blob: 4a4c18d2a05c571a7483176f2183c8fa094a15a7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Get hold of the ActivityFunctions profile
// that contains the Function stereotype
var profile = ActivityFunctionsProfile!Profile.all.first();
// Get hold of the Function stereotype
var functionStereotype = profile.getPackagedElement("Function");
// Create a new plain UML Model element
var newModel : new UML!Model(name="NewModel");
// Apply the ActivityFunctions profile to it
// Create a new plain UML Activity element
var newActivity : new UML!Activity(name="NewActivity");
// ... add it as a child of the Model created above
// ... and apply the Function stereotype to it
var newFunction = newActivity.applyStereotype(functionStereotype);
// Set the value of the body property of the Function stereotype
newFunction.body = "return 42;";
// If we now try to query Function.all, the call will fail
// as the model is not aware of the Function type
// To remedy this we need to get hold of the EPackage
// representation of the ActivityProfile
var profileEPackage = newModel.profileApplications.first().appliedDefinition;
// ... and add it to the package registry of our UML model
UML.resource.resourceSet.packageRegistry.put(profileEPackage.nsURI, profileEPackage);
// We can then use all the stereotypes in the profile
// as regular types
newFunction = UML!Function.all.first();
// The function and its underlying activity are still
// two separate elements in the model, linked via
// the function's base_Activity reference;