blob: 5e70ec09002c5551fd4b17412bd9533798749ba5 [file] [log] [blame]
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The purpose of this discipline is to: &amp;nbsp;&#xD;
Encourage stakeholder&amp;nbsp;consensus on prioritizing the sequence of work&#xD;
Stimulate team collaboration on creating long-term and short-term plans for the project.&#xD;
Focus the team on continually delivering tested software for stakeholder evaluation&#xD;
Help create an effective working environment to maximize team productivity&#xD;
Keep stakeholders and the team informed of project progress&#xD;
Provide a framework to manage project risk and continually adapt to change&#xD;
Project Management is an umbrella discipline that impacts, and is impacted by, all other disciplines. Project&#xD;
management activities add value to creating a high-performance work environment where:&#xD;
stakeholders trust in the team's ability to successfully deliver value and understand the capabilities and&#xD;
tradeoffs of the technical platform&#xD;
Project team members understand stakeholder intentions and confirm that understanding by continually producing a&#xD;
working software product for evaluation&lt;br />&#xD;