blob: fa17e7bc510952f68e79d2479c66bccb3bcb3d16 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ASCII"?>
<idl:Document xmi:version="2.0" xmlns:xmi="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:idl="">
<definitions xsi:type="idl:Enum" identifier="fb_status" comment="/**&#xA; * Common status reporting mechanism across all services&#xA; */">
<pairs identifier="DEAD" hasFID="true"/>
<pairs identifier="STARTING" hasFID="true" fieldID="1"/>
<pairs identifier="ALIVE" hasFID="true" fieldID="2"/>
<pairs identifier="STOPPING" hasFID="true" fieldID="3"/>
<pairs identifier="STOPPED" hasFID="true" fieldID="4"/>
<pairs identifier="WARNING" hasFID="true" fieldID="5"/>
<definitions xsi:type="idl:Service" identifier="FacebookService" comment="/**&#xA; * Standard base service&#xA; */">
<functions comment="/**&#xA; * Returns a descriptive name of the service&#xA; */" identifier="getName">
<defType base="string"/>
<functions comment="/**&#xA; * Returns the version of the service&#xA; */" identifier="getVersion">
<defType base="string"/>
<functions comment="/**&#xA; * Gets the status of this service&#xA; */" identifier="getStatus">
<fieldType identifier="fb_status"/>
<functions comment="/**&#xA; * User friendly description of status, such as why the service is in&#xA; * the dead or warning state, or what is being started or stopped.&#xA; */" identifier="getStatusDetails">
<defType base="string"/>
<functions comment="/**&#xA; * Gets the counters for this service&#xA; */" identifier="getCounters">
<container xsi:type="idl:MapType" keyword="map">
<defType base="string"/>
<defType base="i64"/>
<functions comment="/**&#xA; * Gets the value of a single counter&#xA; */" identifier="getCounter">
<defType base="i64"/>
<args fieldID="1" hasFID="true" identifier="key">
<defType base="string"/>
<functions comment="/**&#xA; * Sets an option&#xA; */" identifier="setOption">
<funcType void="true"/>
<args fieldID="1" hasFID="true" identifier="key">
<defType base="string"/>
<args fieldID="2" hasFID="true" identifier="value">
<defType base="string"/>
<functions comment="/**&#xA; * Gets an option&#xA; */" identifier="getOption">
<defType base="string"/>
<args fieldID="1" hasFID="true" identifier="key">
<defType base="string"/>
<functions comment="/**&#xA; * Gets all options&#xA; */" identifier="getOptions">
<container xsi:type="idl:MapType" keyword="map">
<defType base="string"/>
<defType base="string"/>
<functions comment="/**&#xA; * Returns a CPU profile over the given time interval (client and server&#xA; * must agree on the profile format).&#xA; */" identifier="getCpuProfile">
<defType base="string"/>
<args fieldID="1" hasFID="true" identifier="profileDurationInSec">
<defType base="i32"/>
<functions comment="/**&#xA; * Returns the unix time that the server has been running since&#xA; */" identifier="aliveSince">
<defType base="i64"/>
<functions comment="/**&#xA; * Tell the server to reload its configuration, reopen log files, etc&#xA; */" isOneway="true" identifier="reinitialize">
<funcType void="true"/>
<functions comment="/**&#xA; * Suggest a shutdown to the server&#xA; */" isOneway="true" identifier="shutdown">
<funcType void="true"/>