blob: 023dee7db331795599c723b9bba0cbca07a1674b [file] [log] [blame]
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Attached are templates for describing the architecture in a small, co-located project. At a minimum, all projects&#xD;
should describe the goals and philosophy of the architecture, identify assumptions and dependencies, reference the&#xD;
architecturally significant requirements, describe the architectural mechanisms, and describe decisions and constraints&#xD;
with their justifications.&#xD;
Architects should consider when it's appropriate to add more information to the Architecture Notebook. A small project&#xD;
shouldn't spend lots of time documenting the architecture, but all critical elements of the system must be communicated&#xD;
to current and future team members. Consider including useful architectural views, references to architecturally&#xD;
significant areas of the design, key abstractions, critical system interface descriptions, and a description of the&#xD;
architectural framework or pattern.&#xD;