blob: 4df0927655ca0d6985cba1e60dfe792395864fa5 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- Package Description information to be picked up by -->
<!-- PackageName is the title of your package
maintainer is the project or persons that are maintaining the package
iconurl is the fully qualified URL to the icon you wish to use on the site (48x48)
bugzillaComponentID is used to gather bugzilla information about your package. This should be given to you after provisioning of the package is finished
testPlan is the fully qualified URL to the test plan for this package
packageName="Pulsar for Mobile Java Developers"
maintainer="Pulsar Industry Workgroup"
testPlan="" >
<!-- Description is wrapped in CDATA tags to allow you to insert HTML code if necessary -->
<description><![CDATA[Pulsar is a tools platform for Mobile Java Developers. It includes the Eclipse Platform, Java Development Tools (JDT), Mobile Tools for Java (MTJ), Mylyn and Plugin Development Environment (PDE). Pulsar also makes it easy to download SDK from different handset manufacturers.]]></description>
<!-- packageTesters is a list of the people that are testing the package -->
<tester>Diego Madruga</tester>
<tester>Gustavo de Paula</tester>
project="Eclipse Platform" />
project="Eclipse JDT" />
project="DSDP MTJ" />
project="Eclipse Mylyn" />
<!-- version, the RCP version to build. This is used to determine the file
name of the root file archives -->
<rcp version="3.5RC3" />
<!-- name, the name of the product, used in naming the created files. -->
initialPerspectiveId="org.eclipse.mtj.pulsar.ui.PulsarPerspective" />
<!-- url, pointing to an update site. -->
<!-- local mirrors -->
<updateSite url="file:///home/data/httpd/" />
<updateSite url="file:///home/data/httpd/" />
<updateSite url="file:///home/data/httpd/" />
<updateSite url="file:///home/data/httpd/" />
<updateSite url="file:///home/data/httpd/" />
<!-- update sites -->
<updateSite url="file:///home/mknauer/mirror/eclipse/updates/3.4milestones/" />
<updateSite url="" />
<updateSite url="" />
<updateSite url="" />
<updateSite url="" />
<!-- id, a feature id. -->
<!-- version, the feature version. -->
<!-- folder, pointing to a folder containing the zipped root files for each of
the target platforms. -->
<rootFileFolder folder="/home/data/httpd/" />
<!-- relativeFolder, names the subfolder of the base folder where the update site will be created.
This is configurable so that working areas, especially root files, are reusable. -->
<extensionSite relativeFolder="extension_site"></extensionSite>
<!-- Create archives for win32, linux, macosx platforms, antZip is default format -->
<platform os="win32" ws="win32" arch="x86">
<archiveFormat format="antZip"></archiveFormat>
<eclipseIniFileContent path="/eclipse/">-showsplash
<platform os="linux" ws="gtk" arch="x86">
<archiveFormat format="tar" />
<eclipseIniFileContent path="/eclipse/">-showsplash
<platform os="linux" ws="gtk" arch="x86_64">
<archiveFormat format="tar" />
<eclipseIniFileContent path="/eclipse/">-showsplash
<platform os="macosx" ws="carbon" arch="ppc">
<archiveFormat format="tar" />
<eclipseIniFileContent path="/eclipse/">-showsplash