blob: cfb069e12b37b36d354f7e7027602e0bd22a033f [file] [log] [blame]
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<mainDescription>&lt;p align=&quot;left&quot;>&#xD;
On small teams, shared workspaces may work fine, but you must coordinate activities between team members to avoid&#xD;
&lt;p align=&quot;left&quot;>&#xD;
A better approach is for each developer to have a reasonably private area for the development and testing of their work&#xD;
products. This workspace should be insulated&amp;nbsp;so that destabilizing or conflicting changes made by others do not&#xD;
interfere with&amp;nbsp;progress. However, it should&amp;nbsp;not be isolated to the extent that&amp;nbsp;the developer's work is&#xD;
unavailable to the team.&#xD;
&lt;p align=&quot;left&quot;>&#xD;
In addition, insulated&amp;nbsp;workspaces can be created for each test phase, such as integration testing and system&#xD;
testing. This approach to workspaces provides several benefits &lt;a class=&quot;elementLinkWithUserText&quot; href=&quot;./../../../openup/guidances/supportingmaterials/references_6CCF393.html#WIB04&quot; guid=&quot;_9ToeIB83Edqsvps02rpOOg&quot;>[WIB04]&lt;/a>:&#xD;
Developers can develop, test, and debug software changes without being affected by others team&#xD;
members'&amp;nbsp;changes until they are ready. When ready, developers can update their insulated environments to&#xD;
test the latest changes from other developers.&#xD;
With separate workspaces for integration and system testing, a team could use a methodology that ensures&#xD;
changes have passed integration testing before other developers get them, thereby minimizing the time spent&#xD;
solving integration problems.&amp;nbsp; For example, if two team members check in incompatible changes without&#xD;
realizing it, and both changes are immediately available to everyone on the team, all team members&amp;nbsp;might&#xD;
waste time trying to resolve the broken build. Conversely, if both changes must pass integration testing before&#xD;
being distributed to others, the problem could be found and fixed by one person with minimal disruption to the&#xD;
By setting up an integration area to collect and build the latest changes, the team can integrate early and&#xD;
often. That is a well-known best practice for reducing overall cost and time to deliver software projects.&#xD;
The system test area, which is used for preparing releases, is insulated from developers' ongoing changes and&#xD;
contains only configurations that have passed integration testing. This lets you control the content of the&#xD;
release while still enabling developers to continue working.&#xD;