blob: ebed150f6ecaad87396a20929101944c6165f5a7 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2011 protos software gmbh (
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Henrik Rentz-Reichert (initial contribution)
* Thomas Schuetz (refactoring, adapted for other target languages)
package org.eclipse.etrice.generator.generic;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.EList;
import org.eclipse.etrice.core.fsm.fSM.DetailCode;
import org.eclipse.etrice.core.genmodel.fsm.base.ILogger;
import org.eclipse.etrice.generator.base.AbstractGenerator;
import org.eclipse.etrice.generator.generic.ILanguageExtension;
import org.eclipse.etrice.generator.generic.TypeHelpers;
import org.eclipse.xtend2.lib.StringConcatenation;
import org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.lib.CollectionLiterals;
import org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.lib.Conversions;
import org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.lib.Extension;
import org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.lib.Functions.Function1;
import org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.lib.IterableExtensions;
import org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.lib.StringExtensions;
* A collection of methods for generation of user code, attributes with getters and setters
* and operations.
public class ProcedureHelpers {
protected final String NEWLINE = System.getProperty("line.separator");
protected RoomHelpers _roomHelpers;
protected TypeHelpers _typeHelpers;
protected ILanguageExtension languageExt;
protected ILogger logger;
* @param dc a {@link DataClass}
* @param id 0, 1 or 2 for the corresponding user codes
* @return the generated code
public CharSequence userCode(final DataClass dc, final int id) {
CharSequence _switchResult = null;
switch (id) {
case 1:
String _deepUserCode1 = this._roomHelpers.getDeepUserCode1(dc);
_switchResult = this.userCode(_deepUserCode1);
case 2:
String _deepUserCode2 = this._roomHelpers.getDeepUserCode2(dc);
_switchResult = this.userCode(_deepUserCode2);
case 3:
String _deepUserCode3 = this._roomHelpers.getDeepUserCode3(dc);
_switchResult = this.userCode(_deepUserCode3);
return _switchResult;
* @param pc a {@link ProtocolClass}
* @param id 0, 1 or 2 for the corresponding user codes
* @return the generated code
public CharSequence userCode(final ProtocolClass pc, final int id) {
CharSequence _switchResult = null;
switch (id) {
case 1:
String _deepUserCode1 = this._roomHelpers.getDeepUserCode1(pc);
_switchResult = this.userCode(_deepUserCode1);
case 2:
String _deepUserCode2 = this._roomHelpers.getDeepUserCode2(pc);
_switchResult = this.userCode(_deepUserCode2);
case 3:
String _deepUserCode3 = this._roomHelpers.getDeepUserCode3(pc);
_switchResult = this.userCode(_deepUserCode3);
return _switchResult;
* @param ac an {@link ActorContainerClass}
* @param id 0, 1 or 2 for the corresponding user codes
* @return the generated code
public CharSequence userCode(final ActorContainerClass ac, final int id, final boolean includeInherited) {
CharSequence _xifexpression = null;
if (includeInherited) {
CharSequence _switchResult = null;
switch (id) {
case 1:
String _deepUserCode1 = this._roomHelpers.getDeepUserCode1(ac);
_switchResult = this.userCode(_deepUserCode1);
case 2:
String _deepUserCode2 = this._roomHelpers.getDeepUserCode2(ac);
_switchResult = this.userCode(_deepUserCode2);
case 3:
String _deepUserCode3 = this._roomHelpers.getDeepUserCode3(ac);
_switchResult = this.userCode(_deepUserCode3);
_xifexpression = _switchResult;
} else {
CharSequence _switchResult_1 = null;
switch (id) {
case 1:
DetailCode _userCode1 = ac.getUserCode1();
_switchResult_1 = this.userCode(_userCode1);
case 2:
DetailCode _userCode2 = ac.getUserCode2();
_switchResult_1 = this.userCode(_userCode2);
case 3:
DetailCode _userCode3 = ac.getUserCode3();
