blob: aea0fdf2752c4b2c4c730c81435148edeae50f36 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2014 protos software gmbh (
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Henrik Rentz-Reichert (initial contribution)
package org.eclipse.etrice.generator.fsm.generic;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.EList;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject;
import org.eclipse.etrice.core.fsm.fSM.AbstractInterfaceItem;
import org.eclipse.etrice.core.fsm.fSM.ComponentCommunicationType;
import org.eclipse.etrice.core.fsm.fSM.DetailCode;
import org.eclipse.etrice.core.fsm.fSM.GuardedTransition;
import org.eclipse.etrice.core.fsm.fSM.MessageFromIf;
import org.eclipse.etrice.core.fsm.fSM.ModelComponent;
import org.eclipse.etrice.core.fsm.fSM.State;
import org.eclipse.etrice.core.fsm.fSM.StateGraph;
import org.eclipse.etrice.core.fsm.fSM.TrPoint;
import org.eclipse.etrice.core.fsm.fSM.Transition;
import org.eclipse.etrice.core.fsm.fSM.TransitionPoint;
import org.eclipse.etrice.core.fsm.fSM.TriggeredTransition;
import org.eclipse.etrice.core.fsm.util.FSMHelpers;
import org.eclipse.etrice.core.genmodel.fsm.fsmgen.ActiveTrigger;
import org.eclipse.etrice.core.genmodel.fsm.fsmgen.ExpandedModelComponent;
import org.eclipse.etrice.core.genmodel.fsm.fsmgen.TransitionChain;
import org.eclipse.etrice.core.genmodel.fsm.fsmgen.util.FsmGenUtil;
import org.eclipse.etrice.generator.fsm.base.CodegenHelpers;
import org.eclipse.etrice.generator.fsm.generic.FSMExtensions;
import org.eclipse.etrice.generator.fsm.generic.IDetailCodeTranslator;
import org.eclipse.etrice.generator.fsm.generic.IIfItemIdGenerator;
import org.eclipse.etrice.generator.fsm.generic.ILanguageExtensionBase;
import org.eclipse.etrice.generator.fsm.generic.IMessageIdGenerator;
import org.eclipse.etrice.generator.fsm.generic.TransitionChainGenerator;
import org.eclipse.xtend2.lib.StringConcatenation;
import org.eclipse.xtext.util.Pair;
import org.eclipse.xtext.util.Tuples;
import org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.lib.Extension;
import org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.lib.Functions.Function1;
import org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.lib.IterableExtensions;
* @author Henrik Rentz-Reichert
public abstract class AbstractStateMachineGenerator {
public FSMHelpers _fSMHelpers;
public FsmGenUtil _fsmGenUtil;
public CodegenHelpers _codegenHelpers;
public FSMExtensions _fSMExtensions;
public ILanguageExtensionBase langExt;
public IMessageIdGenerator msgIdGen;
public IIfItemIdGenerator itemIdGen;
public TransitionChainGenerator transitionChainGenerator;
public IDetailCodeTranslator translator;
* generates trigger IDs.
* Inheritance (if available) is used for base class IDs.
* @param xpmc the {@link ExpandedModelComponent}
* @return the generated code
public String genTriggerConstants(final ExpandedModelComponent xpmc) {
boolean _usesInheritance = this.langExt.usesInheritance();
return this.genTriggerConstants(xpmc, _usesInheritance);
* generates trigger IDs.
* Inheritance (if available) is used for base class IDs.
* @param xpmc the {@link ExpandedModelComponent}
* @param omitBase use <code>true</code> if no base class trigger constants are needed
* @return the generated code
public String genTriggerConstants(final ExpandedModelComponent xpmc, final boolean omitBase) {
List<MessageFromIf> _xifexpression = null;
if (omitBase) {
ModelComponent _modelComponent = xpmc.getModelComponent();
_xifexpression = this._fSMHelpers.getOwnMessagesFromInterfaces(_modelComponent);
} else {
ModelComponent _modelComponent_1 = xpmc.getModelComponent();
_xifexpression = this._fSMHelpers.getAllMessagesFromInterfaces(_modelComponent_1);
final List<MessageFromIf> triggers = _xifexpression;
final ArrayList<Pair<String, String>> list = new ArrayList<Pair<String, String>>();
Pair<String, String> _pair = Tuples.<String, String>pair("POLLING", "0");
for (final MessageFromIf mif : triggers) {
AbstractInterfaceItem _from = mif.getFrom();
boolean _isEventDriven = _from.isEventDriven();
if (_isEventDriven) {
String _triggerCodeName = xpmc.getTriggerCodeName(mif);
AbstractInterfaceItem _from_1 = mif.getFrom();
String _ifItemId = this.itemIdGen.getIfItemId(_from_1);
String _plus = (_ifItemId + " + EVT_SHIFT*");
String _messageID = this.msgIdGen.getMessageID(mif);
String _plus_1 = (_plus + _messageID);
Pair<String, String> _pair_1 = Tuples.<String, String>pair(_triggerCodeName, _plus_1);
return this.langExt.genEnumeration("triggers", list);
* generates state ID constants.
* Inheritance (if available) is used for base class IDs.
* @param xpmc the {@link ExpandedModelComponent}
* @return the generated code
public String genStateIdConstants(final ExpandedModelComponent xpmc) {
boolean _usesInheritance = this.langExt.usesInheritance();
return this.genStateIdConstants(xpmc, _usesInheritance);
* generates state ID constants.
* Inheritance (if available) is used for base class IDs.
