blob: 6268a835d2f9c16108eb50594f9b0be1ba23b10a [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2004, 2005 IBM Corporation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.osgi.tests.resolver;
import org.eclipse.osgi.service.resolver.BundleDescription;
import org.eclipse.osgi.service.resolver.ExportPackageDescription;
import org.eclipse.osgi.service.resolver.State;
import org.eclipse.osgi.service.resolver.StateObjectFactory;
import org.osgi.framework.BundleException;
public class TestPropagation_004 extends AbstractStateTest {
public TestPropagation_004(String testName) {
BundleDescription bundle_1 = null;
BundleDescription bundle_2 = null;
BundleDescription bundle_3 = null;
BundleDescription bundle_4 = null;
BundleDescription bundle_5 = null;
BundleDescription bundle_6 = null;
public void testTest_002() {
State state = buildEmptyState();
StateObjectFactory sof = platformAdmin.getFactory();
bundle_1 = create_bundle_1(sof);
bundle_2 = create_bundle_2(sof);
bundle_3 = create_bundle_3(sof);
bundle_4 = create_bundle_4(sof);
bundle_5 = create_bundle_5(sof);
bundle_6 = create_bundle_6(sof);
// stage a
// expect to pass =true
try {
} catch (Throwable t) {
fail("unexpected exception class=" + t.getClass().getName()
+ " message=" + t.getMessage());
} // end of method
public void checkWiringState_1() {
ExportPackageDescription[] exports = bundle_1.getResolvedImports();
assertNotNull("export array is unexpectedly null", exports);
assertTrue("export array is unexpectedly empty", exports.length > 0);
for (int i = 0; i < exports.length; i++) {
ExportPackageDescription exp = exports[i];
String exportPackageName = exp.getName();
assertNotNull("package name is null", exportPackageName);
if (exportPackageName.equals("p")) {
assertNotNull("Package [p] is not wired when it should be ", exp.getExporter());
assertEquals("Package [p] is wired incorrectly ", exp.getExporter(), bundle_2);
} else if (exportPackageName.equals("q")) {
assertNotNull("Package [q] is not wired when it should be ", exp.getExporter());
assertEquals("Package [q] is wired incorrectly ", exp.getExporter(), bundle_6);
} else if (exportPackageName.equals("s")) {
assertNotNull("Package [s] is not wired when it should be ", exp.getExporter());
assertEquals("Package [s] is wired incorrectly ", exp.getExporter(), bundle_2);
} // end for
} // end method
public void checkWiringState_2() {
BundleDescription[] requires = bundle_2.getResolvedRequires();
assertNotNull("requires array is unexpectedly null", requires);
assertTrue("requires array is unexpectedly empty", requires.length > 0);
for (int i = 0; i<requires.length; i++) {
String requiresName = requires[i].getName();
assertNotNull("package name is null", requiresName);
if(requiresName.equals("C")) {
assertNotNull("Require [C] is not wired when it should be ", requires[i]);
assertEquals("Require [C] is wired incorrectly ", requires[i], bundle_3);
} else if(requiresName.equals("D")) {
assertNotNull("Require [D] is not wired when it should be ", requires[i]);
assertEquals("Require [D] is wired incorrectly ", requires[i], bundle_4);
} // end for
} // end method
public void checkWiringState_3() {
ExportPackageDescription[] exports = bundle_3.getResolvedImports();
assertNotNull("export array is unexpectedly null", exports);
assertTrue("export array is unexpectedly empty", exports.length > 0);
for (int i = 0; i < exports.length; i++) {
ExportPackageDescription exp = exports[i];
String exportPackageName = exp.getName();
assertNotNull("package name is null", exportPackageName);
if (exportPackageName.equals("q")) {
assertNotNull("Package [q] is not wired when it should be ", exp.getExporter());
assertEquals("Package [q] is wired incorrectly ", exp.getExporter(), bundle_5);
} // end for
} // end method
public void checkWiringState_4() {
ExportPackageDescription[] exports = bundle_4.getResolvedImports();
assertNotNull("export array is unexpectedly null", exports);
assertTrue("export array is unexpectedly empty", exports.length > 0);
for (int i = 0; i < exports.length; i++) {
ExportPackageDescription exp = exports[i];
String exportPackageName = exp.getName();
assertNotNull("package name is null", exportPackageName);
if (exportPackageName.equals("q")) {
assertNotNull("Package [q] is not wired when it should be ", exp.getExporter());