_switchResult_1 = this.userCode(_userCode3);
_xifexpression = _switchResult_1;
return _xifexpression;
* @param dc some {@link DetailCode}
* @return a string containing the expanded code surrounded by
* comments (no tag replacement will happen)
public CharSequence userCode(final DetailCode dc) {
String _detailCode = this._roomHelpers.getDetailCode(dc);
return this.userCode(_detailCode);
private CharSequence userCode(final String code) {
StringConcatenation _builder = new StringConcatenation();
boolean _and = false;
boolean _notEquals = (!Objects.equal(code, null));
if (!_notEquals) {
_and = false;
} else {
boolean _isEmpty = code.isEmpty();
boolean _not = (!_isEmpty);
_and = _not;
if (_and) {
_builder.append("/*--------------------- begin user code ---------------------*/");
_builder.append(code, "");
_builder.append("/*--------------------- end user code ---------------------*/");
return _builder;
* @param EnumTest a list of {@link Attribute}s
* @return code declaring the attributes
public CharSequence attributes(final List<Attribute> attributes) {
StringConcatenation _builder = new StringConcatenation();
_builder.append("/*--------------------- attributes ---------------------*/");
for(final Attribute it : attributes) {
CharSequence _attributeDeclaration = this.attributeDeclaration(it);
_builder.append(_attributeDeclaration, "");
return _builder;
* @param attribute an {@link Attribute}
* @return the code declaring the attribute
public CharSequence attributeDeclaration(final Attribute attribute) {
StringConcatenation _builder = new StringConcatenation();
String _accessLevelPublic = this.languageExt.accessLevelPublic();
_builder.append(_accessLevelPublic, "");
_builder.append(" ");
String _declarationString = this.declarationString(attribute);
_builder.append(_declarationString, "");
return _builder;
* @param attribute an {@link Attribute}
* @return the code for an array initializer
public String arrayInitializer(final Attribute att) {
String _xifexpression = null;
String _defaultValueLiteral = att.getDefaultValueLiteral();
boolean _notEquals = (!Objects.equal(_defaultValueLiteral, null));
if (_notEquals) {
_xifexpression = att.getDefaultValueLiteral();
} else {
RefableType _type = att.getType();
DataType _type_1 = _type.getType();
_xifexpression = this.languageExt.defaultValue(_type_1);
final String dflt = _xifexpression;
boolean _startsWith = dflt.startsWith("{");
if (_startsWith) {
String[] _split = dflt.split(",");
int _size = ((List<String>)Conversions.doWrapArray(_split)).size();
int _size_1 = att.getSize();
boolean _notEquals_1 = (_size != _size_1);
if (_notEquals_1) {
String _name = att.getName();
String _plus = ("WARNING: array size determined by initializer differs from attribute size (" + _name);
String _plus_1 = (_plus + "[");
int _size_2 = att.getSize();
String _plus_2 = (_plus_1 + Integer.valueOf(_size_2));
String _plus_3 = (_plus_2 + "] <-> ");
String _plus_4 = (_plus_3 + dflt);
String _plus_5 = (_plus_4 + ")");
return dflt;
String result = "{";
int i = 0;
while ((i < att.getSize())) {
result = (result + dflt);
i = (i + 1);
int _size_3 = att.getSize();
boolean _lessThan = (i < _size_3);
if (_lessThan) {
result = (result + ", ");
return (result + "}");
* @param EnumTest a list of {@link Attribute}s
* @param classname the name of the defining class
* @return code declaring setters and getters for the attributes
public CharSequence attributeSettersGettersDeclaration(final List<Attribute> attributes, final String classname) {
StringConcatenation _builder = new StringConcatenation();
_builder.append("/* --------------------- attribute setters and getters */");
for(final Attribute attribute : attributes) {
CharSequence _setterHeader = this.setterHeader(attribute, classname);
_builder.append(_setterHeader, "");
CharSequence _terHeader = this.getterHeader(attribute, classname);
_builder.append(_terHeader, "");
