Bug 509862 - Update resolver felix resolver code for Neon.3

This is a combination of 4 commits.

 Bug 493385 - Update to latest resolver code

 Clean up the felix resolver code

 Maintain state of resolve process in ResolveSession instead of
 passing loads of arguments all over the place.

 Extract out common code for resolving between dynamic and regurlar

 Bug 493385 - Update to latest resolver code

 FELIX-5254: Improve structure of permutations to use unmodifiable
 capability lists

 Bug 506939 - Update felix resolver code.

 Bug 509318 - Update resolver implementation to latest from apache

Change-Id: Iee0cb7fbfa360fea4dfb82bc06b41a43444f7bea
Signed-off-by: Thomas Watson <tjwatson@us.ibm.com>
16 files changed