bug 422043 - 7 ConfigurationTests failed in official build

Partial revert of commits 10bcad9, b776de6, 1413f8a, 0dae0e9.
What is left:
 * usage of canonical paths in the configuration tests. This is a real
 fix for this bug, as Configuration could write Windows specific paths,
 which were not handled properly in tests (java paths were using
 Unix-like convention - "/" and lower-case drive letters, while tests
 were adopting Windows convention - "\" when the tmp path was configured
 via command line.
 * I've also left changes responsible for improved deleting of work
 directories - current clean up method couldn't delete readonly
 children, so every child is now being made readable, writeable and
 executable before being deleted.

Change-Id: I3686fbfc19950f454f945d01c53b149c9a2d93ab
Signed-off-by: Krzysztof Daniel <kdaniel@redhat.com>
3 files changed