return _builder;
* @param EnumTest a list of {@link Attribute}s
* @param classname the name of the defining class
* @return code defining setters and getters for the attributes
public CharSequence attributeSettersGettersImplementation(final List<Attribute> attributes, final String classname) {
StringConcatenation _builder = new StringConcatenation();
_builder.append("/* --------------------- attribute setters and getters */");
for(final Attribute attribute : attributes) {
CharSequence _setterHeader = this.setterHeader(attribute, classname);
_builder.append(_setterHeader, "");
_builder.append(" {");
_builder.append("\t ");
String _memberAccess = this.languageExt.memberAccess();
_builder.append(_memberAccess, "\t ");
String _name = attribute.getName();
_builder.append(_name, "\t ");
_builder.append(" = ");
String _name_1 = attribute.getName();
_builder.append(_name_1, "\t ");
CharSequence _terHeader = this.getterHeader(attribute, classname);
_builder.append(_terHeader, "");
_builder.append(" {");
_builder.append("return ");
String _memberAccess_1 = this.languageExt.memberAccess();
_builder.append(_memberAccess_1, "\t");
String _name_2 = attribute.getName();
_builder.append(_name_2, "\t");
return _builder;
* @param attribute an {@link Attribute}
* @param classname the name of the defining class
* @return code for the attribute setter declaration
private CharSequence setterHeader(final Attribute attribute, final String classname) {
StringConcatenation _builder = new StringConcatenation();
String _accessLevelPublic = this.languageExt.accessLevelPublic();
_builder.append(_accessLevelPublic, "");
_builder.append("void set");
String _name = attribute.getName();
String _firstUpper = StringExtensions.toFirstUpper(_name);
_builder.append(_firstUpper, "");
String _selfPointer = this.languageExt.selfPointer(classname, true);
_builder.append(_selfPointer, "");
String _declarationString = this.declarationString(attribute);
_builder.append(_declarationString, "");
return _builder;
* @param attribute an {@link Attribute}
* @param classname the name of the defining class
* @return code for the attribute getter declaration
private CharSequence getterHeader(final Attribute attribute, final String classname) {
StringConcatenation _builder = new StringConcatenation();
String _accessLevelPublic = this.languageExt.accessLevelPublic();
_builder.append(_accessLevelPublic, "");
String _signatureReturnString = this.signatureReturnString(attribute);
_builder.append(_signatureReturnString, "");
_builder.append(" get");
String _name = attribute.getName();
String _firstUpper = StringExtensions.toFirstUpper(_name);
_builder.append(_firstUpper, "");
String _selfPointer = this.languageExt.selfPointer(classname, false);
_builder.append(_selfPointer, "");
return _builder;
* @param attributes a list of {@link Attribute}s
* @return an argument list for the attributes
public CharSequence argList(final List<Attribute> attributes) {
StringConcatenation _builder = new StringConcatenation();
boolean _hasElements = false;
for(final Attribute a : attributes) {
if (!_hasElements) {
_hasElements = true;
} else {
_builder.appendImmediate(", ", "");
String _declarationString = this.declarationString(a);
_builder.append(_declarationString, "");
return _builder;
* @param EnumTest an iterable of {@link Attribute}s representing a path
* @param classname the name of the defining class
* @return the invocation code for the call of a setter
public CharSequence invokeGetters(final Iterable<Attribute> path, final String classname) {
StringConcatenation _builder = new StringConcatenation();
boolean _hasElements = false;
for(final Attribute a : path) {
if (!_hasElements) {
_hasElements = true;
} else {
_builder.appendImmediate(".", "");
String _name = a.getName();
CharSequence _invokeGetter = this.invokeGetter(_name, classname);
_builder.append(_invokeGetter, "");