* @param xpmc the {@link ExpandedModelComponent}
* @param omitBase use <code>true</code> if no base class state constants are needed
* @return the generated code
public String genStateIdConstants(final ExpandedModelComponent xpmc, final boolean omitBase) {
final ModelComponent mc = xpmc.getModelComponent();
int _xifexpression = (int) 0;
if (omitBase) {
_xifexpression = this._fSMExtensions.getNumberOfInheritedBaseStates(mc);
} else {
_xifexpression = 0;
int offset = (2 + _xifexpression);
List<State> _xifexpression_1 = null;
if (omitBase) {
StateGraph _stateMachine = mc.getStateMachine();
_xifexpression_1 = this._fSMHelpers.getBaseStateList(_stateMachine);
} else {
StateGraph _stateMachine_1 = xpmc.getStateMachine();
_xifexpression_1 = this._fSMHelpers.getBaseStateList(_stateMachine_1);
List<State> baseStates = _xifexpression_1;
List<State> _leafStatesLast = this._fSMExtensions.getLeafStatesLast(baseStates);
baseStates = _leafStatesLast;
ArrayList<Pair<String, String>> list = new ArrayList<Pair<String, String>>();
if ((!omitBase)) {
Pair<String, String> _pair = Tuples.<String, String>pair("NO_STATE", "0");
Pair<String, String> _pair_1 = Tuples.<String, String>pair("STATE_TOP", "1");
for (final State state : baseStates) {
String _genStateId = this._codegenHelpers.getGenStateId(state);
String _string = Integer.valueOf(offset).toString();
Pair<String, String> _pair_2 = Tuples.<String, String>pair(_genStateId, _string);
offset = (offset + 1);
String _string = Integer.valueOf(offset).toString();
Pair<String, String> _pair_2 = Tuples.<String, String>pair("STATE_MAX", _string);
return this.langExt.genEnumeration("state_ids", list);
* generates transition chain ID constants.
* Inheritance (if available) is used for base class IDs.
* @param xpmc the {@link ExpandedModelComponent}
* @return the generated code
public String genTransitionChainConstants(final ExpandedModelComponent xpmc) {
boolean _usesInheritance = this.langExt.usesInheritance();
return this.genTransitionChainConstants(xpmc, _usesInheritance);
* generates transition chain ID constants.
* Inheritance (if available) is used for base class IDs.
* @param xpmc the {@link ExpandedModelComponent}
* @param omitBase use <code>true</code> if no base class transition chain constants are needed
* @return the generated code
public String genTransitionChainConstants(final ExpandedModelComponent xpmc, final boolean omitBase) {
EList<TransitionChain> _xifexpression = null;
if (omitBase) {
_xifexpression = xpmc.getOwnTransitionChains();
} else {
_xifexpression = xpmc.getTransitionChains();
EList<TransitionChain> chains = _xifexpression;
int _xifexpression_1 = (int) 0;
if (omitBase) {
EList<TransitionChain> _transitionChains = xpmc.getTransitionChains();
int _size = _transitionChains.size();
int _size_1 = chains.size();
_xifexpression_1 = (_size - _size_1);
} else {
_xifexpression_1 = 0;
int offset = _xifexpression_1;
ArrayList<Pair<String, String>> list = new ArrayList<Pair<String, String>>();
for (final TransitionChain chain : chains) {
offset = (offset + 1);
String _genChainId = this._codegenHelpers.getGenChainId(chain);
String _string = Integer.valueOf(offset).toString();
Pair<String, String> _pair = Tuples.<String, String>pair(_genChainId, _string);
return this.langExt.genEnumeration("chain_ids", list);
* generates entry and exit code for states
* @param xpmc the {@link ExpandedModelComponent}
* @param generateImplementation if <code>true</code> the implementation is generated, else the declaration
* @return the generated code
public String genEntryAndExitCodes(final ExpandedModelComponent xpmc, final boolean generateImplementation) {
boolean _usesInheritance = this.langExt.usesInheritance();
return this.genEntryAndExitCodes(xpmc, generateImplementation, _usesInheritance);
* generates entry and exit code for states
* @param xpmc the {@link ExpandedModelComponent}
* @param generateImplementation if <code>true</code> the implementation is generated, else the declaration
* @param omitBase use <code>true</code> if no base class entry and exit codes are needed
* @return the generated code
public String genEntryAndExitCodes(final ExpandedModelComponent xpmc, final boolean generateImplementation, final boolean omitBase) {
StringConcatenation _builder = new StringConcatenation();
StateGraph _stateMachine = xpmc.getStateMachine();
List<State> _stateList = this._fSMHelpers.getStateList(_stateMachine);
for(final State state : _stateList) {
boolean _or = false;
if ((!omitBase)) {
_or = true;
} else {
boolean _isOwnObject = xpmc.isOwnObject(state);
_or = _isOwnObject;
if (_or) {
String _genActionCodeMethods = this.genActionCodeMethods(xpmc, state, generateImplementation);
_builder.append(_genActionCodeMethods, "");
return _builder.toString();
* generates transition action codes
* @param xpmc the {@link ExpandedModelComponent}
* @param generateImplementation if <code>true</code> the implementation is generated, else the declaration
* @return the generated code
public String genActionCodes(final ExpandedModelComponent xpmc, final boolean generateImplementation) {
boolean _usesInheritance = this.langExt.usesInheritance();
return this.genActionCodes(xpmc, generateImplementation, _usesInheritance);
* generates transition action codes
* @param xpmc the {@link ExpandedModelComponent}
