGN: center; mso-yfti-cnfc: 1&quot; align=&quot;center&quot;>
&lt;b style=&quot;mso-bidi-font-weight: normal&quot;>&lt;i style=&quot;mso-bidi-font-style: normal&quot;>&lt;span
style=&quot;COLOR: #005da0&quot;>&lt;font size=&quot;3&quot;>&lt;font face=&quot;Times New Roman&quot;>IT&lt;/font>&lt;/font>&lt;/span>&lt;/i>&lt;/b>
&lt;tr style=&quot;mso-yfti-irow: 0&quot;>
style=&quot;BORDER-RIGHT: silver 1pt solid; PADDING-RIGHT: 5.4pt; BORDER-TOP: #ece9d8; PADDING-LEFT: 5.4pt; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0cm; BORDER-LEFT: silver 1pt solid; WIDTH: 241.55pt; PADDING-TOP: 0cm; BORDER-BOTTOM: silver 1pt solid; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent; mso-border-top-alt: solid silver 1.0pt&quot;
valign=&quot;top&quot; width=&quot;322&quot;>
&lt;p class=&quot;MsoNormalCxSpMiddle&quot;>
&lt;span style=&quot;FONT-SIZE: 8pt; mso-bidi-font-size: 12.0pt&quot;>Business Analyst&lt;/span>
style=&quot;BORDER-RIGHT: silver 1pt solid; PADDING-RIGHT: 5.4pt; BORDER-TOP: #ece9d8; PADDING-LEFT: 5.4pt; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0cm; BORDER-LEFT: #ece9d8; WIDTH: 241.55pt; PADDING-TOP: 0cm; BORDER-BOTTOM: silver 1pt solid; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent; mso-border-left-alt: solid silver 1.0pt; mso-border-top-alt: solid silver 1.0pt&quot;
valign=&quot;top&quot; width=&quot;322&quot;>
&lt;p class=&quot;MsoNormalCxSpMiddle&quot;>
&lt;span style=&quot;FONT-SIZE: 8pt; mso-bidi-font-size: 12.0pt&quot;>Rule analyst&lt;/span>
&lt;tr style=&quot;mso-yfti-irow: 1&quot;>
style=&quot;BORDER-RIGHT: silver 1pt solid; PADDING-RIGHT: 5.4pt; BORDER-TOP: #ece9d8; PADDING-LEFT: 5.4pt; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0cm; BORDER-LEFT: silver 1pt solid; WIDTH: 241.55pt; PADDING-TOP: 0cm; BORDER-BOTTOM: silver 1pt solid; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent; mso-border-top-alt: solid silver 1.0pt&quot;
valign=&quot;top&quot; width=&quot;322&quot;>
&lt;p class=&quot;MsoNormalCxSpMiddle&quot;>
&lt;span style=&quot;FONT-SIZE: 8pt; mso-bidi-font-size: 12.0pt&quot;>SME&lt;/span>
style=&quot;BORDER-RIGHT: silver 1pt solid; PADDING-RIGHT: 5.4pt; BORDER-TOP: #ece9d8; PADDING-LEFT: 5.4pt; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0cm; BORDER-LEFT: #ece9d8; WIDTH: 241.55pt; PADDING-TOP: 0cm; BORDER-BOTTOM: silver 1pt solid; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent; mso-border-left-alt: solid silver 1.0pt; mso-border-top-alt: solid silver 1.0pt&quot;
valign=&quot;top&quot; width=&quot;322&quot;>
&lt;p class=&quot;MsoNormalCxSpMiddle&quot;>
&lt;span style=&quot;FONT-SIZE: 8pt; mso-bidi-font-size: 12.0pt&quot;>Rule writer&lt;/span>
&lt;tr style=&quot;mso-yfti-irow: 2&quot;>
style=&quot;BORDER-RIGHT: silver 1pt solid; PADDING-RIGHT: 5.4pt; BORDER-TOP: #ece9d8; PADDING-LEFT: 5.4pt; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0cm; BORDER-LEFT: silver 1pt solid; WIDTH: 241.55pt; PADDING-TOP: 0cm; BORDER-BOTTOM: silver 1pt solid; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent; mso-border-top-alt: solid silver 1.0pt&quot;
valign=&quot;top&quot; width=&quot;322&quot;>
&lt;p class=&quot;MsoNormalCxSpMiddle&quot;>
&lt;span style=&quot;FONT-SIZE: 8pt; mso-bidi-font-size: 12.0pt&quot;>Lead developer&lt;/span>
