blob: d0182841eb16e5c08e20af9352963cfddde82298 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<org.eclipse.epf.uma:RoleDescription xmi:version="2.0" xmlns:xmi="" xmlns:org.eclipse.epf.uma="" xmlns:epf="" epf:version="1.5.1" xmlns:rmc="" rmc:version="7.5.1" xmi:id="-Mcx6tqWLjhR3Dd12ad3EsQ" name="product_owner,_ob1d4EuUEeCsWoZ6ZH16Zg" guid="-Mcx6tqWLjhR3Dd12ad3EsQ" changeDate="2011-10-13T09:55:47.374-0600" version="7.5.1">
This role is the one and only person responsible for managing the Product Backlog and ensuring the value of the work&#xD;
the development team performs. The Product Owner has the responsibility of defining what is the right product to build,&#xD;
determining the order in which features will be built, and making sure that the product actually works. The Product&#xD;
Owner is responsible for defining the features of the product to be developed by the team in terms of:&#xD;
&lt;strong>Functionality:&lt;/strong> Identifies each product requirement as a Product Backlog Item and supplies&#xD;
details for those requirements when they are needed by the team, including specifying the acceptance tests for&#xD;
each requirement&#xD;
&lt;strong>Priority:&lt;/strong> Defines the order in which those backlog items will be developed, according to the value&#xD;
that they bring to Customers and users, which provides the team with a Product Backlog ready for Sprint/Iteration&#xD;
&lt;strong>Goal:&lt;/strong> Defines the release goals and makes decisions concerning release planning&#xD;
The Product Owner has the following responsibilities:&#xD;
&lt;ul class=&quot;noindent&quot;>&#xD;
Define the features of the product&#xD;
Decide on release date and content&#xD;
Responsible for the profitability of the product (ROI)&#xD;
Prioritize features according to market value&#xD;
Adjust features and priorities as needed&#xD;
Accept or reject work results&#xD;
This person maintains the Product Backlog and ensures that it is visible to everyone. Everyone understands what items&#xD;
have the highest priority, so everyone on the development Team knows what will be worked on.&#xD;
The Product Owner is one person, not a committee. Committees may exist that advise or influence this person but team&#xD;
members who want to change an item's priority must first convince the Product Owner. In this way, organizational&#xD;
methods for setting priorities and requirements are influenced over time by this role.&#xD;
For the Product Owner to succeed, everyone in the organization must respect their decisions. No one is allowed to&#xD;
direct the development team member to work from a different set of priorities. Team members are not allowed to follow the direction&#xD;
of anyone whose direction does not coincide with the direction provided by the Product Owner. The Product Owner’s&#xD;
decisions are visible in the content and prioritization of the Product Backlog. This visibility requires that the&#xD;
Product Owner do their best. Visibility makes the role of Product Owner both a demanding and a rewarding experience.&#xD;
The Product Owner is responsible for the first of the three Scrum ceremonies, Sprint/Iteration Planning. The development team evaluates&#xD;
the prioritized Product Backlog, identifies the top priority items, and commits to completing the selected items during&#xD;
a Sprint/Iteration. These items become the basis for the Sprint/Iteration Backlog.&#xD;
In return for the development team's commitment to completing the selected tasks, the Product Owner commits that they will&#xD;
not introduce new requirements to the team during the Sprint/Iteration. Requirements are allowed to change but only outside the&#xD;
Sprint/Iteration. After the team begins a Sprint/Iteration, it remains focused on the goals of that Sprint/Iteration. The only exception to this&#xD;
rule is that a similar amount of work can be removed from a Sprint/Iteration to accommodate a new requirement.&#xD;
<keyConsiderations>The Product Owner's commitment is essential to ensure the project success. By defining the product vision, they provide&#xD;
direction to the team. By externally promoting each Sprint/Iteration result, the Product Owner brings recognition and motivation&#xD;
to the team.</keyConsiderations>
The person who plays this role should have the following competencies:&#xD;
Good knowledge of the business domain&#xD;
Demonstrate leadership and be respected by external stakeholders (Customers and users)&#xD;
Make decisions at the right time (not too soon, not too late)&#xD;
&quot;Open minded&quot; to changes&#xD;
Effective communication skills with the team&#xD;
A former Business Analyst or Project Manager is a good candidate for this role.&#xD;
Only one person can play this role for each development team. This person must be assigned to the project (the Product&#xD;
Owner is a member of the development team and should participate in the Daily Stand-up meeting). The workload&#xD;
associated with this role almost requires a full-time assignment.&#xD;
The Product Owner is:&#xD;
A single person dedicated to the project who must be available to answer the team's questions promptly to define&#xD;
feature tests and provide advice regarding various product aspects (the software UI, for example)&#xD;
An extended member of the team who participates in Sprint/Iteration planning and Sprint/Iteration review meetings&#xD;
Typically someone from a Marketing role or a key user in internal development&#xD;
Can be a Customer representative or a Customer proxy&#xD;
Suggestions from&amp;nbsp;Ken Schwaber's&amp;nbsp;Scrum Guide:&#xD;
The Product Owner can be a Team member, and in addition perform development work. This additional responsibility&#xD;
may affect the Product Owner’s ability to work with stakeholders. However, the Product Owner can never be the&#xD;
For commercial development, the Product Owner may be the product manager. For in-house development efforts, the&#xD;
Product Owner can be the manager of the business function that is being automated.&#xD;