* @param generateImplementation if <code>true</code> the implementation is generated, else the declaration
* @param omitBase use <code>true</code> if no base class action codes are needed
* @return the generated code
public String genActionCodes(final ExpandedModelComponent xpmc, final boolean generateImplementation, final boolean omitBase) {
StringConcatenation _builder = new StringConcatenation();
StateGraph _stateMachine = xpmc.getStateMachine();
List<Transition> _allTransitionsRecursive = this._fSMHelpers.getAllTransitionsRecursive(_stateMachine);
for(final Transition tr : _allTransitionsRecursive) {
boolean _and = false;
boolean _or = false;
if ((!omitBase)) {
_or = true;
} else {
boolean _isOwnObject = xpmc.isOwnObject(tr);
_or = _isOwnObject;
if (!_or) {
_and = false;
} else {
DetailCode _action = tr.getAction();
boolean _hasDetailCode = this._fSMHelpers.hasDetailCode(_action);
_and = _hasDetailCode;
if (_and) {
String _genActionCodeMethod = this.genActionCodeMethod(xpmc, tr, generateImplementation);
_builder.append(_genActionCodeMethod, "");
return _builder.toString();
public String genStateSwitchMethods(final ExpandedModelComponent xpmc, final boolean generateImplementation) {
String _xblockexpression = null;
final ModelComponent mc = xpmc.getModelComponent();
ComponentCommunicationType _commType = mc.getCommType();
final boolean async = Objects.equal(_commType, ComponentCommunicationType.ASYNCHRONOUS);
ComponentCommunicationType _commType_1 = mc.getCommType();
final boolean eventDriven = Objects.equal(_commType_1, ComponentCommunicationType.EVENT_DRIVEN);
String _interfaceItemType = this.interfaceItemType();
String _pointerLiteral = this.langExt.pointerLiteral();
final String ifItemPtr = (_interfaceItemType + _pointerLiteral);
boolean _or = false;
if (async) {
_or = true;
} else {
_or = eventDriven;
final boolean handleEvents = _or;
String _className = this.getClassName(mc);
final String opScope = this.langExt.operationScope(_className, (!generateImplementation));
String _xifexpression = null;
boolean _usesInheritance = this.langExt.usesInheritance();
if (_usesInheritance) {
_xifexpression = opScope;
} else {
_xifexpression = "";
final String opScopePriv = _xifexpression;
String _xifexpression_1 = null;
boolean _usesInheritance_1 = this.langExt.usesInheritance();
if (_usesInheritance_1) {
_xifexpression_1 = this.langExt.accessLevelPublic();
} else {
_xifexpression_1 = this.langExt.accessLevelPrivate();
final String publicIf = _xifexpression_1;
final String privAccess = this.langExt.accessLevelPrivate();
String _className_1 = this.getClassName(mc);
final String selfPtr = this.langExt.selfPointer(_className_1, true);
String _className_2 = this.getClassName(mc);
final String selfOnly = this.langExt.selfPointer(_className_2, false);
String _xifexpression_2 = null;
boolean _usesInheritance_2 = this.langExt.usesInheritance();
if (_usesInheritance_2) {
String _xifexpression_3 = null;
boolean _usesPointers = this.langExt.usesPointers();
if (_usesPointers) {
_xifexpression_3 = "->getLocalId()";
} else {
_xifexpression_3 = ".getLocalId()";
_xifexpression_2 = _xifexpression_3;
} else {
_xifexpression_2 = "->localId";
final String getLocalId = _xifexpression_2;
String _xifexpression_4 = null;
boolean _usesPointers_1 = this.langExt.usesPointers();
if (_usesPointers_1) {
_xifexpression_4 = ("const " + ifItemPtr);
} else {
_xifexpression_4 = ifItemPtr;
final String constIfItemPtr = _xifexpression_4;
final boolean usesHdlr = this.usesHandlerTrPoints(xpmc);
StringConcatenation _builder = new StringConcatenation();
_builder.append(" ");
_builder.append("* calls exit codes while exiting from the current state to one of its");
_builder.append(" ");
_builder.append("* parent states while remembering the history");
_builder.append(" ");
_builder.append("* @param current__et - the current state");
_builder.append(" ");
_builder.append("* @param to - the final parent state");
if (usesHdlr) {
_builder.append("* @param handler__et - entry and exit codes are called only if not handler (for handler TransitionPoints)");
_builder.append(" ");
if (generateImplementation) {
_builder.append(privAccess, "");
_builder.append("void ");
_builder.append(opScopePriv, "");
_builder.append(selfPtr, "");
String _stateType = this.stateType();
_builder.append(_stateType, "");
_builder.append(" current__et, ");
String _stateType_1 = this.stateType();
_builder.append(_stateType_1, "");
_builder.append(" to");
if (usesHdlr) {
_builder.append(", ");
String _boolType = this.boolType();
_builder.append(_boolType, "");
_builder.append(" handler__et");
_builder.append(") {");
_builder.append("while (current__et!=to) {");
_builder.append("switch (current__et) {");
StateGraph _stateMachine = xpmc.getStateMachine();
List<State> _baseStateList = this._fSMHelpers.getBaseStateList(_stateMachine);
for(final State state : _baseStateList) {
_builder.append("case ");
String _genStateId = this._codegenHelpers.getGenStateId(state);
_builder.append(_genStateId, "\t\t\t");
boolean _hasExitCode = this._fSMHelpers.hasExitCode(state, true);
if (_hasExitCode) {
if (usesHdlr) {
_builder.append("if (!handler__et) ");
String _exitCodeOperationName = this._codegenHelpers.getExitCodeOperationName(state);
_builder.append(_exitCodeOperationName, "\t\t\t\t");
String _selfPointer = this.langExt.selfPointer(false);
