blob: 172674a0bd5b3442ad5969b07d00465e969869d7 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2008 The University of York.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made
* available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0
* which is available at
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
package org.eclipse.epsilon.flock.parse;
import junit.framework.TestCase;
import java.lang.reflect.*;
import org.antlr.runtime.*;
import org.antlr.runtime.tree.*;
public class TestFlock extends TestCase {
String stdout;
String stderr;
public void testFlockModule1() throws Exception {
// test input: ""
Object retval = execParser("flockModule", "", false);
Object actual = examineParserExecResult(8, retval);
Object expecting = "FLOCKMODULE";
assertEquals("testing rule "+"flockModule", expecting, actual);
public void testFlockModule2() throws Exception {
// test input: "migrate Person { name := nom; }"
Object retval = execParser("flockModule", "migrate Person { name := nom; }", false);
Object actual = examineParserExecResult(8, retval);
Object expecting = "(FLOCKMODULE (MIGRATE Person (BLOCK (:= name nom))))";
assertEquals("testing rule "+"flockModule", expecting, actual);
public void testFlockModule3() throws Exception {
// test input: "migrate Person { name := nom; } migrate Animal { name := nom; }"
Object retval = execParser("flockModule", "migrate Person { name := nom; } migrate Animal { name := nom; }", false);
Object actual = examineParserExecResult(8, retval);
Object expecting = "(FLOCKMODULE (MIGRATE Person (BLOCK (:= name nom))) (MIGRATE Animal (BLOCK (:= name nom))))";
assertEquals("testing rule "+"flockModule", expecting, actual);
public void testFlockModule4() throws Exception {
// test input: "migrate Person { name := nom; } retype Person to Employee"
Object retval = execParser("flockModule", "migrate Person { name := nom; } retype Person to Employee", false);
Object actual = examineParserExecResult(8, retval);
Object expecting = "(FLOCKMODULE (MIGRATE Person (BLOCK (:= name nom))) (RETYPE Person Employee))";
assertEquals("testing rule "+"flockModule", expecting, actual);
public void testFlockModule5() throws Exception {
// test input: "operation Integer inc() { self := self + 1; }"
Object retval = execParser("flockModule", "operation Integer inc() { self := self + 1; }", false);
Object actual = examineParserExecResult(8, retval);
Object expecting = "(FLOCKMODULE (operation Integer inc (BLOCK (:= self (+ self 1)))))";
assertEquals("testing rule "+"flockModule", expecting, actual);
public void testFlockModule6() throws Exception {
// test input: "@cached operation Integer inc() { self := self + 1; }"
Object retval = execParser("flockModule", "@cached operation Integer inc() { self := self + 1; }", false);
Object actual = examineParserExecResult(8, retval);
Object expecting = "(FLOCKMODULE (ANNOTATIONBLOCK @cached operation Integer inc() { self := self + 1; }))";
assertEquals("testing rule "+"flockModule", expecting, actual);
public void testRetyping1() throws Exception {
// test input: "retype Person to Employee"
Object retval = execParser("retyping", "retype Person to Employee", false);
Object actual = examineParserExecResult(8, retval);
Object expecting = "(RETYPE Person Employee)";
assertEquals("testing rule "+"retyping", expecting, actual);
public void testRetyping2() throws Exception {
// test input: "retype Person to Employee when:"
Object retval = execParser("retyping", "retype Person to Employee when:", false);
Object actual = examineParserExecResult(8, retval);
Object expecting = "(RETYPE Person Employee (GUARD (. (. original name) (isDefined PARAMETERS))))";
assertEquals("testing rule "+"retyping", expecting, actual);
public void testRetyping3() throws Exception {
// test input: "retype Person Employee"
Object retval = execParser("retyping", "retype Person Employee", false);
Object actual = examineParserExecResult(28, retval);
Object expecting = "FAIL";
assertEquals("testing rule "+"retyping", expecting, actual);