style=&quot;BORDER-RIGHT: silver 1pt solid; PADDING-RIGHT: 5.4pt; BORDER-TOP: #ece9d8; PADDING-LEFT: 5.4pt; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0cm; BORDER-LEFT: #ece9d8; WIDTH: 241.55pt; PADDING-TOP: 0cm; BORDER-BOTTOM: silver 1pt solid; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent; mso-border-left-alt: solid silver 1.0pt; mso-border-top-alt: solid silver 1.0pt&quot;
valign=&quot;top&quot; width=&quot;322&quot;>
&lt;br class=&quot;MsoNormalCxSpMiddle&quot; />
&lt;br />
&lt;tr style=&quot;mso-yfti-irow: 3; mso-yfti-lastrow: yes&quot;>
style=&quot;BORDER-RIGHT: silver 1pt solid; PADDING-RIGHT: 5.4pt; BORDER-TOP: #ece9d8; PADDING-LEFT: 5.4pt; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0cm; BORDER-LEFT: silver 1pt solid; WIDTH: 241.55pt; PADDING-TOP: 0cm; BORDER-BOTTOM: silver 1pt solid; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent; mso-border-top-alt: solid silver 1.0pt&quot;
valign=&quot;top&quot; width=&quot;322&quot;>
&lt;br class=&quot;MsoNormalCxSpMiddle&quot; style=&quot;MARGIN: auto auto auto 36pt; mso-add-space: auto&quot; />
&lt;br />
style=&quot;BORDER-RIGHT: silver 1pt solid; PADDING-RIGHT: 5.4pt; BORDER-TOP: #ece9d8; PADDING-LEFT: 5.4pt; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0cm; BORDER-LEFT: #ece9d8; WIDTH: 241.55pt; PADDING-TOP: 0cm; BORDER-BOTTOM: silver 1pt solid; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent; mso-border-left-alt: solid silver 1.0pt; mso-border-top-alt: solid silver 1.0pt&quot;
valign=&quot;top&quot; width=&quot;322&quot;>
&lt;br class=&quot;MsoNormalCxSpMiddle&quot; />
&lt;br />
&lt;p class=&quot;MsoNormal&quot; style=&quot;MARGIN: 3pt 0cm&quot;>
&lt;b style=&quot;mso-bidi-font-weight: normal&quot;>Pre-requisites&lt;/b>: Decision point table, rule discovery roadmap, conceptual
data model
<org.eclipse.epf.uma:DescriptorDescription xmi:id="-00teH0OUZQu5a2dSdjcT0g" name="execute_rule_discovery_roadmap,_ac8CoHt0Ed2obd5av1OT7w" guid="-00teH0OUZQu5a2dSdjcT0g">
Rule elicitation is an ongoing activity you perform throughout the project. Collaboration with your stakeholders is
critical. They will change their minds as the project proceeds and that's perfectly fine.
The documentation of the rule may be done using different language. The natural language is initially used during
business conversations to describe the rule, informally, without trying to impose any structure. SMEs express their
ideas using a language very close to them, but they usually are not able to formalize their concepts in a clear and
unambiguous way. Using this language we may have redundancy and inconstancy in the rule ex-pression, in the business
terms, and overall by it may not be relevant and precise enough to be able to implement the decision logic.
Conceptualization and representation play fundamental roles in thinking, communicating, and modeling.
A second evolution is still in natural language, and is still consumable by both analysts and developers, but, we have
imposed some structure, and we made sure that they are relevant and have the right form, but may not be correct
semantically. We use the rule description template to log the rule.
The last type of expressiveness of the language to document the rule is precise and there are no ambiguities: the rule
refers exactly to information system objects. This language is parse-able and non-ambiguous. Semantics of Business
Vocabulary and Business Rules or SBVR from Object Management Group can be used at this stage to specify formally
representations of concepts, definitions, instances, and rules&amp;nbsp;in natural language.