_builder.append(_selfPointer, "\t\t\t\t");
String _parentStateId = this._codegenHelpers.getParentStateId(state);
String _genStateId_1 = this._codegenHelpers.getGenStateId(state);
String _setHistory = this.setHistory(_parentStateId, _genStateId_1);
_builder.append(_setHistory, "\t\t\t\t");
_builder.append("current__et = ");
String _parentStateId_1 = this._codegenHelpers.getParentStateId(state);
_builder.append(_parentStateId_1, "\t\t\t\t");
_builder.append("/* should not occur */");
} else {
_builder.append("void exitTo(");
_builder.append(selfPtr, "");
String _stateType_2 = this.stateType();
_builder.append(_stateType_2, "");
_builder.append(" current__et, ");
String _stateType_3 = this.stateType();
_builder.append(_stateType_3, "");
_builder.append(" to");
if (usesHdlr) {
_builder.append(", ");
String _boolType_1 = this.boolType();
_builder.append(_boolType_1, "");
_builder.append(" handler__et");
_builder.append(" ");
_builder.append("* calls action, entry and exit codes along a transition chain. The generic data are cast to typed data");
_builder.append(" ");
_builder.append("* matching the trigger of this chain. The ID of the final state is returned");
_builder.append(" ");
_builder.append("* @param chain__et - the chain ID");
_builder.append(" ");
_builder.append("* @param generic_data__et - the generic data pointer");
_builder.append(" ");
_builder.append("* @return the +/- ID of the final state either with a positive sign, that indicates to execute the state\'s entry code, or a negative sign vice versa");
_builder.append(" ");
if (generateImplementation) {
_builder.append(privAccess, "");
String _stateType_4 = this.stateType();
_builder.append(_stateType_4, "");
_builder.append(" ");
_builder.append(opScopePriv, "");
_builder.append(selfPtr, "");
_builder.append("int chain__et");
if (handleEvents) {
_builder.append(", ");
_builder.append(constIfItemPtr, "");
_builder.append(" ifitem, ");
String _voidPointer = this.langExt.voidPointer();
_builder.append(_voidPointer, "");
_builder.append(" generic_data__et");
_builder.append(") {");
_builder.append("switch (chain__et) {");
EList<TransitionChain> allchains = xpmc.getTransitionChains();
for(final TransitionChain tc : allchains) {
_builder.append("case ");
String _genChainId = this._codegenHelpers.getGenChainId(tc);
_builder.append(_genChainId, "\t\t");
String _generateExecuteChain = this.transitionChainGenerator.generateExecuteChain(xpmc, tc);
_builder.append(_generateExecuteChain, "\t\t\t");
_builder.append("/* should not occur */");
_builder.append("return NO_STATE;");
} else {
String _stateType_5 = this.stateType();
_builder.append(_stateType_5, "");
_builder.append(" executeTransitionChain(");
_builder.append(selfPtr, "");
_builder.append("int chain__et");
if (handleEvents) {
_builder.append(", ");
_builder.append(constIfItemPtr, "");
_builder.append(" ifitem, ");
String _voidPointer_1 = this.langExt.voidPointer();
_builder.append(_voidPointer_1, "");
_builder.append(" generic_data__et");
_builder.append(" ");
_builder.append("* calls entry codes while entering a state\'s history. The ID of the final leaf state is returned");
_builder.append(" ");
_builder.append("* @param state__et - the state which is entered");
if (usesHdlr) {
_builder.append("* @param handler__et - entry code is executed if not handler");
_builder.append(" ");
_builder.append("* @return - the ID of the final leaf state");
_builder.append(" ");
if (generateImplementation) {
_builder.append(privAccess, "");
String _stateType_6 = this.stateType();
_builder.append(_stateType_6, "");
_builder.append(" ");
_builder.append(opScopePriv, "");
_builder.append(selfPtr, "");
String _stateType_7 = this.stateType();
_builder.append(_stateType_7, "");
_builder.append(" state__et");
if (usesHdlr) {
_builder.append(", ");
String _boolType_2 = this.boolType();
_builder.append(_boolType_2, "");
_builder.append(" handler__et");
_builder.append(") {");
StateGraph _stateMachine_1 = xpmc.getStateMachine();
final List<State> baseStateList = this._fSMHelpers.getBaseStateList(_stateMachine_1);
final Function1<State, Boolean> _function = new Function1<State, Boolean>() {
public Boolean apply(final State s) {
return Boolean.valueOf(AbstractStateMachineGenerator.this._fSMHelpers.hasEntryCode(s, true));
Iterable<State> _filter = IterableExtensions.<State>filter(baseStateList, _function);
boolean _isEmpty = IterableExtensions.isEmpty(_filter);
final boolean needsSkipVar = (!_isEmpty);
if (needsSkipVar) {
String _boolType_3 = this.boolType();
_builder.append(_boolType_3, "\t");
_builder.append(" skip_entry__et = ");
String _booleanConstant = this.langExt.booleanConstant(false);
_builder.append(_booleanConstant, "\t");
_builder.append("if (state__et >= STATE_MAX) {");
_builder.append("state__et = ");
boolean _usesInheritance_3 = this.langExt.usesInheritance();
boolean _not = (!_usesInheritance_3);
if (_not) {
String _stateType_8 = this.stateType();
_builder.append(_stateType_8, "\t\t");
_builder.append(" (state__et - STATE_MAX);");
if (needsSkipVar) {
_builder.append("skip_entry__et = ");
String _booleanConstant_1 = this.langExt.booleanConstant(true);
_builder.append(_booleanConstant_1, "\t\t");
_builder.append("while (");
String _booleanConstant_2 = this.langExt.booleanConstant(true);
_builder.append(_booleanConstant_2, "\t");
