blob: d5442d04fd2aa9f39d7b1a48b3aecbfca10c449b [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2000, 2008 IBM Corporation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.ui.sdk;
import java.util.Calendar;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.*;
import org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.core.helpers.ServiceHelper;
import org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.ui.sdk.prefs.PreferenceConstants;
import org.eclipse.equinox.internal.provisional.p2.core.ProvisionException;
import org.eclipse.equinox.internal.provisional.p2.ui.ProvUI;
import org.eclipse.equinox.internal.provisional.p2.ui.model.ProfileElement;
import org.eclipse.equinox.internal.provisional.p2.ui.policy.IQueryProvider;
import org.eclipse.equinox.internal.provisional.p2.ui.query.ElementQueryDescriptor;
import org.eclipse.equinox.internal.provisional.p2.updatechecker.IUpdateChecker;
import org.eclipse.equinox.internal.provisional.p2.updatechecker.IUpdateListener;
import org.eclipse.ui.IStartup;
import org.eclipse.ui.statushandlers.StatusManager;
* This plug-in is loaded on startup to fork a job that searches for new
* plug-ins.
public class AutomaticUpdateScheduler implements IStartup {
// values are to be picked up from the arrays DAYS and HOURS
public static final String P_DAY = "day"; //$NON-NLS-1$
public static final String P_HOUR = "hour"; //$NON-NLS-1$
public static final String[] DAYS = {ProvSDKMessages.SchedulerStartup_day, ProvSDKMessages.SchedulerStartup_Monday, ProvSDKMessages.SchedulerStartup_Tuesday, ProvSDKMessages.SchedulerStartup_Wednesday, ProvSDKMessages.SchedulerStartup_Thursday, ProvSDKMessages.SchedulerStartup_Friday, ProvSDKMessages.SchedulerStartup_Saturday, ProvSDKMessages.SchedulerStartup_Sunday};
public static final String[] HOURS = {ProvSDKMessages.SchedulerStartup_1AM, ProvSDKMessages.SchedulerStartup_2AM, ProvSDKMessages.SchedulerStartup_3AM, ProvSDKMessages.SchedulerStartup_4AM, ProvSDKMessages.SchedulerStartup_5AM, ProvSDKMessages.SchedulerStartup_6AM, ProvSDKMessages.SchedulerStartup_7AM, ProvSDKMessages.SchedulerStartup_8AM, ProvSDKMessages.SchedulerStartup_9AM, ProvSDKMessages.SchedulerStartup_10AM, ProvSDKMessages.SchedulerStartup_11AM, ProvSDKMessages.SchedulerStartup_12PM, ProvSDKMessages.SchedulerStartup_1PM, ProvSDKMessages.SchedulerStartup_2PM, ProvSDKMessages.SchedulerStartup_3PM, ProvSDKMessages.SchedulerStartup_4PM, ProvSDKMessages.SchedulerStartup_5PM, ProvSDKMessages.SchedulerStartup_6PM, ProvSDKMessages.SchedulerStartup_7PM,
ProvSDKMessages.SchedulerStartup_8PM, ProvSDKMessages.SchedulerStartup_9PM, ProvSDKMessages.SchedulerStartup_10PM, ProvSDKMessages.SchedulerStartup_11PM, ProvSDKMessages.SchedulerStartup_12AM,};
private IUpdateListener listener = null;
private IUpdateChecker checker = null;
private String profileId;
* The constructor.
public AutomaticUpdateScheduler() {
checker = (IUpdateChecker) ServiceHelper.getService(ProvSDKUIActivator.getContext(), IUpdateChecker.SERVICE_NAME);
if (checker == null) {
// Something did not initialize properly
IStatus status = new Status(IStatus.ERROR, ProvSDKUIActivator.PLUGIN_ID, ProvSDKMessages.AutomaticUpdateScheduler_UpdateNotInitialized);
ProvUI.reportStatus(status, StatusManager.LOG);
try {
profileId = ProvSDKUIActivator.getSelfProfileId();
} catch (ProvisionException e) {
profileId = null;
if (e.getStatus() != null)
ProvUI.reportStatus(e.getStatus(), StatusManager.LOG);
ProvUI.handleException(e, null, StatusManager.LOG);
public void earlyStartup() {
public void shutdown() {
public void rescheduleUpdate() {
Preferences pref = ProvSDKUIActivator.getDefault().getPluginPreferences();
String schedule = pref.getString(PreferenceConstants.PREF_AUTO_UPDATE_SCHEDULE);
// See if we have a scheduled check or startup only. If it is
// startup only, there is nothing more to do now, a listener will
// be created on the next startup.