<org.eclipse.epf.uma:DescriptorDescription xmi:id="-oMh2j3Q0H1ko6v__BoxY0Q" name="business_terms_glossary,_ac8CoXt0Ed2obd5av1OT7w" guid="-oMh2j3Q0H1ko6v__BoxY0Q">
<refinedDescription>&lt;a id=&quot;XE_business_terms_glossary&quot; name=&quot;XE_business_terms_glossary&quot;>&lt;/a>
&lt;p class=&quot;MsoNormal&quot; style=&quot;MARGIN: 3pt 0cm; mso-margin-top-alt: auto; mso-margin-bottom-alt: auto&quot;>
&lt;span style=&quot;mso-bidi-font-family: Arial; mso-bidi-font-size: 10.0pt&quot;>One of the positive feedbacks&amp;nbsp;received from
the business and IT team&amp;nbsp;is the&amp;nbsp;business term glossary document. Some organization has already defined this
kind of glossary, and even it is possible to use some industry standard. But standard are always adapted by the
organization so it is important to work on such&amp;nbsp;glossary during the early phase of the project.&lt;/span>
&lt;p class=&quot;MsoNormal&quot; style=&quot;MARGIN: 3pt 0cm; mso-margin-top-alt: auto; mso-margin-bottom-alt: auto&quot;>
&lt;span style=&quot;mso-bidi-font-family: Arial; mso-bidi-font-size: 10.0pt&quot;>The following template can be used for logging
the business vocabulary. The acronyms are not mandatory. The ownership column describes when a term is under the
responsibility of&amp;nbsp;a team.&lt;/span>
&lt;div align=&quot;center&quot;>
&lt;table class=&quot;ISISTable&quot;
style=&quot;BORDER-RIGHT: medium none; BORDER-TOP: medium none; BORDER-LEFT: medium none; BORDER-BOTTOM: medium none; BORDER-COLLAPSE: collapse; mso-border-alt: solid silver 1.0pt; mso-yfti-tbllook: 480; mso-padding-alt: 0cm 5.4pt 0cm 5.4pt; mso-border-insideh: 1.0pt solid silver; mso-border-insidev: 1.0pt solid silver; mso-table-layout-alt: fixed&quot;
cellspacing=&quot;0&quot; cellpadding=&quot;0&quot; border=&quot;1&quot;>
&lt;tr style=&quot;HEIGHT: 15.75pt; mso-yfti-irow: -1; mso-yfti-firstrow: yes&quot;>
style=&quot;BORDER-RIGHT: gray 1pt solid; PADDING-RIGHT: 5.4pt; BORDER-TOP: gray 1pt solid; PADDING-LEFT: 5.4pt; BACKGROUND: #f3f3f3; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0cm; BORDER-LEFT: gray 1pt solid; WIDTH: 77.95pt; PADDING-TOP: 0cm; BORDER-BOTTOM: gray 1pt solid; HEIGHT: 15.75pt&quot;
valign=&quot;top&quot; width=&quot;104&quot;>
&lt;p class=&quot;MsoNormalCxSpMiddle&quot;
style=&quot;MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: center; mso-add-space: auto; mso-yfti-cnfc: 1&quot; align=&quot;center&quot;>
&lt;font size=&quot;3&quot;>&lt;b>&lt;i style=&quot;mso-bidi-font-style: normal&quot;>&lt;span
style=&quot;COLOR: #005da0; FONT-FAMILY: 'Times New Roman'; mso-bidi-font-family: Arial; mso-bidi-font-size: 10.0pt; mso-bidi-language: HE&quot;>Term&lt;/span>&lt;/i>&lt;/b>&lt;/font>
style=&quot;BORDER-RIGHT: gray 1pt solid; PADDING-RIGHT: 5.4pt; BORDER-TOP: gray 1pt solid; PADDING-LEFT: 5.4pt; BACKGROUND: #f3f3f3; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0cm; BORDER-LEFT: #ece9d8; WIDTH: 2cm; PADDING-TOP: 0cm; BORDER-BOTTOM: gray 1pt solid; HEIGHT: 15.75pt; mso-border-left-alt: solid gray 1.0pt&quot;
valign=&quot;top&quot; width=&quot;76&quot;>
&lt;p class=&quot;MsoNormalCxSpMiddle&quot;
style=&quot;MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: center; mso-add-space: auto; mso-yfti-cnfc: 1&quot; align=&quot;center&quot;>