_builder.append(") {");
_builder.append("switch (state__et) {");
for(final State state_1 : baseStateList) {
_builder.append("case ");
String _genStateId_2 = this._codegenHelpers.getGenStateId(state_1);
_builder.append(_genStateId_2, "\t\t\t");
boolean _hasEntryCode = this._fSMHelpers.hasEntryCode(state_1, true);
if (_hasEntryCode) {
_builder.append("if (!(skip_entry__et");
if (usesHdlr) {
_builder.append(" || handler__et");
_builder.append(")) ");
String _entryCodeOperationName = this._codegenHelpers.getEntryCodeOperationName(state_1);
_builder.append(_entryCodeOperationName, "\t\t\t\t");
String _selfPointer_1 = this.langExt.selfPointer(false);
_builder.append(_selfPointer_1, "\t\t\t\t");
boolean _isLeaf = this._fSMHelpers.isLeaf(state_1);
if (_isLeaf) {
_builder.append("/* in leaf state: return state id */");
_builder.append("return ");
String _genStateId_3 = this._codegenHelpers.getGenStateId(state_1);
_builder.append(_genStateId_3, "\t\t\t\t");
} else {
_builder.append("/* state has a sub graph */");
StateGraph _subgraph = state_1.getSubgraph();
boolean _hasInitTransition = this._fSMHelpers.hasInitTransition(_subgraph);
if (_hasInitTransition) {
_builder.append("/* with init transition */");
_builder.append("if (");
String _genStateId_4 = this._codegenHelpers.getGenStateId(state_1);
String _history = this.getHistory(_genStateId_4);
_builder.append(_history, "\t\t\t\t");
_builder.append("==NO_STATE) {");
StateGraph _subgraph_1 = state_1.getSubgraph();
Transition sub_initt = this._fSMHelpers.getInitTransition(_subgraph_1);
_builder.append("state__et = executeTransitionChain(");
String _selfPointer_2 = this.langExt.selfPointer(true);
_builder.append(_selfPointer_2, "\t\t\t\t\t");
TransitionChain _chain = xpmc.getChain(sub_initt);
String _genChainId_1 = this._codegenHelpers.getGenChainId(_chain);
_builder.append(_genChainId_1, "\t\t\t\t\t");
if (handleEvents) {
_builder.append(", ");
String _nullPointer = this.langExt.nullPointer();
_builder.append(_nullPointer, "\t\t\t\t\t");
_builder.append(", ");
String _nullPointer_1 = this.langExt.nullPointer();
_builder.append(_nullPointer_1, "\t\t\t\t\t");
_builder.append("else {");
_builder.append("state__et = ");
String _genStateId_5 = this._codegenHelpers.getGenStateId(state_1);
String _history_1 = this.getHistory(_genStateId_5);
_builder.append(_history_1, "\t\t\t\t\t");
} else {
_builder.append("/* without init transition */");
_builder.append("state__et = ");
String _genStateId_6 = this._codegenHelpers.getGenStateId(state_1);
String _history_2 = this.getHistory(_genStateId_6);
_builder.append(_history_2, "\t\t\t\t");
_builder.append("case STATE_TOP:");
_builder.append("state__et = ");
String _history_3 = this.getHistory("STATE_TOP");
_builder.append(_history_3, "\t\t\t\t");
_builder.append("/* should not occur */");
if (needsSkipVar) {
_builder.append("skip_entry__et = ");
String _booleanConstant_3 = this.langExt.booleanConstant(false);
_builder.append(_booleanConstant_3, "\t\t");
String _unreachableReturn = this.unreachableReturn();
_builder.append(_unreachableReturn, "\t");
} else {
String _stateType_9 = this.stateType();
_builder.append(_stateType_9, "");
_builder.append(" enterHistory(");
_builder.append(selfPtr, "");
String _stateType_10 = this.stateType();
_builder.append(_stateType_10, "");
_builder.append(" state__et");
if (usesHdlr) {
_builder.append(", ");
String _boolType_4 = this.boolType();
_builder.append(_boolType_4, "");
_builder.append(" handler__et");
if (generateImplementation) {
_builder.append(publicIf, "");
_builder.append("void ");
_builder.append(opScope, "");
_builder.append(selfOnly, "");
_builder.append(") {");
StateGraph _stateMachine_2 = xpmc.getStateMachine();
Transition initt = this._fSMHelpers.getInitTransition(_stateMachine_2);
_builder.append("int chain__et = ");
TransitionChain _chain_1 = xpmc.getChain(initt);
String _genChainId_2 = this._codegenHelpers.getGenChainId(_chain_1);
_builder.append(_genChainId_2, "\t");
String _stateType_11 = this.stateType();
_builder.append(_stateType_11, "\t");
_builder.append(" next__et = ");
_builder.append(opScopePriv, "\t");
String _selfPointer_3 = this.langExt.selfPointer(true);
_builder.append(_selfPointer_3, "\t");
if (handleEvents) {
_builder.append(", ");
String _nullPointer_2 = this.langExt.nullPointer();
_builder.append(_nullPointer_2, "\t");
_builder.append(", ");
String _nullPointer_3 = this.langExt.nullPointer();
_builder.append(_nullPointer_3, "\t");
_builder.append("next__et = ");
_builder.append(opScopePriv, "\t");
String _selfPointer_4 = this.langExt.selfPointer(true);
_builder.append(_selfPointer_4, "\t");
if (usesHdlr) {
_builder.append(", ");
String _booleanConstant_4 = this.langExt.booleanConstant(false);
_builder.append(_booleanConstant_4, "\t");
String _selfPointer_5 = this.langExt.selfPointer(true);
_builder.append(_selfPointer_5, "\t");
} else {
_builder.append("void ");
_builder.append(opScope, "");
_builder.append(selfOnly, "");
_builder.append("/* receiveEvent contains the main implementation of the FSM */");
if (generateImplementation) {
_builder.append(publicIf, "");
_builder.append("void ");
_builder.append(opScope, "");
String _className_3 = this.getClassName(mc);
String _selfPointer_6 = this.langExt.selfPointer(_className_3, handleEvents);
_builder.append(_selfPointer_6, "");