public void testRetyping4() throws Exception {
// test input: "retype to Employee"
Object retval = execParser("retyping", "retype to Employee", false);
Object actual = examineParserExecResult(28, retval);
Object expecting = "FAIL";
assertEquals("testing rule "+"retyping", expecting, actual);
public void testRetyping5() throws Exception {
// test input: "retype Person to"
Object retval = execParser("retyping", "retype Person to", false);
Object actual = examineParserExecResult(28, retval);
Object expecting = "FAIL";
assertEquals("testing rule "+"retyping", expecting, actual);
public void testRetyping6() throws Exception {
// test input: "retype package families to families2"
Object retval = execParser("retyping", "retype package families to families2", false);
Object actual = examineParserExecResult(8, retval);
Object expecting = "(RETYPEPACKAGE families families2)";
assertEquals("testing rule "+"retyping", expecting, actual);
public void testRetyping7() throws Exception {
// test input: "retype package families to families2 when:"
Object retval = execParser("retyping", "retype package families to families2 when:", false);
Object actual = examineParserExecResult(8, retval);
Object expecting = "(RETYPEPACKAGE families families2 (GUARD (. (. original name) (isDefined PARAMETERS))))";
assertEquals("testing rule "+"retyping", expecting, actual);
public void testRetyping8() throws Exception {
// test input: "retype package families families2"
Object retval = execParser("retyping", "retype package families families2", false);
Object actual = examineParserExecResult(28, retval);
Object expecting = "FAIL";
assertEquals("testing rule "+"retyping", expecting, actual);
public void testRetyping9() throws Exception {
// test input: "retype package to families2"
Object retval = execParser("retyping", "retype package to families2", false);
Object actual = examineParserExecResult(28, retval);
Object expecting = "FAIL";
assertEquals("testing rule "+"retyping", expecting, actual);
public void testRetyping10() throws Exception {
// test input: "retype package families to"
Object retval = execParser("retyping", "retype package families to", false);
Object actual = examineParserExecResult(28, retval);
Object expecting = "FAIL";
assertEquals("testing rule "+"retyping", expecting, actual);
public void testDeletion1() throws Exception {
// test input: "delete Person"
Object retval = execParser("deletion", "delete Person", false);
Object actual = examineParserExecResult(10, retval);
Object expecting = "(DELETE Person)";
assertEquals("testing rule "+"deletion", expecting, actual);
public void testDeletion2() throws Exception {
// test input: "delete Person when:"
Object retval = execParser("deletion", "delete Person when:", false);
Object actual = examineParserExecResult(8, retval);
Object expecting = "(DELETE Person (GUARD (. (. original name) (isUndefined PARAMETERS))))";
assertEquals("testing rule "+"deletion", expecting, actual);
public void testDeletion3() throws Exception {
// test input: "delete package families"
Object retval = execParser("deletion", "delete package families", false);
Object actual = examineParserExecResult(8, retval);
Object expecting = "(DELETEPACKAGE families)";
assertEquals("testing rule "+"deletion", expecting, actual);
public void testDeletion4() throws Exception {
// test input: "delete package families when:"
Object retval = execParser("deletion", "delete package families when:", false);
Object actual = examineParserExecResult(8, retval);
Object expecting = "(DELETEPACKAGE families (GUARD (. (. original name) (isUndefined PARAMETERS))))";
assertEquals("testing rule "+"deletion", expecting, actual);
public void testMigrateRule1() throws Exception {
// test input: "migrate Person { }"
Object retval = execParser("migrateRule", "migrate Person { }", false);
Object actual = examineParserExecResult(8, retval);
Object expecting = "(MIGRATE Person BLOCK)";
assertEquals("testing rule "+"migrateRule", expecting, actual);
public void testMigrateRule2() throws Exception {