&lt;b>&lt;i style=&quot;mso-bidi-font-style: normal&quot;>&lt;span
style=&quot;COLOR: #005da0; FONT-FAMILY: 'Times New Roman'; mso-bidi-font-family: Arial; mso-bidi-font-size: 10.0pt; mso-bidi-language: HE&quot;>&lt;font
style=&quot;BORDER-RIGHT: gray 1pt solid; PADDING-RIGHT: 5.4pt; BORDER-TOP: gray 1pt solid; PADDING-LEFT: 5.4pt; BACKGROUND: #f3f3f3; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0cm; BORDER-LEFT: #ece9d8; WIDTH: 318.9pt; PADDING-TOP: 0cm; BORDER-BOTTOM: gray 1pt solid; HEIGHT: 15.75pt; mso-border-left-alt: solid gray 1.0pt&quot;
valign=&quot;top&quot; width=&quot;425&quot;>
&lt;p class=&quot;MsoNormalCxSpMiddle&quot;
style=&quot;MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: center; mso-add-space: auto; mso-yfti-cnfc: 1&quot; align=&quot;center&quot;>
&lt;font size=&quot;3&quot;>&lt;b>&lt;i style=&quot;mso-bidi-font-style: normal&quot;>&lt;span
style=&quot;COLOR: #005da0; FONT-FAMILY: 'Times New Roman'; mso-bidi-font-family: Arial; mso-bidi-font-size: 10.0pt; mso-bidi-language: HE&quot;>Definition&lt;/span>&lt;/i>&lt;/b>&lt;/font>
style=&quot;BORDER-RIGHT: gray 1pt solid; PADDING-RIGHT: 5.4pt; BORDER-TOP: gray 1pt solid; PADDING-LEFT: 5.4pt; BACKGROUND: #f3f3f3; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0cm; BORDER-LEFT: #ece9d8; WIDTH: 56.75pt; PADDING-TOP: 0cm; BORDER-BOTTOM: gray 1pt solid; HEIGHT: 15.75pt; mso-border-left-alt: solid gray 1.0pt&quot;
valign=&quot;top&quot; width=&quot;76&quot;>
&lt;p class=&quot;MsoNormalCxSpMiddle&quot;
style=&quot;MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: center; mso-add-space: auto; mso-yfti-cnfc: 1&quot; align=&quot;center&quot;>
&lt;font size=&quot;3&quot;>&lt;b>&lt;i style=&quot;mso-bidi-font-style: normal&quot;>&lt;span
style=&quot;COLOR: #005da0; FONT-FAMILY: 'Times New Roman'; mso-bidi-font-family: Arial; mso-bidi-font-size: 10.0pt; mso-bidi-language: HE&quot;>Owner&lt;/span>&lt;/i>&lt;/b>&lt;/font>
&lt;tr style=&quot;mso-yfti-irow: 0&quot;>
style=&quot;BORDER-RIGHT: silver 1pt solid; PADDING-RIGHT: 5.4pt; BORDER-TOP: #ece9d8; PADDING-LEFT: 5.4pt; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0cm; BORDER-LEFT: silver 1pt solid; WIDTH: 77.95pt; PADDING-TOP: 0cm; BORDER-BOTTOM: silver 1pt solid; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent; mso-border-top-alt: solid silver 1.0pt&quot;
valign=&quot;top&quot; width=&quot;104&quot;>
&lt;br class=&quot;MsoNormalCxSpMiddle&quot; style=&quot;MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; mso-add-space: auto&quot; />
&lt;br />
style=&quot;BORDER-RIGHT: silver 1pt solid; PADDING-RIGHT: 5.4pt; BORDER-TOP: #ece9d8; PADDING-LEFT: 5.4pt; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0cm; BORDER-LEFT: #ece9d8; WIDTH: 2cm; PADDING-TOP: 0cm; BORDER-BOTTOM: silver 1pt solid; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent; mso-border-left-alt: solid silver 1.0pt; mso-border-top-alt: solid silver 1.0pt&quot;
valign=&quot;top&quot; width=&quot;76&quot;>
&lt;br class=&quot;MsoNormalCxSpMiddle&quot; style=&quot;MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; mso-add-space: auto&quot; />
&lt;br />