if (schedule.equals(PreferenceConstants.PREF_UPDATE_ON_STARTUP)) {
private void scheduleUpdate() {
// Nothing to do if we don't know what profile we are checking
if (profileId == null)
Preferences pref = ProvSDKUIActivator.getDefault().getPluginPreferences();
// See if automatic search is enabled at all
if (pref.getBoolean(PreferenceConstants.PREF_AUTO_UPDATE_ENABLED) == false)
String schedule = pref.getString(PreferenceConstants.PREF_AUTO_UPDATE_SCHEDULE);
long delay = IUpdateChecker.ONE_TIME_CHECK;
long poll = IUpdateChecker.ONE_TIME_CHECK;
if (!schedule.equals(PreferenceConstants.PREF_UPDATE_ON_STARTUP)) {
delay = computeDelay(pref);
poll = computePoll(pref);
listener = ProvSDKUIActivator.getDefault().getAutomaticUpdater();
ElementQueryDescriptor descriptor = ProvSDKUIActivator.getDefault().getQueryProvider().getQueryDescriptor(new ProfileElement(profileId), IQueryProvider.INSTALLED_IUS);
checker.addUpdateCheck(profileId, descriptor.query, delay, poll, listener);
private int getDay(Preferences pref) {
String day = pref.getString(P_DAY);
for (int d = 0; d < DAYS.length; d++)
if (DAYS[d].equals(day))
switch (d) {
case 0 :
return -1;
case 1 :
return Calendar.MONDAY;
case 2 :
return Calendar.TUESDAY;
case 3 :
return Calendar.WEDNESDAY;
case 4 :
return Calendar.THURSDAY;
case 5 :
return Calendar.FRIDAY;
case 6 :
return Calendar.SATURDAY;
case 7 :
return Calendar.SUNDAY;
return -1;
private int getHour(Preferences pref) {
String hour = pref.getString(P_HOUR);
for (int h = 0; h < HOURS.length; h++)
if (HOURS[h].equals(hour))
return h + 1;
return 1;
* Computes the number of milliseconds from this moment to the next
* scheduled update check. If that moment has already passed, returns 0L (start
* immediately).
private long computeDelay(Preferences pref) {
int target_d = getDay(pref);
int target_h = getHour(pref);
Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
// may need to use the BootLoader locale
int current_d = calendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK);
// starts with SUNDAY
int current_h = calendar.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY);
int current_m = calendar.get(Calendar.MINUTE);
int current_s = calendar.get(Calendar.SECOND);
int current_ms = calendar.get(Calendar.MILLISECOND);
long delay = 0L; // milliseconds
if (target_d == -1) {
// Compute the delay for "every day at x o'clock"
// Is it now ?
if (target_h == current_h && current_m == 0 && current_s == 0)
return delay;
int delta_h = target_h - current_h;
if (target_h <= current_h)
delta_h += 24;
delay = ((delta_h * 60 - current_m) * 60 - current_s) * 1000 - current_ms;
return delay;
// Compute the delay for "every Xday at x o'clock"
// Is it now ?
if (target_d == current_d && target_h == current_h && current_m == 0 && current_s == 0)
return delay;
int delta_d = target_d - current_d;
if (target_d < current_d || target_d == current_d && (target_h < current_h || target_h == current_h && current_m > 0))
delta_d += 7;
delay = (((delta_d * 24 + target_h - current_h) * 60 - current_m) * 60 - current_s) * 1000 - current_ms;
return delay;
* Computes the number of milliseconds for the polling frequency.
* We have already established that there is a schedule, vs. only
* on startup.
private long computePoll(Preferences pref) {
int target_d = getDay(pref);
if (target_d == -1) {
// Every 24 hours
return 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000;
return 7 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000;
private void removeUpdateListener() {
// Remove the current listener if there is one
if (listener != null && checker != null) {
listener = null;