blob: 3b9a916ab9818a5c1e1e4f4ac0439eefbc51cdf0 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2019 The University of York.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made
* available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0
* which is available at
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
package org.eclipse.epsilon.executors.etl;
import org.eclipse.epsilon.etl.IEtlModule;
import org.eclipse.epsilon.etl.trace.TransformationTrace;
import org.eclipse.epsilon.executors.IEpsilonLanguageExecutor;
* The IEtlExecutor API provides additional methods to return the transformation trace and to store
* the trace as a model.
* @author Horacio Hoyos Rodriguez
* @param <M> the Module type
public interface IEtlExecutor extends IEpsilonLanguageExecutor {
* Wrapper method to return the trace.
* @return the transformation trace
default TransformationTrace getTransformationTrace() {
return (TransformationTrace) getResult();
IEtlModule getModule();
// /**
// * Save the transformation trace as an EMF model. The model conforms to the EtlSimpleTrace
// * metamodel defined as:
// * <pre>
// * {@code
// * @namespace(uri="", prefix="etltr")
// * package EtlSimpleTrace;
// *
// * class Trace {
// * val TraceLink[*] links;
// * }
// *
// * class TraceLink {
// * ref EObject[*] sources;
// * ref EObject[*] targets;
// * attr String description;
// * }
// * }
// * </pre>
// * The metamodel can be retrieved via <code>IEtlExecutor.class.getResource("SimpleTrace.ecore")</code>.
// *
// * @param location The path where the model will be stored
// */
// public void saveTransformationTraceAsEmfModel(Path location);