blob: 59ed5691c1b1355b98da0d62b6ae069c035b96b6 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<org.eclipse.epf.uma:GuidanceDescription xmi:version="2.0"
xmlns:xmi="" xmlns:org.eclipse.epf.uma=""
xmlns:epf="" epf:version="1.2.0" xmi:id="-giTBOvJczHXweRzBQEo-7A"
name="new_template,_EOPcMAMUEdylNddAObilIA" guid="-giTBOvJczHXweRzBQEo-7A" changeDate="2007-06-22T13:44:44.614-0400">
This template describes how the design can be organized to be understood from multiple perspectives. It also provides&#xD;
some suggestions for how patterns and descriptions of small reusable interactions can be used to minimize redundancy.&#xD;
It is important that design not be thought of as &quot;a document&quot;. Design information that is worth keeping for some&#xD;
duration will have to have some long-lived form. But that form might be as a repository in some visual modeling tool,&#xD;
or as subdirectories of white-board diagrams captured with a digital camera, or as an actual document that provides&#xD;
some structure to images taken from a myriad of sources.&#xD;
This template describes the information that should be conveyed. Typically the information should be conveyed&#xD;
graphically (either with UML or some other unambiguous notation) or at least at some abstract level textually. This can&#xD;
be enhanced with code examples, but it is suggested that the design not be rendered solely at the code level.&#xD;
The structure of the design is suggested in this template.&#xD;
Design Structure&#xD;
&lt;p style=&quot;COLOR: #0000ff&quot;>&#xD;
[ Describe the design from the highest level -- this is commonly done with a diagram that shows a layered architecture.&#xD;
&lt;p style=&quot;COLOR: #0000ff&quot;>&#xD;
[ Describe the design of a portion of the system (package, component, etc.). The design should capture both static and&#xD;
dynamic perspectives.&#xD;
&lt;p style=&quot;COLOR: #0000ff&quot;>&#xD;
When capturing dynamic walkthroughs of behavior, look for reusable chunks of behavior that can be referenced to&#xD;
simplify the design of the use-case realizations.&#xD;
&lt;p style=&quot;COLOR: #0000ff&quot;>&#xD;
This section can be hierarchically broken down into lower-level subsections to describe lower-level, encapsulated&#xD;
sub-systems. ]&#xD;
&lt;p style=&quot;COLOR: #0000ff&quot;>&#xD;
[ Provide an overview of the pattern textually in some consistent form. The overview of a pattern can include the&#xD;
intent, motivation, and applicability. ]&#xD;
&lt;p style=&quot;COLOR: #0000ff&quot;>&#xD;
[ Describe the pattern from a static perspective. Include all the participants, how they relate to one another, and&#xD;
call out the&amp;nbsp;relevant data and behavior. ]&#xD;
&lt;p style=&quot;COLOR: #0000ff&quot;>&#xD;
[ Describe the pattern from a dynamic perspective. Walk through how the participants collaborate to support various&#xD;
scenarios. ]&#xD;
&lt;p style=&quot;COLOR: #0000ff&quot;>&#xD;
[ Often a pattern is best communicated with an additional concrete example. ]&#xD;
Use-Case Realizations&#xD;
View of Participants&#xD;
&lt;p style=&quot;COLOR: #0000ff&quot;>&#xD;
[ Describe the participating design elements from a static perspective giving details such as behavior, relations, and&#xD;
attributes relevant to this use-case realization. ]&#xD;
Basic Scenario&#xD;
&lt;p style=&quot;COLOR: #0000ff&quot;>&#xD;
[ For the main flow, describe how instances of the design elements collaborate to realize the use case. If using UML,&#xD;
this can be done with collaboration diagrams (sequence or communication). ]&#xD;
Additional Scenarios&#xD;
&lt;p style=&quot;COLOR: #0000ff&quot;>&#xD;
[ For other scenarios that must be described to convey an appropriate amount of information on how the use-case&#xD;
behavior will be realized, describe how instances of the design elements collaborate to realize the use case. If using&#xD;
UML, this can be done with collaboration diagrams (sequence or communication). ]&#xD;