blob: cc313db512cd7b90309aeb4102d6d83ec75fec1f [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2005, 2008 IBM Corporation and others.
# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
# are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
# Contributors:
# IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
## General use
enterPasswordLabel = Enter password:
enterKeystorePassword = Enter the password to unlock your platform KeyStore.
callbackhandlerUnavailable = CallbackHandler is required but not available.
passwordRequired = Password is required.
noDigestAlgorithm = SHA-1 Digest not available. Check the Java configuration file
passwordLabel = Password:
initializing = Secure storage initializing ...
generalDialogTitle = Secure Storage
secureStorageInitialization = Secure storage initialization
initCancelled = Secure storage initialization has been canceled
## Login dialog
messageLogin = Please enter the secure storage password.
messageLoginChange = Password change: please enter a NEW secure storage password.
messageEmptyPassword = Password can not be empty
messageNoMatch = Password and confirmation characters did not match
labelPassword = &Password:
labelConfirm = &Confirm password:
buttonLogin = OK
buttonExit = Cancel
dialogTitle = Please enter the secure storage password.
passwordChangeTitle = Please enter a new master password for the secure storage.
showPassword = &Show password
noDigestPassword = The message digest algorithm \"{0}\" is not available.
locationGroup = Storage location
## exception handling
exceptionTitle = Secure storage
exceptionDecode = Incorrect password or data is corrupted. Would you like to re-log?
## Properties pages
selectCipher = &Select encryption algorithm to use in new storages:
changePasswordButton = &Change Password...
recoverPasswordButton = &Recover Password...
passwordCacheGroup = Cached passwords
providerGroup = Master password providers
passwordCacheNote = Note: Providers using operating system integration re-acquire master passwords automatically. To prevent access, logout from the operating system.
deleteButton = D&elete
logoutButton = Clear &Passwords
enabledColumn = Enabled
priorityColumn = Priority
idColumn = Description
descriptionColumn = Description
defaultGroup = Default secure preferences
confirmDeleteMsg = This action will delete default secure storage. All data in it will be lost. Are you sure you want to delete it?
postDeleteTitle = Storage deleted
postDeleteMsg = Secure storage deleted. Would you like to restart the application now?
tabPassword = Password
tabAdvanced = Advanced
tabContents = Contents
saveButton = &Save
exportButton = &Export...
locationButton = S&torage location:
providerDescription = Providers supply \'master\' passwords used to encrypt information. The enabled provider with the highest priority is chosen. A provider can be disabled by un-checking it from this list.
providerDetails = Details:
## Secure storage view
generalTitle = Secure Storage
rootNodeName = Default Secure Storage
keysTable = Values associated with the selected node:
keysColumn = ID
valuesColumn = Value
nodesContextMenu = Secure preferences nodes
addNodeCommand = &New
addNodeCommandTip = Creates a new secure preferences node
removeNodeCommand = &Delete
removeNodeCommandTip = Deletes the secure preferences node
refreshNodesCommand = Re&fresh
refreshNodesCommandTip = Refresh view
addValueCommand = &New Value
addValueCommandTmp = Creates a new value to be stored under the selected node
removeValueCommand = &Delete Value
removeValueCommandTmp = Deletes selected value
showValueCommand = &Show Value
showValueCommandTmp = Show encrypted value (the stored value remains encrypted)
encryptValueCommand = &Encrypt Value
encryptValueCommandTmp = Encrypt selected value
decryptValueCommand = De&crypt Value
decryptValueCommandTmp = Decrypt selected value
failedDecrypt = Unable to decrypt the specified value. See log for details.
failedEncrypt = Unable to encrypt the specified value. See log for details.
## new node dialog
newNodeTitle = Secure Preferences
newNodeLabel = &Node name:
newNodeMsg = Enter the name of the new node
newNodeOK = OK
newNodeCancel = Cancel
newNodeInvalid = Node name can not be empty or contain forward slashes
## add value dialog
addValueTitle = Add Value
addValueKeyLabel = &ID:
addValueValueLabel = &Value:
addValueEncryptLabel = &Encrypt
addValueOK = OK
addValueCancel = Cancel
addValueMsg = Enter key and its associated value
addValueInvalid = Key already exists or key is null or key value contains forward slash
## remove value dialog
removeValueTitle = Delete Value
removeValueMsg = Are you sure you want to delete value associated with the \"{0}\" key?
## show value dialog
showValueTitle = Encrypted Value
showValueMsg = Key \"{0}\": value \"{1}\".
## export dialog
exportDialogTitle = Decrypt and Export
exportDialogMsg = Warning: This action exports a clear-text DECRYPTED file
exportDialogInvalidMsg = Invalid file name - file name is empty or file can not be written
exportDialogFileLabel = &File name:
exportDialogBrowse = &Browse
exportDialogOK = OK
exportDialogCancel = Cancel
fileSelectTitle = Select file to export to
## re-code wizard
changePasswordWizardTitle = Change Password
wizardDecodeTitle = Step 1: Old Password
wizardDecode = Decrypting data stored with the old \'master\' password.
wizardDecodeLabel = Secure storage is about to decrypt data stored with the old \'master\' password.\n\nIf you are prompted for a secure storage \'master\' password, please enter the old password.
wizardEncodeTitle = Step 2: New Password
wizardEncode = Encrypting data with a new \'master\' password.
wizardEncodeLabel = Secure storage is about to encrypt data with a new \'master\' password.\n\nIf you prompted for a secure storage \'master\' password, please enter the new password.
wizardDecodeWarning = An error occurred while decrypting stored values (see log for details), those values might become inaccessible.\nDo you want to cancel password change?
wizardSwitchError = An error occurred while creating new password. See error log for details.
wizardDoneTitle = Complete
wizardDone = Password change complete.
passwordChangeDone = The ''master'' password has been successfully changed for the provider \"{0}\".
## challenge-response dialog
pswdRecoveryOptionTitle = Secure Storage
pswdRecoveryOptionMsg = A new master password has been created. Password recovery can be enabled by providing additional information. Would you like to do so now?
passwordRecoveryTitle = Password Recovery
passwordRecoveryTitleMsg = Password Recovery Setup
passwordMsg = Specify the questions and answers required for future password recovery.
passwordRecoveryLabel = To be able to recover a lost \'master\' password for the secure storage, enter questions and their expected answers. The questions will be asked when \'Recover Password\' is pressed on the 'Secure Storage' preference page.\n\nThe answers are case sensitive. Treat answers as secondary passwords.
passwordErrMsg = Questions and answers can not be empty.
passwordGroup = Question {0}
passwordQuestion = &Question:
passwordAnswer = &Answer:
passwordButtonOK = OK
passwordButtonCancel = Cancel
## password recovery dialog
pswdRecoveryTitle = Password Recovery
pswRecoveryMsg = Please enter answers you specified for the password recovery
pswRecoveryWarning = Answers can not be empty
pswRecoveryQuestion = Question: \"{0}\"
pswRecoveryAnswer = Answer:
pswRecoveryButtonOK = OK
pswRecoveryButtonCancel = Cancel
pswRecoveredMsg = The \'master\' password has been successfully recovered and is cached in memory.
pswNotRecoveredMsg = Unable to recover password. Would you like to try again?
pswJobName = Password recovery setup