return _builder;
* @param typeName the type name of the attribute
* @param name the name of the attribute
* @param classname the name of the type defining the getter
* @return code defining the attribute getter
public CharSequence getterImplementation(final String typeName, final String name, final String classname) {
StringConcatenation _builder = new StringConcatenation();
String _accessLevelPublic = this.languageExt.accessLevelPublic();
_builder.append(_accessLevelPublic, "");
_builder.append(typeName, "");
_builder.append(" get");
String _firstUpper = StringExtensions.toFirstUpper(name);
_builder.append(_firstUpper, "");
_builder.append(" (");
String _selfPointer = this.languageExt.selfPointer(classname, false);
_builder.append(_selfPointer, "");
_builder.append("return ");
String _memberAccess = this.languageExt.memberAccess();
_builder.append(_memberAccess, "\t");
_builder.append(name, "\t");
return _builder;
* @param name the name of the attribute
* @param classname the name of the type defining the getter
* @return code defining the getter call
public CharSequence invokeGetter(final String name, final String classname) {
StringConcatenation _builder = new StringConcatenation();
String _firstUpper = StringExtensions.toFirstUpper(name);
_builder.append(_firstUpper, "");
String _selfPointer = this.languageExt.selfPointer(classname, true);
_builder.append(_selfPointer, "");
return _builder;
* @param name the name of the attribute
* @param classname the name of the type defining the getter
* @param value the value to be assigned
* @return code defining the setter call
public CharSequence invokeSetter(final String name, final String classname, final String value) {
StringConcatenation _builder = new StringConcatenation();
String _firstUpper = StringExtensions.toFirstUpper(name);
_builder.append(_firstUpper, "");
String _selfPointer = this.languageExt.selfPointer(classname, true);
_builder.append(_selfPointer, "");
_builder.append(value, "");
return _builder;
* @param operations a list of {@link Operation}s
* @param classname the name of the type defining the getter
* @return code declaring the operations
public CharSequence operationsDeclaration(final List<? extends Operation> operations, final String classname) {
StringConcatenation _builder = new StringConcatenation();
_builder.append("/*--------------------- operations ---------------------*/");
for(final Operation operation : operations) {
CharSequence _operationSignature = this.operationSignature(operation, classname, true);
_builder.append(_operationSignature, "");
return _builder;
* @param operations a list of {@link Operation}s
* @param classname the name of the type defining the getter
* @return code defining the operations
public CharSequence operationsImplementation(final List<? extends Operation> operations, final String classname) {
StringConcatenation _builder = new StringConcatenation();
_builder.append("/*--------------------- operations ---------------------*/");
for(final Operation operation : operations) {
CharSequence _operationSignature = this.operationSignature(operation, classname, false);
_builder.append(_operationSignature, "");
_builder.append(" {");
AbstractGenerator _instance = AbstractGenerator.getInstance();
DetailCode _detailCode = operation.getDetailCode();
String _translatedCode = _instance.getTranslatedCode(_detailCode);
_builder.append(_translatedCode, "\t");
return _builder;
public CharSequence asBlock(final CharSequence str) {
StringConcatenation _builder = new StringConcatenation();
_builder.append(str, "\t");
return _builder;
* invoke user structor, if (inherited) present - <b>C only</b>
* @param cls {@link ActorClass} or {@link DataClass}
* @param args self pointer to instance
public String invokeUserStructor(final RoomClass cls, final String args, final boolean ctor) {
boolean _usesInheritance = this.languageExt.usesInheritance();