style=&quot;BORDER-RIGHT: silver 1pt solid; PADDING-RIGHT: 5.4pt; BORDER-TOP: #ece9d8; PADDING-LEFT: 5.4pt; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0cm; BORDER-LEFT: #ece9d8; WIDTH: 318.9pt; PADDING-TOP: 0cm; BORDER-BOTTOM: silver 1pt solid; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent; mso-border-left-alt: solid silver 1.0pt; mso-border-top-alt: solid silver 1.0pt&quot;
valign=&quot;top&quot; width=&quot;425&quot;>
&lt;br class=&quot;MsoNormalCxSpMiddle&quot; style=&quot;MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; mso-add-space: auto&quot; />
&lt;br />
style=&quot;BORDER-RIGHT: silver 1pt solid; PADDING-RIGHT: 5.4pt; BORDER-TOP: #ece9d8; PADDING-LEFT: 5.4pt; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0cm; BORDER-LEFT: #ece9d8; WIDTH: 56.75pt; PADDING-TOP: 0cm; BORDER-BOTTOM: silver 1pt solid; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent; mso-border-left-alt: solid silver 1.0pt; mso-border-top-alt: solid silver 1.0pt&quot;
valign=&quot;top&quot; width=&quot;76&quot;>
&lt;br class=&quot;MsoNormalCxSpMiddle&quot; style=&quot;MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; mso-add-space: auto&quot; />
&lt;br />
&lt;tr style=&quot;mso-yfti-irow: 1&quot;>
style=&quot;BORDER-RIGHT: silver 1pt solid; PADDING-RIGHT: 5.4pt; BORDER-TOP: #ece9d8; PADDING-LEFT: 5.4pt; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0cm; BORDER-LEFT: silver 1pt solid; WIDTH: 77.95pt; PADDING-TOP: 0cm; BORDER-BOTTOM: silver 1pt solid; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent; mso-border-top-alt: solid silver 1.0pt&quot;
valign=&quot;top&quot; width=&quot;104&quot;>
&lt;br class=&quot;MsoNormalCxSpMiddle&quot; style=&quot;MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; mso-add-space: auto&quot; />
&lt;br />
style=&quot;BORDER-RIGHT: silver 1pt solid; PADDING-RIGHT: 5.4pt; BORDER-TOP: #ece9d8; PADDING-LEFT: 5.4pt; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0cm; BORDER-LEFT: #ece9d8; WIDTH: 2cm; PADDING-TOP: 0cm; BORDER-BOTTOM: silver 1pt solid; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent; mso-border-left-alt: solid silver 1.0pt; mso-border-top-alt: solid silver 1.0pt&quot;
valign=&quot;top&quot; width=&quot;76&quot;>
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<org.eclipse.epf.uma:DescriptorDescription xmi:id="-WnGCuUFJzEEm0quNf1yoRg" name="rule_description_doc,_ac8Cont0Ed2obd5av1OT7w" guid="-WnGCuUFJzEEm0quNf1yoRg">
<refinedDescription>&lt;a id=&quot;XE_rule_description__document&quot; name=&quot;XE_rule_description__document&quot;>&lt;/a>
The rule description document is used during the discovery phase, and during the first iterations for building a rule
set. It is not mandatory to complete it up front with all the rules in it. The complement is done during the Rule
Authoring phase.
It is also interesting to leverage SBVR to document the rule.
<org.eclipse.epf.uma:DescriptorDescription xmi:id="-TyRUd1xh4OgmE7l9ZXFTCg" name="conceptual_data_model,_ac8Co3t0Ed2obd5av1OT7w" guid="-TyRUd1xh4OgmE7l9ZXFTCg">
A conceptual data model describes the things important for an organization as entity classes and characteristics of the
things as attributes, and using&amp;nbsp;associations between things. By 'thing'&amp;nbsp;we mean anything perceivable or
conceivable and used in a day to day conversation.
