blob: c4f871fdbaf6f66a0a3cf1bbb64b1ed3b1bf72a4 [file] [log] [blame]
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Iterations in OpenUP focus the team on delivering incremental customer value every few weeks by delivering a fully&#xD;
tested demoable or shippable build (product increment). This creates a healthy focus on ensuring that whatever is&#xD;
worked on is of value to the stakeholders. Decision making is forced to happen faster, since there is no time for&#xD;
endless debate. Iterative development focuses on producing working code, reducing risk for analysis-paralysis. Frequent&#xD;
demonstration of working code provides feedback mechanisms that allow course corrections to be taken as needed.&#xD;
Iteration planning, estimation, and progress tracking are centered on work items. The iteration plan is created by&#xD;
selecting the top-priority work items. Agile estimation techniques are used to understand how many work items can&#xD;
safely fit within the time-boxed iteration, and work items are filtered to ensure that the chosen work items will allow&#xD;
the team to deliver upon iteration objectives agreed to by stakeholders. Progress is demonstrated through continuous&#xD;
completion of many small work items, see &lt;a class=&quot;elementLink&quot;&#xD;
href=&quot;./../../../openup/guidances/concepts/micro_increments.html&quot; guid=&quot;_S80VwCNbEdyCq8v2ZO4QcA&quot;>Micro Increments&lt;/a>.&#xD;
Just as a project goes through a lifecycle, iterations go through a lifecycle with a different focus for the team&#xD;
depending on whether you are in the first versus the last week of the iteration, see Figure 2. An iteration starts with&#xD;
a few hour long iteration planning meeting. The first day or two is typically focused on further planning and&#xD;
architecture to, among other things, understand the dependencies and logical ordering of work items, and architectural&#xD;
impacts of the work to be done. Most of the time during an iteration is spent on executing the micro increments. Each&#xD;
micro increment should deliver tested code to an incremental and tested build, as well as validated artifacts. To give&#xD;
additional discipline, stable weekly builds are produced. More attention is spent on these builds to make sure that the&#xD;
quality is not eroding and issues are dealt with early so the success of the iteration isn’t jeopardized. The last week&#xD;
or last few days of the iteration typically has a stronger emphasis on polishing and bug fixing than earlier weeks,&#xD;
even though new features are added as appropriate. The goal is to never let quality to erode, thus ensuring&amp;nbsp;that a&#xD;
high-quality useful product increment is produced at the end of the iteration. The iteration ends with an assessment&#xD;
(with stakeholders) of what was built, and a retrospective to understand how to improve the process for next iteration.&#xD;
alt=&quot;Picture shows an iteration that starts with a planning meeting, has stable weekly builds, and ends with an iteration review.&quot;&#xD;
src=&quot;resources/iteration_lifecycle.jpg&quot; />&#xD;
&lt;em>Figure 2. An iteration goes through a lifecycle with a stronger focus on planning and architecture early-on and a&#xD;
stronger focus on bug-fixing and stabilization towards the end.&lt;/em>&#xD;
Team members work more effectively if they can influence what they do and how they do it, versus operating in an&#xD;
environment where they are told what to do. Giving the team the ability and responsibility to themselves organize their&#xD;
work and determine how to best meet their commitments motivates team members to do their best and to collaborate to&#xD;
ensure that the right skills are applied to the appropriate tasks. Self organizations impacts many areas, including how&#xD;
planning and commitments are made (by a team, not by individuals), how work is assigned (you sign up, versus get&#xD;
assigned), and how team members view their role in the project (team member first, job function second),&#xD;
&lt;a class=&quot;elementLinkWithUserText&quot; href=&quot;./../../../openup/guidances/guidelines/self_organize_work_assignments.html&quot;&#xD;
guid=&quot;_rmBEkJjsEduad8I_c-ogIA&quot;>Self organization&lt;/a>&amp;nbsp;requires a few things to work:&#xD;
Transparency and commitments are crucial to aid in team communication and to bring out the best in the team&#xD;
members. Open communication about team’s commitments related to the iteration lifecycle, and personal commitments&#xD;
made relative to micro increments ensure that execution problems are vetted and the right people are focused on&#xD;
solving them.&#xD;
Coaching is required to help teams to self organize and to remove barriers for success. The assumption is that the&#xD;
project manager is the coach. This requires that the project manager avoid command-and-control style of management&#xD;
in favor of a coaching style. This has been a key recommendation in management books for the last two decades, but&#xD;
some project managers may still not be able to make that transition.&lt;br />&#xD;