assertEquals("Package [q] is wired incorrectly ", exp.getExporter(), bundle_6);
} // end for
} // end method
public void checkWiringState_5() {
} // end method
public void checkWiringState_6() {
} // end method
public void checkWiring_a() {
} // end method
public void addBundlesToState_a(State state) {
boolean added = false;
added = state.addBundle(bundle_1);
assertTrue("failed to add bundle ", added);
added = state.addBundle(bundle_2);
assertTrue("failed to add bundle ", added);
added = state.addBundle(bundle_3);
assertTrue("failed to add bundle ", added);
added = state.addBundle(bundle_4);
assertTrue("failed to add bundle ", added);
added = state.addBundle(bundle_5);
assertTrue("failed to add bundle ", added);
added = state.addBundle(bundle_6);
assertTrue("failed to add bundle ", added);
} // end method
public void checkBundlesResolved_a() {
assertTrue("unexpected bundle resolution state", bundle_1.isResolved());
assertTrue("unexpected bundle resolution state", bundle_2.isResolved());
assertTrue("unexpected bundle resolution state", bundle_3.isResolved());
assertTrue("unexpected bundle resolution state", bundle_4.isResolved());
assertTrue("unexpected bundle resolution state", bundle_5.isResolved());
assertTrue("unexpected bundle resolution state", bundle_6.isResolved());
} // end method
public BundleDescription create_bundle_1(StateObjectFactory sof) {
java.util.Dictionary dictionary_1 = new java.util.Properties();
BundleDescription bundle = null;
dictionary_1.put("Bundle-ManifestVersion", "2");
dictionary_1.put("Bundle-SymbolicName", "A");
dictionary_1.put("Import-Package", "p, q, s; bundle-symbolic-name=B");
try {
bundle = sof.createBundleDescription(dictionary_1, "bundle_1", 1);
} catch (BundleException be) {
return bundle;
} // end of method
public BundleDescription create_bundle_2(StateObjectFactory sof) {
java.util.Dictionary dictionary_2 = new java.util.Properties();
BundleDescription bundle = null;
dictionary_2.put("Bundle-ManifestVersion", "2");
dictionary_2.put("Bundle-SymbolicName", "B");
dictionary_2.put("Require-Bundle", "C, D; visibility:=reexport");
dictionary_2.put("Export-Package", "p; uses:=s");
//dictionary_2.put("Reexport-Package", "s; uses:=p");
try {
bundle = sof.createBundleDescription(dictionary_2, "bundle_2", 2);
} catch (BundleException be) {
return bundle;
} // end of method
public BundleDescription create_bundle_3(StateObjectFactory sof) {
java.util.Dictionary dictionary_3 = new java.util.Properties();
BundleDescription bundle = null;
dictionary_3.put("Bundle-ManifestVersion", "2");
dictionary_3.put("Bundle-SymbolicName", "C");
dictionary_3.put("Export-Package", "r; uses:=q");
dictionary_3.put("Import-Package", "q; bundle-symbolic-name=E");
try {
bundle = sof.createBundleDescription(dictionary_3, "bundle_3", 3);
} catch (BundleException be) {
return bundle;
} // end of method
public BundleDescription create_bundle_4(StateObjectFactory sof) {
java.util.Dictionary dictionary_4 = new java.util.Properties();
BundleDescription bundle = null;
dictionary_4.put("Bundle-ManifestVersion", "2");
dictionary_4.put("Bundle-SymbolicName", "D");
dictionary_4.put("Export-Package", "s; uses:=q");
dictionary_4.put("Import-Package", "q; bundle-symbolic-name=F");
try {
bundle = sof.createBundleDescription(dictionary_4, "bundle_4", 4);
} catch (BundleException be) {
return bundle;
} // end of method
public BundleDescription create_bundle_5(StateObjectFactory sof) {
java.util.Dictionary dictionary_5 = new java.util.Properties();
BundleDescription bundle = null;
dictionary_5.put("Bundle-ManifestVersion", "2");
dictionary_5.put("Bundle-SymbolicName", "E");
dictionary_5.put("Export-Package", "q");
try {
bundle = sof.createBundleDescription(dictionary_5, "bundle_5", 5);
} catch (BundleException be) {
return bundle;
} // end of method
public BundleDescription create_bundle_6(StateObjectFactory sof) {
java.util.Dictionary dictionary_6 = new java.util.Properties();
BundleDescription bundle = null;
dictionary_6.put("Bundle-ManifestVersion", "2");
dictionary_6.put("Bundle-SymbolicName", "F");
dictionary_6.put("Export-Package", "q");
try {
bundle = sof.createBundleDescription(dictionary_6, "bundle_6", 6);
} catch (BundleException be) {
return bundle;
} // end of method
} // end of testcase