blob: 9441983968db15371fda376251c298a3af5ea45e [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<org.eclipse.epf.uma:TaskDescription xmi:version="2.0" xmlns:xmi="" xmlns:org.eclipse.epf.uma="" xmlns:rmc="" rmc:version="7.5.1" xmlns:epf="" epf:version="1.5.1" xmi:id="-Msu85VH5rLUfl0OEAnZdIQ" name="01_create_update_product_documenation,_t15g4DHMEeC7j_IRiP-WPQ" guid="-Msu85VH5rLUfl0OEAnZdIQ" changeDate="2012-05-30T13:03:23.148-0700" version="7.5.1">
Development team members sometimes take documentation for granted, or do not give it enough consideration. However,&#xD;
after a product is delivered, customers who pay for the system and for support often do not have enough information to&#xD;
effectively manage the product.&#xD;
If a technical writer is made available to a development team, that role often takes the burden off the team for&#xD;
developing the formal product documentation and for ensuring that it is in the correct format and business language. If&#xD;
a technical writer is not available, the development team and product owner must make every effort to create enough&#xD;
documentation to ensure that the features that have been developed for each release are understood and can be&#xD;
communicated effectively by the paying customer to their stakeholders.&#xD;
Delivering a professionally developed product requires that a development team provide the customer with accurate,&#xD;
detailed, and comprehensive product documentation.&#xD;
<sections xmi:id="_-zf1suB8EeC1y_NExchKwQ" name="Identify features of current release" guid="_-zf1suB8EeC1y_NExchKwQ">
Every release will contain a set of features that were developed during the preceding feature development sprint or&#xD;
iterations. This list should drive the table of contents of the product documentation. It also is possible that some&#xD;
nonfunctional requirements should be documented as well.&#xD;
While the product documentation will not be used directly as user documentation, it will become the basis for the user&#xD;
documentation. That foundation of information is why this step is important.&#xD;
<sections xmi:id="_-zf1seB8EeC1y_NExchKwQ" name="Document each feature" guid="_-zf1seB8EeC1y_NExchKwQ">
<sectionDescription>Write a comprehensive description of each feature and include appropriate screen shots as well as relevant information&#xD;
about how the feature was developed.</sectionDescription>
<sections xmi:id="_-zf1s-B8EeC1y_NExchKwQ" name="Review product documentation with stakeholders" guid="_-zf1s-B8EeC1y_NExchKwQ">
<sectionDescription>Schedule a review session with key stakeholders to ensure that the product documentation is adequate and that it contains&#xD;
the level of detail needed by the product customer. If more detail is required, elicit one or more examples from the&#xD;
stakeholders that show how they would like the documentation to be prepared.</sectionDescription>
<sections xmi:id="_-zfOr-B8EeC1y_NExchKwQ" name="Update product documentation as necessary" guid="_-zfOr-B8EeC1y_NExchKwQ">
<sectionDescription>Based on the outcome of the review session, update the product documentation so that it can receive the proper approval on&#xD;
<sections xmi:id="_-zf1sOB8EeC1y_NExchKwQ" name="Deliver product documentation" guid="_-zf1sOB8EeC1y_NExchKwQ">
<sectionDescription>For this release, deliver the final product documentation to the customer and key stakeholders. Obtain their formal&#xD;
approval if necessary.</sectionDescription>
<purpose>The purpose of this task is to document enough information about the features that were developed in a particular release&#xD;
to be useful to customers throughout the life of the product.</purpose>