blob: 36448f9fdef5ce376bf5a2854fb3099ace6b5294 [file] [log] [blame]
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Retrospectives, as applied in software development, have historical roots in Project Retrospectives described as:&#xD;
&quot;A ritual held &lt;b>at the end&lt;/b> of a project to learn from the experience and plan changes for the next effort.&quot; [&lt;a&#xD;
While Retrospectives conducted at the end of a project remain valuable, the spirit of Retrospectives should be imbued&#xD;
across the project continuum, conducted at key project milestones:&#xD;
At the end of project iterations&#xD;
After releases&#xD;
Immediately upon occurrences of key project incidents (significant unexpected events).&#xD;
When the practice of Retrospectives is intimately intertwined with the processes of the project, the health of the team&#xD;
is constantly monitored, the &quot;heartbeat&quot; of project progress is readily measured, and the team hones an awareness of&#xD;
opportunities for improvement and increased productivity. A symbiotic relationship emerges between an evolutionary&#xD;
development process and a Retrospective that supports the various methods of inspection and adaptation.&#xD;
The iteration, incident, and project Retrospectives are designed, in part, to calibrate the team's progress with the&#xD;
goals of the project. Several methods can be used to incite the Retrospective team to begin their collective&#xD;
investigative work, such as posing the following three driving questions to the team:&#xD;
&quot;What worked well for us during the past iteration (or project, and so on)?&quot;&#xD;
&quot;What did not work well for us during the past iteration (or project, and so on)?&quot;&#xD;
&quot;What should we do differently, or what improvements should we undertake during our next iteration (or project, and&#xD;
so on)&quot;.&#xD;
The questions are expected to generate actions that will assist the team in prioritizing suggested improvements for the&#xD;
project, to be implemented during the subsequent cycle. In addition to the aforementioned investigative questions, a&#xD;
Retrospective should include steps that provide structure for the team's focus and resulting work.&#xD;
An effectively facilitated Retrospective will create an environment that is conducive to various practices of&#xD;
inspection and adaptation. The methods of inspection and adaptation are project control mechanisms that assume, and&#xD;
respond to, the existence of complexity, unpredictability, and constant change. Practiced in the context of a&#xD;
Retrospective, the methods of inspection and adaptation produce a feedback loop from which flexibility, responsiveness,&#xD;
and reliability are realized.&#xD;
The mere execution of Retrospectives is insufficient without an organizational commitment to a collaborative culture.&#xD;
The success of Retrospectives is directly proportional to, and necessarily contingent on, an environment that engenders&#xD;
highly motivated and performing teams (not the individual), nurtures open and frequent communication, and provides a&#xD;
thriving sense of dedication to the team community. Retrospectives embody the spirit of team collaboration and&#xD;
self-reflection by offering an environment in which teams are encouraged to provide feedback and identify lessons&#xD;
learned. The compositional aspects of the team are crucial in supporting the highly collaborative nature of&#xD;
Retrospectives, enabling the team to produce insight(s) into improving the processes of the project.&#xD;