boolean _not = (!_usesInheritance);
List<ClassStructor> _structors = this.getStructors(cls, _not);
final Function1<ClassStructor, Boolean> _function = new Function1<ClassStructor, Boolean>() {
public Boolean apply(final ClassStructor it) {
boolean _isConstructor = it.isConstructor();
return Boolean.valueOf((_isConstructor == ctor));
boolean _exists = IterableExtensions.<ClassStructor>exists(_structors, _function);
if (_exists) {
StringConcatenation _builder = new StringConcatenation();
String _name = cls.getName();
String _xifexpression = null;
if (ctor) {
_xifexpression = "ctor";
} else {
_xifexpression = "dtor";
String _memberInDeclaration = this.languageExt.memberInDeclaration(_name, _xifexpression);
_builder.append(_memberInDeclaration, "");
_builder.append(args, "");
return _builder.toString();
return "";
* declaration of user constructor + destructor, if (inherited) present - <b>C only</b>
* @param cls {@link ActorClass} or {@link DataClass}
public String userStructorsDeclaration(final RoomClass cls) {
String _xblockexpression = null;
String _name = cls.getName();
final String namePrefix = this.languageExt.operationScope(_name, true);
final ArrayList<String> declBlock = CollectionLiterals.<String>newArrayList();
declBlock.add("/*--------------------- user constructor/destructor ---------------------*/");
boolean _usesInheritance = this.languageExt.usesInheritance();
boolean _not = (!_usesInheritance);
List<ClassStructor> _structors = this.getStructors(cls, _not);
final Function1<ClassStructor, Boolean> _function = new Function1<ClassStructor, Boolean>() {
public Boolean apply(final ClassStructor it) {
return Boolean.valueOf(it.isConstructor());
boolean _exists = IterableExtensions.<ClassStructor>exists(_structors, _function);
if (_exists) {
String _name_1 = cls.getName();
CharSequence _functionSignature = this.functionSignature(_name_1, (namePrefix + "ctor"), "void", "");
String _plus = (_functionSignature + ";");
boolean _usesInheritance_1 = this.languageExt.usesInheritance();
boolean _not_1 = (!_usesInheritance_1);
List<ClassStructor> _structors_1 = this.getStructors(cls, _not_1);
final Function1<ClassStructor, Boolean> _function_1 = new Function1<ClassStructor, Boolean>() {
public Boolean apply(final ClassStructor it) {
boolean _isConstructor = it.isConstructor();
return Boolean.valueOf((!_isConstructor));
boolean _exists_1 = IterableExtensions.<ClassStructor>exists(_structors_1, _function_1);
if (_exists_1) {
String _name_2 = cls.getName();
CharSequence _functionSignature_1 = this.functionSignature(_name_2, (namePrefix + "dtor"), "void", "");
String _plus_1 = (_functionSignature_1 + ";");
_xblockexpression = IterableExtensions.join(declBlock, this.NEWLINE);
return _xblockexpression;
* implementation of user constructor + destructor, if (inherited) present - <b>C only</b>
* @param cls {@link ActorClass} or {@link DataClass}
public String userStructorsImplementation(final RoomClass cls) {
String _xblockexpression = null;
final ArrayList<String> declBlock = CollectionLiterals.<String>newArrayList();
declBlock.add("/*--------------------- user constructor/destructor ---------------------*/");
String _userStuctorImplementation = this.userStuctorImplementation(cls, true);
String _userStuctorImplementation_1 = this.userStuctorImplementation(cls, false);
Iterable<String> _filterNull = IterableExtensions.<String>filterNull(declBlock);
_xblockexpression = IterableExtensions.join(_filterNull, this.NEWLINE);
return _xblockexpression;
private String userStuctorImplementation(final RoomClass cls, final boolean ctor) {
String _xblockexpression = null;
String _name = cls.getName();
final String namePrefix = this.languageExt.operationScope(_name, false);
boolean _usesInheritance = this.languageExt.usesInheritance();
boolean _not = (!_usesInheritance);
List<ClassStructor> _structors = this.getStructors(cls, _not);