if (handleEvents) {
_builder.append(ifItemPtr, "");
_builder.append(" ifitem, int localId, int evt, ");
String _voidPointer_2 = this.langExt.voidPointer();
_builder.append(_voidPointer_2, "");
_builder.append(" generic_data__et");
_builder.append(") {");
if (async) {
_builder.append("int trigger__et = (ifitem==");
String _nullPointer_4 = this.langExt.nullPointer();
_builder.append(_nullPointer_4, "\t");
_builder.append(")? POLLING : localId + EVT_SHIFT*evt;");
} else {
if (eventDriven) {
_builder.append("int trigger__et = localId + EVT_SHIFT*evt;");
_builder.append("int chain__et = NOT_CAUGHT;");
String _stateType_12 = this.stateType();
_builder.append(_stateType_12, "\t");
_builder.append(" catching_state__et = NO_STATE;");
if (usesHdlr) {
String _boolType_5 = this.boolType();
_builder.append(_boolType_5, "\t");
_builder.append(" is_handler__et = ");
String _booleanConstant_5 = this.langExt.booleanConstant(false);
_builder.append(_booleanConstant_5, "\t");
boolean _or_1 = false;
if (async) {
_or_1 = true;
} else {
_or_1 = eventDriven;
if (_or_1) {
CharSequence _markVariableUsed = this.markVariableUsed("trigger__et");
_builder.append(_markVariableUsed, "\t");
if (handleEvents) {
_builder.append("if (!handleSystemEvent(ifitem, evt, generic_data__et)) {");
CharSequence _genStateSwitch = this.genStateSwitch(xpmc, usesHdlr);
_builder.append(_genStateSwitch, "\t\t");
} else {
CharSequence _genStateSwitch_1 = this.genStateSwitch(xpmc, usesHdlr);
_builder.append(_genStateSwitch_1, "\t");
_builder.append("if (chain__et != NOT_CAUGHT) {");
_builder.append(opScopePriv, "\t\t");
String _selfPointer_7 = this.langExt.selfPointer(true);
_builder.append(_selfPointer_7, "\t\t");
String _selfPointer_8 = this.langExt.selfPointer(false);
_builder.append(_selfPointer_8, "\t\t");
_builder.append("), catching_state__et");
if (usesHdlr) {
_builder.append(", is_handler__et");
String _stateType_13 = this.stateType();
_builder.append(_stateType_13, "\t\t\t");
_builder.append(" next__et = ");
_builder.append(opScopePriv, "\t\t\t");
String _selfPointer_9 = this.langExt.selfPointer(true);
_builder.append(_selfPointer_9, "\t\t\t");
if (handleEvents) {
_builder.append(", ifitem, generic_data__et");
_builder.append("next__et = ");
_builder.append(opScopePriv, "\t\t\t");
String _selfPointer_10 = this.langExt.selfPointer(true);
_builder.append(_selfPointer_10, "\t\t\t");
if (usesHdlr) {
_builder.append(", is_handler__et");
String _selfPointer_11 = this.langExt.selfPointer(true);
_builder.append(_selfPointer_11, "\t\t\t");
CharSequence _finalAction = this.finalAction();
_builder.append(_finalAction, "\t\t\t");
} else {
_builder.append("void ");
_builder.append(opScope, "");
String _className_4 = this.getClassName(mc);
String _selfPointer_12 = this.langExt.selfPointer(_className_4, handleEvents);
_builder.append(_selfPointer_12, "");
if (handleEvents) {
_builder.append(ifItemPtr, "");
_builder.append(" ifitem, int localId, int evt, ");
String _voidPointer_3 = this.langExt.voidPointer();
_builder.append(_voidPointer_3, "");
_builder.append(" generic_data__et");
if (handleEvents) {
if (generateImplementation) {
_builder.append(publicIf, "");
_builder.append("void ");
_builder.append(opScope, "");
String _className_5 = this.getClassName(mc);
String _selfPointer_13 = this.langExt.selfPointer(_className_5, true);
_builder.append(_selfPointer_13, "");
_builder.append(ifItemPtr, "");
_builder.append(" ifitem, int evt, ");
String _voidPointer_4 = this.langExt.voidPointer();
_builder.append(_voidPointer_4, "");
_builder.append(" generic_data__et) {");
_builder.append("int localId = (ifitem==");
String _nullPointer_5 = this.langExt.nullPointer();
_builder.append(_nullPointer_5, "\t");
_builder.append(")? 0 : ifitem");
_builder.append(getLocalId, "\t");
_builder.append(opScope, "\t");
String _selfPointer_14 = this.langExt.selfPointer(true);
_builder.append(_selfPointer_14, "\t");
_builder.append("ifitem, localId, evt, generic_data__et);");
} else {
_builder.append("void ");
_builder.append(opScope, "");
String _selfPointer_15 = this.langExt.selfPointer(true);
_builder.append(_selfPointer_15, "");
_builder.append(ifItemPtr, "");
_builder.append(" ifitem, int evt, ");
String _voidPointer_5 = this.langExt.voidPointer();
_builder.append(_voidPointer_5, "");
_builder.append(" generic_data__et);");
_xblockexpression = _builder.toString();
return _xblockexpression;
* generate the do code calls for a given state
* @param state the {@link State}
* @return the generated code
public String genDoCodes(final State state) {
StringConcatenation _builder = new StringConcatenation();
boolean _hasDoCode = this._fSMHelpers.hasDoCode(state, true);
if (_hasDoCode) {
String _doCodeOperationName = this._codegenHelpers.getDoCodeOperationName(state);
_builder.append(_doCodeOperationName, "");
String _selfPointer = this.langExt.selfPointer(false);
_builder.append(_selfPointer, "");
EObject _eContainer = state.eContainer();
EObject _eContainer_1 = _eContainer.eContainer();
if ((_eContainer_1 instanceof State)) {
EObject _eContainer_2 = state.eContainer();
EObject _eContainer_3 = _eContainer_2.eContainer();
String _genDoCodes = this.genDoCodes(((State) _eContainer_3));
_builder.append(_genDoCodes, "");
return _builder.toString();
* helper method which generates the state switch.
