blob: 5fab8d625951af7c8c150a9b9d578bcf9ed386c6 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2008 The University of York.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made
* available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0
* which is available at
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
package org.eclipse.epsilon.emc.bibtex;
* Copyright (c) 2010 The University of York.
* This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0
* which is available at
* Contributors:
* Louis Rose - initial API and implementation
import static org.eclipse.epsilon.egl.util.FileUtil.NEWLINE;
import org.eclipse.epsilon.eol.exceptions.EolRuntimeException;
import org.eclipse.epsilon.eol.exceptions.models.EolModelLoadingException;
import org.eclipse.epsilon.test.util.ModelWithEolAssertions;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import org.junit.runners.Suite;
public class BibtexModelTests {
public static class AllOfKindTests {
public void twoArticles() throws EolModelLoadingException {
final String bibtex = "@article{apostel60models, " + NEWLINE +
"author = {Apostel, Leo}," + NEWLINE +
"title = {Towards the formal study of models in the non-formal sciences}," + NEWLINE +
"journal = {Synthese}," + NEWLINE +
"publisher = {Springer Netherlands}," + NEWLINE +
"pages = {125--161}," + NEWLINE +
"volume = {12}," + NEWLINE +
"issue = {2}," + NEWLINE +
"year = {1960}" + NEWLINE +
"}" + NEWLINE +
"" + NEWLINE +
"@article{selic05uml2," + NEWLINE +
"author = {Bran Selic}, " + NEWLINE +
"title = {WhatÕs new in UML 2.0?}, " + NEWLINE +
"journal = {IBM Rational software}," + NEWLINE +
"year = {2005}" + NEWLINE +
final ModelWithEolAssertions model = new ModelWithEolAssertions(createBibtexModel(bibtex));
model.assertEquals(2, "Article.all.size()");
model.assertEquals("Apostel, Leo", "");
model.assertEquals("Towards the formal study of models in the non-formal sciences", "Article.all.first.title");
model.assertEquals("Synthese", "Article.all.first.journal");
model.assertEquals("Springer Netherlands", "Article.all.first.publisher");
model.assertEquals("125--161", "Article.all.first.pages");
model.assertEquals("12", "Article.all.first.volume");
model.assertEquals("2", "Article.all.first.issue");
model.assertEquals("1960", "Article.all.first.year");
model.assertEquals("Bran Selic", "");
model.assertEquals("WhatÕs new in UML 2.0?", "Article.all.second.title");
model.assertEquals("IBM Rational software", "Article.all.second.journal");
model.assertEquals("2005", "Article.all.second.year");
public void mixedTypes() throws EolModelLoadingException {
final String bibtex = "@book{pool97society," + NEWLINE +
"author = {Pool, R.}," + NEWLINE +
"title = {Beyond Engineering: How Society Shapes Technology}," + NEWLINE +
"year = {1997}," + NEWLINE +
"publisher = {Oxford University Press}," + NEWLINE +
"}" +
"" +
"@book{gronback09emp," + NEWLINE +
"title = {Eclipse Modeling Project: A Domain-Specific Languages (DSL) Toolkit}," + NEWLINE +
"publisher = {Addison-Wesley Professional}," + NEWLINE +
"year = {2009}," + NEWLINE +
"author = {Gronback, R.C.}" + NEWLINE +
"}" +
"@inproceedings{cicchetti08automating," + NEWLINE +
"author = {Antonio Cicchetti et al.}," + NEWLINE +
"title = {Automating Co-evolution in Model-Driven Engineering}," + NEWLINE +
"booktitle = {Proc. EDOC}," + NEWLINE +
"year = {2008}," + NEWLINE +
"pages = {222--231}," + NEWLINE +
"publisher = {IEEE Computer Society}" + NEWLINE +
final ModelWithEolAssertions model = new ModelWithEolAssertions(createBibtexModel(bibtex));
model.assertEquals(2, "Book.all.size()");
