blob: f37bbed02dbadc79c99d7d3cfb08770c9a74eab8 [file] [log] [blame]
import "ecore2dot.eol";
// If the root EPackage has a @constraints(file="foo.evl")
// annotation, parse the constraints into an EVL module
var module = getValidationModule();
// Compute the set of classes to be shown in this diagram
var classes = OrderedSet{c}; // The root class
classes.addAll(c.getVisibleEReferences().eType); // The types of its references
if (isLayerActive("supertypes")) classes.addAll(c.eSuperTypes); // All its supertypes
if (isLayerActive("subtypes")) classes.addAll(|o.eSuperTypes.includes(c))); // All its subtypes
digraph G {
graph[splines=ortho, nodesep=0.5]
node[fontname=Tahoma, fontsize=10, shape=record]
edge[fontname=Tahoma, fontsize=10, dir=back, arrowtail=empty]
[%var main=c;%]
[%for (c in classes) { %]
[** Create a node for the class **]
[][shape=none, margin=0, label = <[%=c.getLabel()%]>]
[%if (main == c){%]
[** Create nodes for all the constraints of the main class*]
[%if (isLayerActive("constraints")){%]
[%for (constraint in||ctx.constraints).flatten()){%]
[][label="[%=constraint.getConstraintLabel()%]", style="filled", fillcolor="[%=constraint.getConstraintColour()%]"]
[]->[][arrowtail=none, style=dashed]
[** Create node for all the documentation of the main class*]
[%if (isLayerActive("documentation")){%]
[%var documentation = c.getAnnotationValue("", "documentation");%]
[%if (documentation.isDefined()){%]
[]_Documentation[shape="note", label="[%=documentation.toMultiline()%]", style="filled", fillcolor="azure"]
[]_Documentation->[][arrowtail=none, style=dashed];
[** Create edges for the supertypes of the main class **]
[%if (isLayerActive("supertypes")){%]
[%for (s in main.eSuperTypes){%]
[** ... and for its subtypes **]
[%if (isLayerActive("subtypes")){%]
[%for (s in|c.eSuperTypes.includes(main))){%]
[* ... and for its references *]
[%for (r in main.getVisibleEReferences().select(r|r.eType <> main)) {%]
[%if (not r.isContainment()){%]{rank=same; []; []}[%}%]
operation EClass getLabel() {
var fillcolor = "fffcdc"; if (self==main) fillcolor="c8f0a1";
var label = "<table cellspacing='0' cellborder='0' cellpadding='1' bgcolor='#" + fillcolor + "'>";
var features = self.eAllStructuralFeatures;
if (not isLayerActive("inherited") and self == main) features = self.eStructuralFeatures;
if (not isLayerActive("derived")) features = features.reject(f|f.isDerived);
if (self.eSuperTypes.includes(main)) features = features.excludingAll(main.eAllStructuralFeatures);
var javascript = "javascript:top.showView('/Model/Classes/" + + "')";
var tooltip = "Show class diagram for " +;
if (self==main) {
javascript = "javascript:top.showElement('" + + "','" + self.eResource.uri + "')";
tooltip = "Go to " + + " in the Ecore editor";
label += "<tr><td sides='B' colspan='2' border='1'>" +
"<table border='0' cellspacing='0' cellborder='0' cellpading='0'>" +
"<tr><td align='right' valign='middle'><img src='" + self.getIcon()+ "'></img></td>" +
"<td align='left' valign='middle' href=\""+javascript+"\" tooltip='" + tooltip + "'>" + + "</td></tr></table></td></tr>";
label += "<tr><td></td><td></td></tr>";
for (f in features.sortBy(f| {
label += "<tr>";
label += "<td><img src='" + f.getIcon() + "'></img></td><td align='left'>" + f.getLabel(self) + "</td>";
label += "</tr>";
if (features.isEmpty()){
label += "<tr>";
label += "<td> </td><td> </td>";
label += "</tr>";
label += "</table>";
return label;
operation EStructuralFeature getLabel(eClass : EClass) {
var label =;
if (self.eType.isDefined()) label += " : " +;
if (self.isMany) label += "["+"*"+"]";
label += " ";
if (eClass == main and self.eContainer() == eClass) label = "<font color='blue'>" + label + "</font>";
if (self.isTypeOf(EReference)) {
// add href here
return label;
operation EOperation getLabel() {
var label = + "(" + self.eParameters.collect(p|p.getLabel()).concat(", ") + ")";
if (self.eType.isDefined()) {
label += " : " +;
if (self.isMany) {
label += "["+"*"+"]";
return label;
operation EReference getArrowTail() {
if (self.containment) {
return "diamond";
else {
return "none";
operation Any getIcon() {
return new Native("")
(System.context.module.file.parent, "icons/" + + ".gif").absolutePath;
operation Any getConstraintLabel() {
var label =;
if (self.comments.notEmpty()) label = label + ": " + self.comments.first();
return label.toMultiline();
operation Any getConstraintColour() {
if (self.isCritique()) return "khaki1";
else return "mistyrose";
operation EClass getVisibleEReferences() {
var eReferences = self.eReferences;
if (not isLayerActive("derived")) eReferences = eReferences.reject(r|r.isDerived);
return eReferences;
operation isLayerActive(id : String) {
var layer = layers.selectOne(l| = id);
if (layer.isDefined()) {
else {
return true;