final Function1<ClassStructor, Boolean> _function = new Function1<ClassStructor, Boolean>() {
public Boolean apply(final ClassStructor it) {
boolean _isConstructor = it.isConstructor();
return Boolean.valueOf((_isConstructor == ctor));
boolean _exists = IterableExtensions.<ClassStructor>exists(_structors, _function);
boolean _not_1 = (!_exists);
if (_not_1) {
return null;
StringConcatenation _builder = new StringConcatenation();
String _name_1 = cls.getName();
String _xifexpression = null;
if (ctor) {
_xifexpression = "ctor";
} else {
_xifexpression = "dtor";
String _plus = (namePrefix + _xifexpression);
CharSequence _functionSignature = this.functionSignature(_name_1, _plus, "void", "");
_builder.append(_functionSignature, "");
String _userStructorBody = this.userStructorBody(cls, ctor);
_builder.append(_userStructorBody, "\t");
_xblockexpression = _builder.toString();
return _xblockexpression;
* implementation of user structor, if (inherited) present
public String userStructorBody(final RoomClass cls, final boolean ctor) {
StringConcatenation _builder = new StringConcatenation();
_builder.append("/* user defined ");
if (ctor) {
} else {
_builder.append("structor body */");
final String comment = _builder.toString();
boolean _usesInheritance = this.languageExt.usesInheritance();
boolean _not = (!_usesInheritance);
List<ClassStructor> _structors = this.getStructors(cls, _not);
final Function1<ClassStructor, Boolean> _function = new Function1<ClassStructor, Boolean>() {
public Boolean apply(final ClassStructor it) {
boolean _isConstructor = it.isConstructor();
return Boolean.valueOf((_isConstructor == ctor));
final Iterable<ClassStructor> implementedStructors = IterableExtensions.<ClassStructor>filter(_structors, _function);
final Function1<ClassStructor, DetailCode> _function_1 = new Function1<ClassStructor, DetailCode>() {
public DetailCode apply(final ClassStructor it) {
return it.getDetailCode();
Iterable<DetailCode> _map = IterableExtensions.<ClassStructor, DetailCode>map(implementedStructors, _function_1);
final Function1<DetailCode, String> _function_2 = new Function1<DetailCode, String>() {
public String apply(final DetailCode it) {
AbstractGenerator _instance = AbstractGenerator.getInstance();
return _instance.getTranslatedCode(it);
final Iterable<String> translatedCodes = IterableExtensions.<DetailCode, String>map(_map, _function_2);
final Function1<String, CharSequence> _function_3 = new Function1<String, CharSequence>() {
public CharSequence apply(final String it) {
CharSequence _xifexpression = null;
int _size = IterableExtensions.size(translatedCodes);
boolean _greaterThan = (_size > 1);
if (_greaterThan) {
_xifexpression = ProcedureHelpers.this.asBlock(it);
} else {
_xifexpression = it;
return _xifexpression;
Iterable<CharSequence> _map_1 = IterableExtensions.<String, CharSequence>map(translatedCodes, _function_3);
String _join = IterableExtensions.join(_map_1);
return ((comment + this.NEWLINE) + _join);
private List<ClassStructor> getStructors(final RoomClass cls, final boolean inherited) {
List<ClassStructor> _switchResult = null;
final RoomClass it = cls;
boolean _matched = false;
if (!_matched) {
if (it instanceof ActorClass) {
if ((!inherited)) {
_switchResult = ((ActorClass)it).getStructors();
if (!_matched) {
if (it instanceof DataClass) {
if ((!inherited)) {
_switchResult = ((DataClass)it).getStructors();
if (!_matched) {
if (it instanceof ActorClass) {
if (inherited) {
_switchResult = this._roomHelpers.getAllStructors(((ActorClass)it));
if (!_matched) {
if (it instanceof DataClass) {
if (inherited) {
_switchResult = this._roomHelpers.getAllStructors(((DataClass)it));
return _switchResult;
* @param operation an {@link Operation}
* @return the operation signature (with special care for
* constructor and destructor
