blob: 7961d8cd998a169299bbab73a07eab3a524bc218 [file] [log] [blame]
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OpenUP has been heavily influenced by Scrum, Eclipse Way, XP, DSDM, and RUP.&#xD;
The Iteration Lifecycle borrows from Scrum’s practices around self organization and leverages Product and Sprint&#xD;
Backlogs (represented in OpenUP by Work Items). The Iteration Lifecycle also borrows from the Eclipse Way&#xD;
describing how the focus of the team changes as it goes through an iteration.&#xD;
The Micro Increments borrows primarily from RUP in the areas of requirements, architecture and test, and XP for&#xD;
guidance on test-driven development, among others.&amp;nbsp;&#xD;
The Project Lifecycle borrows primarily from RUP, with the 4 phases, focus on stakeholder oversight, and the&#xD;
balance between risk mitigation and value creation, as well as DSDM for stakeholder involvement.&#xD;
OpenUP has also been influenced by many other sources, including many books and individual practitioners, too many to&#xD;
be mentioned. It is the objective of the team that develops OpenUP to continually harvest what has been proven to work,&#xD;
and what we ourselves have had successes with, to continuously evolve OpenUP.&#xD;
We invite the broader community to contribute to the ongoing evolution of OpenUP.&#xD;