blob: 0086d6393dc29623005409239e6e263d3f8fd87d [file] [log] [blame]
<?nsuri gsn?>
<?render-egx gsn.egx?>
<context name="TIS" desc="Tokeneer ID Station includes functions of biometric authentication and smartcards in a networked system requiering identification and authentication mechanisms"/>
<context name="Rets" desc="Requirements will be provided to Altran in the document from known as a Protection Profile"/>
<goal name="Top" desc="Development process of Tokeneer can show compliance to Common Criteria (CC) at EAL5" />
<contextOf source="Top" target="TIS"/>
<contextOf source="Top" target="Rets"/>
<supp source="Top" target="TwoAims"/>
<strat name="TwoAims" desc="a) Feasibility (does the process achieve 'good' software, and b) Cost-effectiveness (is it a cheaper approach?)" />
<goal name="G2" desc="The practicality/cost -effectiveness of the design process is demonstrated"/>
<supp source="TwoAims" target="G2"/>
<goal name="G1" desc="The development process shows compliance at EAL5 for the Tokeneer System"/>
<supp source="TwoAims" target="G1"/>
<strat name="Metrics" desc="Argument by collecting metrics to enable comparision to previous development"/>
<supp source="G2" target="Metrics"/>