private CharSequence operationSignature(final Operation operation, final String classname, final boolean isDeclaration) {
CharSequence _xblockexpression = null;
StringConcatenation _builder = new StringConcatenation();
EList<VarDecl> _arguments = operation.getArguments();
boolean _hasElements = false;
for(final VarDecl argument : _arguments) {
if (!_hasElements) {
_hasElements = true;
} else {
_builder.appendImmediate(", ", "");
RefableType _refType = argument.getRefType();
String _signatureString = this.signatureString(_refType);
_builder.append(_signatureString, "");
_builder.append(" ");
String _name = argument.getName();
_builder.append(_name, "");
final String arguments = _builder.toString();
RefableType _returnType = operation.getReturnType();
final String returnType = this.signatureString(_returnType);
String _operationScope = this.languageExt.operationScope(classname, isDeclaration);
String _name_1 = operation.getName();
String _plus = (_operationScope + _name_1);
_xblockexpression = this.functionSignature(classname, _plus, returnType, arguments);
return _xblockexpression;
* @param type a {@link RefableType}
* @return a string for the type (also for pointers)
private String signatureString(final RefableType type) {
String _switchResult = null;
final RefableType it = type;
boolean _matched = false;
if (!_matched) {
if (Objects.equal(it, null)) {
_switchResult = "void";
if (!_matched) {
boolean _isRef = it.isRef();
if (_isRef) {
DataType _type = type.getType();
String _typeName = this._typeHelpers.typeName(_type);
String _pointerLiteral = this.languageExt.pointerLiteral();
_switchResult = (_typeName + _pointerLiteral);
if (!_matched) {
DataType _type_1 = type.getType();
_switchResult = this._typeHelpers.typeName(_type_1);
return _switchResult;
private String signatureReturnString(final Attribute attribute) {
String _switchResult = null;
final Attribute it = attribute;
boolean _matched = false;
if (!_matched) {
int _size = it.getSize();
boolean _greaterThan = (_size > 0);
if (_greaterThan) {
RefableType _type = it.getType();
String _signatureString = this.signatureString(_type);
String _typeArrayModifier = this.languageExt.typeArrayModifier();
_switchResult = (_signatureString + _typeArrayModifier);
if (!_matched) {
RefableType _type_1 = it.getType();
_switchResult = this.signatureString(_type_1);
return _switchResult;
* @param attribute a {@link Attribute}
* @return a string for <code>type name</code>
private String declarationString(final Attribute attribute) {
String _switchResult = null;
final Attribute it = attribute;
boolean _matched = false;
if (!_matched) {
int _size = it.getSize();
boolean _greaterThan = (_size > 0);
if (_greaterThan) {
RefableType _type = it.getType();
DataType _type_1 = _type.getType();
String _typeName = this._typeHelpers.typeName(_type_1);
int _size_1 = it.getSize();
String _name = it.getName();
RefableType _type_2 = it.getType();
boolean _isRef = _type_2.isRef();
_switchResult = this.languageExt.arrayDeclaration(_typeName, _size_1, _name, _isRef);
if (!_matched) {
RefableType _type_3 = it.getType();
String _signatureString = this.signatureString(_type_3);
String _plus = (_signatureString + " ");
String _name_1 = it.getName();
_switchResult = (_plus + _name_1);
return _switchResult;
private CharSequence functionSignature(final String className, final String fullFctName, final String returnType, final String arguments) {
StringConcatenation _builder = new StringConcatenation();
String _accessLevelPublic = this.languageExt.accessLevelPublic();
_builder.append(_accessLevelPublic, "");
_builder.append(" ");
_builder.append(returnType, "");
_builder.append(" ");
_builder.append(fullFctName, "");
boolean _isEmpty = arguments.isEmpty();
boolean _not = (!_isEmpty);
String _selfPointer = this.languageExt.selfPointer(className, _not);
_builder.append(_selfPointer, "");
_builder.append(arguments, "");
return _builder;