model.assertEquals(1, "Inproceedings.all.size()");
model.assertEquals("Pool, R.", "");
model.assertEquals("Gronback, R.C.", "");
model.assertEquals("Antonio Cicchetti et al.", "");
public void errorForUnknownType() throws Throwable {
final String bibtex = "";
final ModelWithEolAssertions model = new ModelWithEolAssertions(createBibtexModel(bibtex));
public static class PropertyGetterTests {
public void propertyContainingABracket() throws EolModelLoadingException {
final String bibtex = "@article{selic," + NEWLINE +
"title = {What's new in {UML} 2.0?}," + NEWLINE +
final ModelWithEolAssertions model = new ModelWithEolAssertions(createBibtexModel(bibtex));
model.assertEquals("What's new in {UML} 2.0?", "Article.all.first.title");
public void propertyContainingSeveralBrackets() throws EolModelLoadingException {
final String bibtex = "@article{kohler," + NEWLINE +
"author = {Christian K{\"o}hler and G{\"u}nter Kuhns}," + NEWLINE +
final ModelWithEolAssertions model = new ModelWithEolAssertions(createBibtexModel(bibtex));
model.assertEquals("Christian K{\"o}hler and G{\"u}nter Kuhns", "");
public void bibtexId() throws EolModelLoadingException {
final String bibtex = "@article{kohler92models," + NEWLINE +
"author = {Christian K{\"o}hler and G{\"u}nter Kuhns}," + NEWLINE +
final ModelWithEolAssertions model = new ModelWithEolAssertions(createBibtexModel(bibtex));
model.assertEquals("kohler92models", "");
public static class AllContentsTests {
public void shouldContainElementsOfAllTypes() throws Throwable {
final String bibtex = "@book{pool97society," + NEWLINE +
"author = {Pool, R.}," + NEWLINE +
"title = {Beyond Engineering: How Society Shapes Technology}," + NEWLINE +
"year = {1997}," + NEWLINE +
"publisher = {Oxford University Press}," + NEWLINE +
"}" +
"" +
"@book{gronback09emp," + NEWLINE +
"title = {Eclipse Modeling Project: A Domain-Specific Languages (DSL) Toolkit}," + NEWLINE +
"publisher = {Addison-Wesley Professional}," + NEWLINE +
"year = {2009}," + NEWLINE +
"author = {Gronback, R.C.}" + NEWLINE +
"}" +
"@inproceedings{cicchetti08automating," + NEWLINE +
"author = {Antonio Cicchetti et al.}," + NEWLINE +
"title = {Automating Co-evolution in Model-Driven Engineering}," + NEWLINE +
"booktitle = {Proc. EDOC}," + NEWLINE +
"year = {2008}," + NEWLINE +
"pages = {222--231}," + NEWLINE +
"publisher = {IEEE Computer Society}" + NEWLINE +
final ModelWithEolAssertions model = new ModelWithEolAssertions(createBibtexModel(bibtex));
model.assertEquals(3, "MyBib.allContents().size()");
model.assertEquals("Pool, R.", "MyBib.allContents()");
model.assertEquals("Gronback, R.C.", "MyBib.allContents()");
model.assertEquals("Antonio Cicchetti et al.", "MyBib.allContents()");
public static class PropertySetterTests {
public void changeAProperty() throws Throwable {
final String bibtex = "@article{kohler," + NEWLINE +
"author = {Christian K{\"o}hler and G{\"u}nter Kuhns}," + NEWLINE +
final ModelWithEolAssertions model = new ModelWithEolAssertions(createBibtexModel(bibtex));
model.execute(" = 'Joe Bloggs';");
model.assertEquals("Joe Bloggs", "");
public void addAProperty() throws Throwable {
final String bibtex = "@article{kohler," + NEWLINE +
"author = {Christian K{\"o}hler and G{\"u}nter Kuhns}," + NEWLINE +
final ModelWithEolAssertions model = new ModelWithEolAssertions(createBibtexModel(bibtex));
model.execute("Article.all.first.title = 'A paper';");
model.assertEquals("A paper", "Article.all.first.title");
private static BibtexModel createBibtexModel(final String bibtex) throws EolModelLoadingException {
final BibtexModel model = new BibtexModel();
return model;