* Asynchronous, data driven and event driven state machines are distinguished
* @param xpmc the {@link ExpandedModelComponent}
* @param usesHdlr if the state machine uses no handler {@link TransitionPoint}s
* at all then unused variables can be avoided by passing <code>true</code>
* @return the generated code
public CharSequence genStateSwitch(final ExpandedModelComponent xpmc, final boolean usesHdlr) {
CharSequence _xblockexpression = null;
ModelComponent _modelComponent = xpmc.getModelComponent();
ComponentCommunicationType _commType = _modelComponent.getCommType();
boolean async = Objects.equal(_commType, ComponentCommunicationType.ASYNCHRONOUS);
ModelComponent _modelComponent_1 = xpmc.getModelComponent();
ComponentCommunicationType _commType_1 = _modelComponent_1.getCommType();
boolean eventDriven = Objects.equal(_commType_1, ComponentCommunicationType.EVENT_DRIVEN);
ModelComponent _modelComponent_2 = xpmc.getModelComponent();
ComponentCommunicationType _commType_2 = _modelComponent_2.getCommType();
boolean dataDriven = Objects.equal(_commType_2, ComponentCommunicationType.DATA_DRIVEN);
StringConcatenation _builder = new StringConcatenation();
_builder.append("switch (getState(");
String _selfPointer = this.langExt.selfPointer(false);
_builder.append(_selfPointer, "");
_builder.append(")) {");
StateGraph _stateMachine = xpmc.getStateMachine();
List<State> _leafStateList = this._fSMHelpers.getLeafStateList(_stateMachine);
for(final State state : _leafStateList) {
_builder.append(" ");
_builder.append("case ");
String _genStateId = this._codegenHelpers.getGenStateId(state);
_builder.append(_genStateId, " ");
if (async) {
_builder.append(" ");
_builder.append(" ");
EList<ActiveTrigger> atlist = xpmc.getActiveTriggers(state);
boolean _isEmpty = atlist.isEmpty();
boolean _not = (!_isEmpty);
if (_not) {
_builder.append(" ");
_builder.append(" ");
_builder.append("switch(trigger__et) {");
_builder.append(" ");
_builder.append(" ");
_builder.append(" ");
_builder.append("case POLLING:");
_builder.append(" ");
_builder.append(" ");
_builder.append(" ");
CharSequence _genDataDrivenTriggers = this.genDataDrivenTriggers(xpmc, state, usesHdlr);
_builder.append(_genDataDrivenTriggers, " ");
_builder.append(" ");
_builder.append(" ");
_builder.append(" ");
_builder.append(" ");
_builder.append(" ");
_builder.append(" ");
CharSequence _genEventDrivenTriggers = this.genEventDrivenTriggers(xpmc, state, atlist, usesHdlr);
_builder.append(_genEventDrivenTriggers, " ");
_builder.append(" ");
_builder.append(" ");
} else {
_builder.append(" ");
_builder.append(" ");
CharSequence _genDataDrivenTriggers_1 = this.genDataDrivenTriggers(xpmc, state, usesHdlr);
_builder.append(_genDataDrivenTriggers_1, " ");
} else {
if (dataDriven) {
_builder.append(" ");
_builder.append(" ");
CharSequence _genDataDrivenTriggers_2 = this.genDataDrivenTriggers(xpmc, state, usesHdlr);
_builder.append(_genDataDrivenTriggers_2, " ");
} else {
if (eventDriven) {
_builder.append(" ");
_builder.append(" ");
EList<ActiveTrigger> atlist_1 = xpmc.getActiveTriggers(state);
boolean _isEmpty_1 = atlist_1.isEmpty();
boolean _not_1 = (!_isEmpty_1);
if (_not_1) {
_builder.append(" ");
_builder.append(" ");
_builder.append("switch(trigger__et) {");
_builder.append(" ");
_builder.append(" ");
_builder.append(" ");
CharSequence _genEventDrivenTriggers_1 = this.genEventDrivenTriggers(xpmc, state, atlist_1, usesHdlr);
_builder.append(_genEventDrivenTriggers_1, " ");
_builder.append(" ");
_builder.append(" ");
_builder.append(" ");
_builder.append(" ");
_builder.append(" ");
_builder.append(" ");
_builder.append("/* should not occur */");
_builder.append(" ");
_xblockexpression = _builder;
return _xblockexpression;
* helper method which generates the data driven triggers
* @param xpmc the {@link ExpandedModelComponent}
* @param state the {@link State} for which the trigger if-else switch should be generated
* @param usesHdlr if the state machine uses no handler {@link TransitionPoints}
* at all then unused variables can be avoided by passing <code>true</code>
* @return the generated code
public CharSequence genDataDrivenTriggers(final ExpandedModelComponent xpmc, final State state, final boolean usesHdlr) {
StringConcatenation _builder = new StringConcatenation();
String _genDoCodes = this.genDoCodes(state);
_builder.append(_genDoCodes, "");
List<Transition> _outgoingTransitionsHierarchical = this._fSMExtensions.getOutgoingTransitionsHierarchical(xpmc, state);
final Function1<Transition, Boolean> _function = new Function1<Transition, Boolean>() {
public Boolean apply(final Transition t) {
return Boolean.valueOf((t instanceof GuardedTransition));
Iterable<Transition> transitions = IterableExtensions.<Transition>filter(_outgoingTransitionsHierarchical, _function);
for(final Transition tr : transitions) {
_builder.append("if (");
String _guard = this.guard(((GuardedTransition) tr), "", xpmc);
_builder.append(_guard, "");
_builder.append(" ");
TransitionChain chain = xpmc.getChain(tr);
_builder.append(" ");
_builder.append("chain__et = ");
String _genChainId = this._codegenHelpers.getGenChainId(chain);
_builder.append(_genChainId, " ");
_builder.append(" ");
_builder.append("catching_state__et = ");
State _stateContext = chain.getStateContext();
String _genStateId = this._codegenHelpers.getGenStateId(_stateContext);
_builder.append(_genStateId, " ");
boolean _and = false;
boolean _isHandler = chain.isHandler();
if (!_isHandler) {
_and = false;
} else {
_and = usesHdlr;
if (_and) {
_builder.append(" ");
_builder.append("is_handler__et = TRUE;");
Transition _last = IterableExtensions.<Transition>last(transitions);
boolean _notEquals = (!Objects.equal(tr, _last));
if (_notEquals) {
_builder.append("else ");
return _builder;
* helper method which generates the event driven triggers
* @param xpmc the {@link ExpandedModelComponent}
* @param state the {@link State} for which the trigger switch should be generated
* @param atlist the list of {@link ActiveTrigger}s of this state
* @param usesHdlr if the state machine uses no handler {@link TransitionPoints}
* at all then unused variables can be avoided by passing <code>true</code>
* @return the generated code
