blob: 94db354b6354bbe24666ca0461d08b716b399702 [file] [log] [blame]
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Developer testing is the act of regression testing source code by developers. This is sometimes called &quot;unit regression&#xD;
testing&quot; but many developer tests go beyond unit testing to address integration testing as well.&#xD;
Testing Philosophies&#xD;
Here are some important philosophies with regard to developer testing:&#xD;
The goal is to find defects. Successful tests find bugs, but correcting the bugs falls into other areas.&#xD;
Test early and often. The cost of change rises exponentially the longer it takes to find and then remove a defect.&#xD;
The implication is that you want to test as early as possible (the earliest you could possibly test is first, see&#xD;
&lt;a class=&quot;elementLinkWithType&quot; href=&quot;./../../../openup/guidances/guidelines/test_first_design_21C77ADF.html&quot; guid=&quot;_0Y6kUMlgEdmt3adZL5Dmdw&quot;>Guideline: Test-first Design&lt;/a>).&#xD;
Testing builds confidence. Many people fear making a change to their code because they are afraid that they will&#xD;
break it, but with a full test suite in place if you do break something you know you will detect it and then fix&#xD;
One test is worth a thousand opinions. You can say that your application works, but until you show the test results&#xD;
you might not be believed.&#xD;
Test to the risk. The riskier something is, the more it needs to be reviewed and tested. In other words you should&#xD;
invest significant effort testing in the algorithm for estimating radiation doses but nowhere near as much effort&#xD;
testing the &quot;change font size&quot; function of the same application.&#xD;
You can validate all artifacts. You can test all your artifacts, not just your source code, although the focus of&#xD;
this guidance is testing code.&#xD;
Qualities of a Good Developer Test&#xD;
&lt;/h3>These are the qualities of a good developer test: &#xD;
&lt;ul class=&quot;noindent&quot;>&#xD;
It runs fast. It has short setup, run time, and clean-up.&#xD;
It runs in isolation. You should be able to reorder your tests.&#xD;
It is understandable. Good tests have consistent and informative names and use data that makes them easy to read&#xD;
and to understand.&#xD;
It uses real data. For example, use copies of production data when appropriate, but remember that you'll typically&#xD;
have to create some specific &quot;artificial&quot; test data as well.&#xD;
It is minimally cohesive. The test represents one step toward your overall goal. The test should address one and&#xD;
one only issue.&#xD;
Approaches for Test Setup&#xD;
To successfully run a test, the system must be in a known state. To do this you will need objects or components in&#xD;
memory, rows in the database, etc. that you will test against. The easiest approach is to hardcode the required data&#xD;
and the setup code within the test itself. The primary advantage is that all the information that you need about the&#xD;
test is in one place and that the test is potentially self-sufficient.&#xD;
Another approach is to define an external data set which is loaded into memory or into the database at the beginning of&#xD;
the test run. There are several advantages to this approach:&#xD;
It decouples the test data from the test.&#xD;
More than one test can use the same data set.&#xD;
It is easy to modify and/or multiply the test data.&#xD;
There are some disadvantages to this approach:&#xD;
Increased complexity for maintaining the external data&#xD;
Potential coupling between test cases. When they share a common test data bed it becomes very easy to write tests&#xD;
that depend on other tests running first, thereby coupling them together.&#xD;
Coding for Testability&#xD;
Add &lt;a class=&quot;elementLink&quot; href=&quot;./../../../openup/guidances/termdefinitions/code_instrumentation_E6BE9793.html&quot; guid=&quot;_JiqnEJt1EdutoZjlV3a4Lg&quot;>code instrumentation&lt;/a> for testing and debugging. Pay special attention to the&#xD;
implementation of the observation/control points, such as critical functions or objects, as these aspects might need&#xD;
special support that has to be implemented in the component under test.&#xD;
Reviewing Tests&#xD;
If a test will be long-lived, ask a person with less inside knowledge of the component to run it and check if there is&#xD;
enough support information. Review it with other people within the development team and other interested parties as&#xD;