blob: 02c1593f763b63dedc8ddc33568c7079da6598ee [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2011 SAP AG and others.
# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
# are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
# Contributors:
# SAP AG - initial API and implementation
Console_help_header=p2 Provisioning Commands.
Console_help_repository_header=Repository Commands.
Console_help_provaddrepo_description=<repository URI> - Add specified URI as metadata and artifact repository.
Console_help_provdelrepo_description=<repository URI> - Remove specified metadata and artifact repository.
Console_help_provaddmetadatarepo_description=<repository URI> - Add specified URI as metadata repository.
Console_help_provdelmetadatarepo_description=<repository URI> - Remove specified metadata repository.
Console_help_provaddartifactrepo_description=<repository URI> - Add specified URI as artifact repository.
Console_help_provdelartifactrepo_description=<repository URI> - Remove specified artifact repository.
Console_help_provlg_description=[<repository URI> <iu id | *> <version range | *>] - Lists all IUs with group capabilities in the given repo or in all repos if URI is omitted.
Console_help_provlr_description=[<repository URI> <iu id | *> <version range | *>] - Lists all metadata repositories, or the contents of a given metadata repository.
Console_help_provlar_description=[<repository URI>] - Lists all artifact repositories, or the content of a given artifact repository.
Console_help_provliu_description=[<repository URI | *> <iu id | *> <version range | *>] - Lists the IUs that match the pattern in the given repo. * matches all.
Console_help_provlquery_description=<repository URI | *> <expression> [ true | false ] - Lists the IUs that match the query expression in the given repo. * matches all. The expression is expected to be a boolean match expression unless the third argument is true, in which case the expression is a full query.
Console_help_profile_registry_header=Profile Registry Commands.
Console_help_provaddprofile_description=<profileid> <location> <environments> - Add a profile with the given profileid, location and also environments if specified.
Console_help_provdelprofile_description=<profileid> - Deletes the profile with the given profileid.
Console_help_provlp_description=[<profileid | *>] - Lists all profiles, or the contents of an individual profile if profileid is specified.
Console_help_provlgp_description=[<profileid>] - Lists all IUs with group capabilities in the given profile, or current profile if profileid is omitted.
Console_help_provlpts_description=[<profileid>] - Lists timestamps for given profile, or if no profileid gis iven then the default profile timestamps are reported.
Console_help_provlpquery_description=<profileid | this> <expression> [ true | false ] - Lists the IUs that match the query expression in the given profile. The expression is expected to be a boolean match expression unless the third argument is true, in which case the expression is a full query.
Console_help_install_header=Install Commands.
Console_help_provinstall_description=<InstallableUnit> <version> <profileid> - Install an IU to the profileid. If no profileid is given, installs into default profile.
Console_help_provremove_description=<InstallableUnit> <version> <profileid> - Uninstall an IU from the profileid. If no profileid is given, uninstalls form default profile.
Console_help_provrevert_description=<profileTimestamp> [<profileid>] - Reverts to a given profileTimestamp for an optional profileId.