public CharSequence genEventDrivenTriggers(final ExpandedModelComponent xpmc, final State state, final List<ActiveTrigger> atlist, final boolean usesHdlr) {
StringConcatenation _builder = new StringConcatenation();
for(final ActiveTrigger at : atlist) {
_builder.append("case ");
String _triggerCodeName = xpmc.getTriggerCodeName(at);
_builder.append(_triggerCodeName, "");
_builder.append(" ");
boolean needData = this._fsmGenUtil.hasGuard(at);
_builder.append(" ");
if (needData) {
_builder.append("{ ");
EObject _msg = at.getMsg();
String _typedDataDefinition = this.langExt.getTypedDataDefinition(_msg);
_builder.append(_typedDataDefinition, " ");
EList<TriggeredTransition> _transitions = at.getTransitions();
boolean _hasElements = false;
for(final TriggeredTransition tt : _transitions) {
if (!_hasElements) {
_hasElements = true;
} else {
_builder.appendImmediate(" else ", " ");
_builder.append(" ");
TransitionChain chain = xpmc.getChain(tt);
_builder.append(" ");
Transition _transition = chain.getTransition();
String _trigger = at.getTrigger();
String _guard = this.guard(((TriggeredTransition) _transition), _trigger, xpmc);
_builder.append(_guard, " ");
_builder.append(" ");
_builder.append(" ");
_builder.append(" ");
_builder.append("chain__et = ");
String _genChainId = this._codegenHelpers.getGenChainId(chain);
_builder.append(_genChainId, " ");
_builder.append(" ");
_builder.append(" ");
_builder.append("catching_state__et = ");
State _stateContext = chain.getStateContext();
String _genStateId = this._codegenHelpers.getGenStateId(_stateContext);
_builder.append(_genStateId, " ");
boolean _and = false;
boolean _isHandler = chain.isHandler();
if (!_isHandler) {
_and = false;
} else {
_and = usesHdlr;
if (_and) {
_builder.append(" ");
_builder.append(" ");
_builder.append("is_handler__et = ");
String _booleanConstant = this.langExt.booleanConstant(true);
_builder.append(_booleanConstant, " ");
_builder.append(" ");
_builder.append(" ");
if (needData) {
_builder.append(" ");
_builder.append("/* should not occur */");
_builder.append(" ");
return _builder;
public String getClassName(final ExpandedModelComponent xpmc) {
ModelComponent _modelComponent = xpmc.getModelComponent();
return this.getClassName(_modelComponent);
public String getClassName(final ModelComponent mc) {
return mc.getComponentName();
* getter for history array
* @param state the ID of the history state
* @return the generated code
public String getHistory(final String state) {
String _memberAccess = this.langExt.memberAccess();
String _plus = (_memberAccess + "history[");
String _plus_1 = (_plus + state);
return (_plus_1 + "]");
* setter for history array
* @param state the ID of the state whose history should be set
* @param historyState the ID of the state that should be assigned
* @return the generated code
public String setHistory(final String state, final String historyState) {
String _memberAccess = this.langExt.memberAccess();
String _plus = (_memberAccess + "history[");
String _plus_1 = (_plus + state);
String _plus_2 = (_plus_1 + "] = ");
return (_plus_2 + historyState);
* @return the type of (temporary) state variables (defaults to "int")
* and has to be signed
public String stateType() {
return "int";
* allow target language dependent generation of unreachable return in generated enterHistory method.
* The default is just a comment.
* @return the generated code
public String unreachableReturn() {
return "/* return NO_STATE; // required by CDT but detected as unreachable by JDT because of while (true) */";
* type of (temporary) boolean variables (defaults to "boolean")
* @return the generated code
public String boolType() {
return "boolean";
* empty, but may be overridden
public CharSequence finalAction() {
StringConcatenation _builder = new StringConcatenation();
return _builder;
* the type of the interface item passed into the receiveEvent() method
public String interfaceItemType() {
return "InterfaceItemBase";
* empty, but may be overridden
public CharSequence markVariableUsed(final String varname) {
StringConcatenation _builder = new StringConcatenation();
return _builder;
* let derived class add extra code after definition of constants
* @param xpmc an expanded actor class
* @return the generated code
public CharSequence genExtra(final ExpandedModelComponent xpmc) {
StringConcatenation _builder = new StringConcatenation();
return _builder;
* let derived class add extra code after definition of constants in header (if applicable)
* @param xpmc an expanded actor class
* @return the generated code
public CharSequence genExtraDecl(final ExpandedModelComponent xpmc) {
StringConcatenation _builder = new StringConcatenation();
return _builder;
* helper method to determine whether this state machine uses handler transitions
* points at all
* @param xpax the {@link ExpandedModelComponent}
* @return <code>true</code> if the state machine uses handler transition points
public boolean usesHandlerTrPoints(final ExpandedModelComponent xpmc) {
boolean _xblockexpression = false;
StateGraph _stateMachine = xpmc.getStateMachine();
boolean _isEmpty = this._fSMHelpers.isEmpty(_stateMachine);
if (_isEmpty) {
return false;
StateGraph _stateMachine_1 = xpmc.getStateMachine();
List<TrPoint> _allTrPointsRecursive = this._fSMHelpers.getAllTrPointsRecursive(_stateMachine_1);
final Function1<TrPoint, Boolean> _function = new Function1<TrPoint, Boolean>() {
public Boolean apply(final TrPoint t) {
boolean _and = false;
if (!(t instanceof TransitionPoint)) {
_and = false;
} else {
boolean _isHandler = ((TransitionPoint) t).isHandler();
_and = _isHandler;
return Boolean.valueOf(_and);
Iterable<TrPoint> _filter = IterableExtensions.<TrPoint>filter(_allTrPointsRecursive, _function);
boolean _isEmpty_1 = IterableExtensions.isEmpty(_filter);
_xblockexpression = (!_isEmpty_1);
return _xblockexpression;
public abstract String guard(final TriggeredTransition tt, final String trigger, final ExpandedModelComponent mc);
public abstract String guard(final GuardedTransition tt, final String trigger, final ExpandedModelComponent mc);
public abstract String genActionCodeMethod(final ExpandedModelComponent xpmc, final Transition tr, final boolean generateImplementation);
public abstract String genActionCodeMethods(final ExpandedModelComponent xpmc, final State state, final boolean generateImplementation);