blob: 56819a6a681b58ea624c1d69263fc3697417fd89 [file] [log] [blame]
Based on the API in
digraph G {
node[shape=record, fontname=Tahoma, fontsize=10, style=filled, fillcolor=azure]
edge[fontname=Tahoma, fontsize=10, fontcolor=grey]
[%var colors = Sequence{"floralwhite", "lemonchiffon", "mistyrose", "pink", "wheat", "plum"};%]
[%var types = M.types;%]
[%var files : Set;%]
[* For every type *]
[%for (t in types){%]
[%var elements = t.all;%]
[* For all elements that are instances of the type *]
[%for (e in elements){%]
[* Produce the element node*]
[%=e.getNodeId()%][label="{:[]|[%=e.getAttributesLabel(t)%]}", fillcolor="[%=colors.get(types.indexOf(t).mod(colors.size()))%]"];
[* Link the element to its file *]
[%var file = M.getFileOf(e); files.add(file);%]
[%=file.getNodeId()%] -> [%=e.getNodeId()%];
[* Create links for references by*]
[%for (r in t.references){%]
[%for (target in e.getFeature( | target.isDefined())){%]
[%=e.getNodeId()%] -> [%=target.getNodeId()%] [label="[]"]
[* Produce the file nodes *]
[%for (f in files){%]
[%=f.getNodeId()%][label="[%=f.path%]",shape="note", fillcolor="beige"];
operation Any getAttributesLabel(type : Any) {
return type.attributes.collect(a| + " = " + self.getFeature("\\n");
operation Any getNodeId() {
return (self.getNode().id+"").replaceAll("#","x").replaceAll(":","x");
operation isLayerActive(id : String) {
var layer = layers.selectOne(l| = id);
if (layer.isDefined()) {
else {
return true;