Conceptual data model is used to explore domain concepts&amp;nbsp;as a communication vehicle&amp;nbsp;between the analysts and
the business team members.
With&amp;nbsp;an&amp;nbsp;Agile approach CDMs are used to explore the high-level static business structures and concepts, and
are described during the initial requirements iterations. In our approach conceptual data model are the first version
of the logical data model. So we use different level of&amp;nbsp;a class diagram to represent the CDM.&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;The rule
elicitation phase is most of the time leveraging the diagrams of&amp;nbsp;the CDMs, but once we progress into the
iterations the CDMs are replaced by the LDMs.
<org.eclipse.epf.uma:DescriptorDescription xmi:id="-dUUjRXpEQ7U-x2t9WG3nXg" name="business_event_description,_h4FMVlmSEeCcpdiAcH0w-w" guid="-dUUjRXpEQ7U-x2t9WG3nXg">
style=&quot;FONT-SIZE: 10pt; FONT-FAMILY: Arial; mso-bidi-font-size: 9.0pt; mso-fareast-font-family: 'Times New Roman'; mso-ansi-language: EN-US; mso-fareast-language: EN-US; mso-bidi-language: HE&quot;>Trigger
for the execution of a business process.&lt;/span> The processing of a business event can be done manually or using
software products and applications. Some decisions need to be done on the event for example to accept/ reject it or to
initiate some business processes. Those decisions can be implemented using a rule engine technology.
style=&quot;FONT-SIZE: 10pt; FONT-FAMILY: Arial; mso-bidi-font-size: 9.0pt; mso-fareast-font-family: 'Times New Roman'; mso-ansi-language: EN-US; mso-fareast-language: EN-US; mso-bidi-language: HE&quot;>The
following list gives some examples of business event:&lt;/span>
&lt;span style=&quot;FONT-SIZE: 10pt; FONT-FAMILY: Arial&quot;>Claim is received&lt;/span>
&lt;div class=&quot;MsoNormal&quot; style=&quot;MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt&quot;>
style=&quot;FONT-SIZE: 10pt; FONT-FAMILY: Arial; mso-fareast-font-family: 'Times New Roman'; mso-ansi-language: EN-US; mso-fareast-language: EN-US; mso-bidi-language: AR-SA&quot;>Tax
form is filled&lt;/span>
&lt;div class=&quot;MsoNormal&quot; style=&quot;MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt&quot;>
style=&quot;FONT-SIZE: 10pt; FONT-FAMILY: Arial; mso-fareast-font-family: 'Times New Roman'; mso-ansi-language: EN-US; mso-fareast-language: EN-US; mso-bidi-language: AR-SA&quot;>Loan
application is received&lt;/span>
&lt;div class=&quot;MsoNormal&quot; style=&quot;MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt&quot;>
style=&quot;FONT-SIZE: 10pt; FONT-FAMILY: Arial; mso-fareast-font-family: 'Times New Roman'; mso-ansi-language: EN-US; mso-fareast-language: EN-US; mso-bidi-language: AR-SA&quot;>Car
is out of the chain&lt;/span>
&lt;div class=&quot;MsoNormal&quot; style=&quot;MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt&quot;>
style=&quot;FONT-SIZE: 10pt; FONT-FAMILY: Arial; mso-fareast-font-family: 'Times New Roman'; mso-ansi-language: EN-US; mso-fareast-language: EN-US; mso-bidi-language: AR-SA&quot;>Train
wheel goes in front of infrared sensor&lt;/span>
&lt;div class=&quot;MsoNormal&quot; style=&quot;MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt&quot;>
style=&quot;FONT-SIZE: 10pt; FONT-FAMILY: Arial; mso-fareast-font-family: 'Times New Roman'; mso-ansi-language: EN-US; mso-fareast-language: EN-US; mso-bidi-language: AR-SA&quot;>RFID
&lt;div class=&quot;MsoNormal&quot; style=&quot;MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt&quot;>
style=&quot;FONT-SIZE: 10pt; FONT-FAMILY: Arial; mso-fareast-font-family: 'Times New Roman'; mso-ansi-language: EN-US; mso-fareast-language: EN-US; mso-bidi-language: AR-SA&quot;>Wafer
is started within the Fab&lt;/span>