// test input: "migrate Person { name := nom; "
Object retval = execParser("migrateRule", "migrate Person { name := nom; ", false);
Object actual = examineParserExecResult(28, retval);
Object expecting = "FAIL";
assertEquals("testing rule "+"migrateRule", expecting, actual);
public void testMigrateRule3() throws Exception {
// test input: "migrate Person { name := nom; }"
Object retval = execParser("migrateRule", "migrate Person { name := nom; }", false);
Object actual = examineParserExecResult(8, retval);
Object expecting = "(MIGRATE Person (BLOCK (:= name nom)))";
assertEquals("testing rule "+"migrateRule", expecting, actual);
public void testMigrateRule4() throws Exception {
// test input: "migrate Person ignoring name"
Object retval = execParser("migrateRule", "migrate Person ignoring name", false);
Object actual = examineParserExecResult(8, retval);
Object expecting = "(MIGRATE Person (IGNORING name))";
assertEquals("testing rule "+"migrateRule", expecting, actual);
public void testMigrateRule5() throws Exception {
// test input: "migrate Person when: { name := nom; }"
Object retval = execParser("migrateRule", "migrate Person when: { name := nom; }", false);
Object actual = examineParserExecResult(8, retval);
Object expecting = "(MIGRATE Person (GUARD (. (. original name) (isDefined PARAMETERS))) (BLOCK (:= name nom)))";
assertEquals("testing rule "+"migrateRule", expecting, actual);
public void testMigrateRule6() throws Exception {
// test input: "migrate Person when {}"
Object retval = execParser("migrateRule", "migrate Person when {}", false);
Object actual = examineParserExecResult(28, retval);
Object expecting = "FAIL";
assertEquals("testing rule "+"migrateRule", expecting, actual);
public void testMigrateRule7() throws Exception {
// test input: "migrate Person; {}"
Object retval = execParser("migrateRule", "migrate Person; {}", false);
Object actual = examineParserExecResult(28, retval);
Object expecting = "FAIL";
assertEquals("testing rule "+"migrateRule", expecting, actual);
public void testMigrateRule8() throws Exception {
// test input: "migrate Person when:; {}"
Object retval = execParser("migrateRule", "migrate Person when:; {}", false);
Object actual = examineParserExecResult(28, retval);
Object expecting = "FAIL";
assertEquals("testing rule "+"migrateRule", expecting, actual);
public void testMigrateRule9() throws Exception {
// test input: "migrate Person"
Object retval = execParser("migrateRule", "migrate Person", false);
Object actual = examineParserExecResult(28, retval);
Object expecting = "FAIL";
assertEquals("testing rule "+"migrateRule", expecting, actual);
public void testIgnoring1() throws Exception {
// test input: "ignoring name"
Object retval = execParser("ignoring", "ignoring name", false);
Object actual = examineParserExecResult(8, retval);
Object expecting = "(IGNORING name)";
assertEquals("testing rule "+"ignoring", expecting, actual);
public void testIgnoring2() throws Exception {
// test input: "ignoring name, number, address"
Object retval = execParser("ignoring", "ignoring name, number, address", false);
Object actual = examineParserExecResult(8, retval);
Object expecting = "(IGNORING name number address)";
assertEquals("testing rule "+"ignoring", expecting, actual);
public void testGuard1() throws Exception {
// test input: "when:"
Object retval = execParser("guard", "when:", false);
Object actual = examineParserExecResult(8, retval);
Object expecting = "(GUARD (. (. original name) (isDefined PARAMETERS)))";
assertEquals("testing rule "+"guard", expecting, actual);
public void testGuard2() throws Exception {
// test input: "when { var n :=; return n.isDefined(); }"
Object retval = execParser("guard", "when { var n :=; return n.isDefined(); }", false);
Object actual = examineParserExecResult(8, retval);
Object expecting = "(GUARD (BLOCK (:= (var n) (. original name)) (return (. n (isDefined PARAMETERS)))))";
assertEquals("testing rule "+"guard", expecting, actual);
public void testGuard3() throws Exception {
