blob: 7671ebf2a57c875922ff3c0e0d500b18804a46b7 [file] [log] [blame]
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<mainDescription>&lt;h1>Opportunities in the OpenUP community &lt;/h1>&#xD;
&lt;p>OpenUP is developed by the Eclipse Process Framework (EPF) team. EPF is an &#xD;
open source community that depends solely on the active participation of its &#xD;
user community to produce process content and tools. There are a variety of &#xD;
ways to participate in the development and deployment of OpenUP, depending on &#xD;
your interest and skill level. &lt;/p>&#xD;
&lt;p> If all you want to do is ask a few questions to get started, sign up for the &#xD;
EPF Newsgroup. If you want to participate in discussions and decisions about &#xD;
the content and direction of OpenUP, sign up for the epf-dev mailing list. Use &#xD;
Bugzilla to get your hands dirty by reporting bugs and enhancements, verifying &#xD;
the correctness of method content, or submitting method content to address process &#xD;
issues. Participate at the highest levels by joining OpenUP technical and committee &#xD;
meetings. These meetings are where detailed process issues and product strategy &#xD;
are discussed. &lt;/p>&#xD;
Everyone who downloads or uses OpenUP is encouraged to participate at some level. OpenUP is only as good as the quality&#xD;
of the participation of its contributors.&#xD;
&lt;h2> EPF newsgroup &lt;/h2>&#xD;
&lt;p> The EPF Newsgroup is the place to ask and answer questions about OpenUP, EPF &#xD;
Composer, and other EPF processes. Most of the traffic involves how to use EPF &#xD;
Composer and OpenUP. It’s monitored by the community, and you can access it &#xD;
like you do any newsgroup. Everyone who uses OpenUP will benefit from the support &#xD;
it offers and by receiving announcements about OpenUP. Sign up for the &lt;a href=&quot;;>newsgroup.&lt;/a> &#xD;
&lt;h2> EPF-Dev mailing list &lt;/h2>&#xD;
&lt;p> The epf-dev mailing list is used by the OpenUP development community to communicate &#xD;
and discuss development issues. Sign up for the &lt;a href=&quot;;>mailing &#xD;
list&lt;/a> to participate in technical discussions and receive meeting announcements.&lt;/p>&#xD;
&lt;h2> Bugs, enhancements, and process content &lt;/h2>&#xD;
&lt;p> Bugzilla is the tool used to track changes and tasks for OpenUP. Bugzilla &#xD;
is the Work Items List for the OpenUP project and contains the requirements, &#xD;
enhancements, bugs, to-do items, and so forth for the project. Anyone in the &#xD;
community is invited to report bugs and enhancements, to provide content addressing &#xD;
the bugs and enhancements, and to help validate that the content is correct. &#xD;
You can provide content simply by adding an attachment to any Bugzilla entry. &#xD;
&lt;p> Learn how to use &lt;a href=&quot;;>Bugzilla &#xD;
change requests&lt;/a> for OpenUP. &lt;/p>&#xD;
&lt;p> Content can be submitted as text files or exported from EPF Composer as plug-ins &#xD;
or XML. Edit the latest version of the libraries by downloading them from the &#xD;
CVS in EPF Composer. Set up EPF Composer to download the OpenUP library by following &#xD;
the instructions on the &lt;a href=&quot;;>EPF &#xD;
Composer Development Guide&lt;/a>. Note that only committers can commit changes &#xD;
to the CVS. Any changes made by contributors must be attached to a Bugzilla &#xD;
entry. &lt;/p>&#xD;
&lt;h2> Meetings and committees&lt;/h2>&#xD;
&lt;p> There are numerous meetings every week to discuss OpenUP progress and define &#xD;
solutions. The &lt;a href=&quot;; title=&quot;EPF Calendar&quot;>EPF &#xD;
Calendar&lt;/a> is open to everyone and lists all upcoming meetings (teleconferences &#xD;
and face-to-face). Participate in these meetings to dive deeply into OpenUP &#xD;
issues by collaborating directly with other members of the community. Although &#xD;
everyone is welcome to attend these meetings, it’s generally expected that participants &#xD;
will, at some point, take responsibility for some OpenUP tasks. &lt;/p>&#xD;
&lt;p> The calendar and epf-dev newsgroup also announce the EPF Committer meetings. &#xD;
Currently, these are held quarterly in both the North America and Europe. This &#xD;
is the highest level of participation, where committers and contributors make &#xD;
critical decisions about EPF projects, including OpenUP. Everyone from the OpenUP &#xD;
community is welcome, and attendees are expected to participate in discussions &#xD;
and take on responsibility for addressing aspects of the EPF. &lt;/p></mainDescription>