blob: ae1a1c486c9da378a3189e3d8551436b3441d0c6 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.eclipse.epsilon.egl.output;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Scanner;
import org.eclipse.epsilon.egl.formatter.Formatter;
* Formats the text by outdenting -%] sections
public class OutdentationFormatter implements Formatter {
protected int outdentation = 0;
protected Map<Integer, Integer> outdentations = new LinkedHashMap<>();
protected OutputBuffer outputBuffer;
public OutdentationFormatter(OutputBuffer outputBuffer) {
this.outputBuffer = outputBuffer;
public String format(String text) {
// If -%] has not been used in the template
// just return the original text
if (outdentations.isEmpty()) return text;
// The buffer to collect the outdented text
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
int startOffset = 0;
// If there's no indentation for the end of the text
// set it to zero
if (outdentations.get(text.length()) == null) {
outdentations.put(text.length(), 0);
// Sort the offsets in case they were inserted out of order
List<Integer> offsets = new ArrayList<>(outdentations.keySet());
// Break the text down to chunks by offset and
// outdent each chunk according to its outdentation size
for (int offset : offsets) {
// The chunk to outdent
String toOutdent = text.substring(startOffset, offset);
// The outdentation for that chunk
int outdentation = outdentations.containsKey(startOffset) ? outdentations.get(startOffset) : 0;
// Break the chunk down to lines
Scanner scanner = new Scanner(toOutdent);
while (scanner.hasNextLine()) {
// Outdent each line
buffer.append(outdent(scanner.nextLine(), outdentation));
// Append a new line character where appropriate
if (scanner.hasNextLine() || toOutdent.endsWith(outputBuffer.getNewline())) {
// Move to the next chunk
startOffset = offset;
return buffer.toString();
protected String outdent(String line, int outdentation) {
for (int i = 0; i < outdentation; i++) {
final String l = line;
String indenter = outputBuffer.getIndenters().stream().
filter(in -> l.startsWith(in)).findAny().orElse(null);
if (indenter != null) {
line = line.substring(indenter.length(), line.length());
return line;
public void outdent(int offset) {
outdentations.put(offset, outdentation);
public void indent(int offset) {
outdentations.put(offset, outdentation);