// test input: ""
Object retval = execParser("guard", "", false);
Object actual = examineParserExecResult(28, retval);
Object expecting = "FAIL";
assertEquals("testing rule "+"guard", expecting, actual);
// Invoke target parser.rule
public Object execParser(String testRuleName, String testInput, boolean isFile) throws Exception {
CharStream input;
/** Set up ANTLR input stream based on input source, file or String */
if ( isFile==true ) {
input = new ANTLRFileStream(testInput);
else {
input = new ANTLRStringStream(testInput);
try {
FlockLexer lexer = new FlockLexer(input);
CommonTokenStream tokens = new CommonTokenStream(lexer);
FlockParser parser = new FlockParser(tokens);
/** Use Reflection to get rule method from parser */
Method ruleName = Class.forName("org.eclipse.epsilon.flock.parse.FlockParser").getMethod(testRuleName);
/** Start of I/O Redirecting */
PipedInputStream pipedIn = new PipedInputStream();
PipedOutputStream pipedOut = new PipedOutputStream();
PipedInputStream pipedErrIn = new PipedInputStream();
PipedOutputStream pipedErrOut = new PipedOutputStream();
try {
catch(IOException e) {
System.err.println("connection failed...");
PrintStream console = System.out;
PrintStream consoleErr = System.err;
PrintStream ps = new PrintStream(pipedOut);
PrintStream ps2 = new PrintStream(pipedErrOut);
/** End of redirecting */
/** Invoke grammar rule, and store if there is a return value */
Object ruleReturn = ruleName.invoke(parser);
String astString = null;
/** If rule has return value, determine if it's an AST */
if ( ruleReturn!=null ) {
/** If return object is instanceof AST, get the toStringTree */
if ( ruleReturn.toString().indexOf(testRuleName+"_return")>0 ) {
try { // NullPointerException may happen here...
Class<?> _return = Class.forName("org.eclipse.epsilon.flock.parse.FlockParser"+"$"+testRuleName+"_return");
Method[] methods = _return.getDeclaredMethods();
for(Method method : methods) {
if ( method.getName().equals("getTree") ) {
Method returnName = _return.getMethod("getTree");
CommonTree tree = (CommonTree) returnName.invoke(ruleReturn);
astString = tree.toStringTree();
catch(Exception e) {
org.antlr.gunit.gUnitExecuter.StreamVacuum stdoutVacuum = new org.antlr.gunit.gUnitExecuter.StreamVacuum(pipedIn);
org.antlr.gunit.gUnitExecuter.StreamVacuum stderrVacuum = new org.antlr.gunit.gUnitExecuter.StreamVacuum(pipedErrIn);
System.setOut(console); // Reset standard output
System.setErr(consoleErr); // Reset standard err out
this.stdout = null;
this.stderr = null;
// retVal could be actual return object from rule, stderr or stdout
if ( stderrVacuum.toString().length()>0 ) {
this.stderr = stderrVacuum.toString();
return this.stderr;
if ( stdoutVacuum.toString().length()>0 ) {
this.stdout = stdoutVacuum.toString();
if ( astString!=null ) { // Return toStringTree of AST
return astString;
if ( ruleReturn!=null ) {
return ruleReturn;
if ( stderrVacuum.toString().length()==0 && stdoutVacuum.toString().length()==0 ) {
return null;
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
e.printStackTrace(); System.exit(1);
} catch (SecurityException e) {
e.printStackTrace(); System.exit(1);
} catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
e.printStackTrace(); System.exit(1);
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
e.printStackTrace(); System.exit(1);
} catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
e.printStackTrace(); System.exit(1);
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
e.printStackTrace(); System.exit(1);
} catch (Exception e) {
e.printStackTrace(); System.exit(1);
return stdout;
// Modify the return value if the expected token type is OK or FAIL
public Object examineParserExecResult(int tokenType, Object retVal) {
if ( tokenType==27 ) { // expected Token: OK
if ( this.stderr==null ) {
return "OK";
else {
return "FAIL";
else if ( tokenType==28 ) { // expected Token: FAIL
if ( this.stderr!=null ) {
return "FAIL";
else {
return "OK";
else { // return the same object for the other token types
return retVal;