blob: 471b0a7c20c16e9c71b30b20123b05f0ca82a88f [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2011 protos software gmbh (
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Henrik Rentz-Reichert (initial contribution)
* Thomas Schuetz (changed for C code generator)
package org.eclipse.etrice.generator.c.gen
import org.eclipse.etrice.core.fsm.fSM.ComponentCommunicationType
import org.eclipse.etrice.core.genmodel.etricegen.ExpandedActorClass
import org.eclipse.etrice.core.genmodel.etricegen.Root
import org.eclipse.etrice.core.genmodel.fsm.base.ILogger
import org.eclipse.etrice.generator.c.Main
import org.eclipse.etrice.generator.fsm.base.IGeneratorFileIo
import org.eclipse.etrice.generator.generic.GenericActorClassGenerator
import org.eclipse.etrice.generator.generic.ILanguageExtension
import org.eclipse.etrice.generator.generic.ProcedureHelpers
import org.eclipse.etrice.generator.generic.RoomExtensions
class ActorClassGen extends GenericActorClassGenerator {
@Inject protected extension RoomExtensions
@Inject protected extension CExtensions
@Inject protected extension ProcedureHelpers
@Inject protected extension StateMachineGen
@Inject protected ILanguageExtension langExt
@Inject protected IGeneratorFileIo fileIO
@Inject protected ILogger logger
def doGenerate(Root root) {
for (xpac: root.xpActorClasses) {
val path = xpac.actorClass.generationTargetPath+xpac.actorClass.getPath
val infopath = xpac.actorClass.generationInfoPath+xpac.actorClass.getPath
var file = xpac.actorClass.getCHeaderFileName
// header file
fileIO.generateFile("generating ActorClass header", path, infopath, file, root.generateHeaderFile(xpac))
// utils file
file = xpac.actorClass.getCUtilsFileName
fileIO.generateFile("generating ActorClass utils", path, infopath, file, root.generateUtilsFile(xpac))
// source file
if (xpac.actorClass.isBehaviorAnnotationPresent("BehaviorManual")) {
logger.logInfo("omitting ActorClass source for '""' since @BehaviorManual is specified")
else {
file = xpac.actorClass.getCSourceFileName
fileIO.generateFile("generating ActorClass source", path, infopath, file, root.generateSourceFile(xpac))
def protected generateHeaderFile(Root root, ExpandedActorClass xpac) {
val ac = xpac.actorClass
val eventPorts = ac.allEndPorts.filter(p|(p.protocol as ProtocolClass).commType==CommunicationType::EVENT_DRIVEN)
val sendPorts = ac.allEndPorts.filter(p|(p.protocol as ProtocolClass).commType==CommunicationType::DATA_DRIVEN && p.conjugated)
val recvPorts = ac.allEndPorts.filter(p|(p.protocol as ProtocolClass).commType==CommunicationType::DATA_DRIVEN && !p.conjugated)
val dataDriven = ac.commType==ComponentCommunicationType::DATA_DRIVEN
val async = ac.commType==ComponentCommunicationType::ASYNCHRONOUS
val hasConstData = !(eventPorts.empty && recvPorts.empty && ac.allSAPs.empty && ac.allServiceImplementations.empty)
|| Main::settings.generateMSCInstrumentation
val hasVarData = !(sendPorts.empty && ac.allAttributes.empty && xpac.stateMachine.empty && !hasConstData)
* @author generated by eTrice
* Header File of ActorClass «»
#include "etDatatypes.h"
#include "messaging/etMessage.h"
«FOR dataClass : root.getReferencedDataClasses(ac)»
#include «dataClass.includePath»
«FOR enumClass : root.getReferencedEnumClasses(ac)»
#include «enumClass.includePath»
«FOR pc : root.getReferencedProtocolClasses(ac)»
#include «pc.includePath»
«ac.userCode(1, true)»
typedef struct «» «»;
/* const part of ActorClass (ROM) */
«IF hasConstData»
typedef struct «»_const {
«IF Main::settings.generateMSCInstrumentation»
const char* instName;
/* simple ports */
«FOR ep : eventPorts»
«IF ep.multiplicity==1»
const «ep.getPortClassName()» «»;
/* data receive ports */
«FOR ep : recvPorts»
«IF ep.multiplicity==1»
const «ep.getPortClassName()» «»;
/* saps */
«FOR sap: ac.allSAPs»
const «sap.getPortClassName()» «»;
/* replicated ports */
«FOR ep : ac.allEndPorts»
«IF ep.multiplicity!=1»
const etReplPort «»;
/* services */
«FOR svc : ac.allServiceImplementations»
const etReplPort «»;
} «»_const;
/* this actor class has no ports and thus no constant data */
«IF !xpac.stateMachine.empty»
/* variable part of ActorClass (RAM) */
«IF hasVarData»
struct «» {
«IF hasConstData»
const «»_const* const constData;
/* data send ports */
«FOR ep : sendPorts»
«IF ep.multiplicity==1»
«ep.getPortClassName()» «»;
«IF !xpac.stateMachine.empty»
struct «» {
/* This actor class has no data at all.
But the private actor instance data is passed to all life cycle functions.
By introducing the dummy data we keep this case simple
int dummy;
void «»_init(«»* self);
void «»_receiveMessage(void* self, const void* ifitem, const etMessage* msg);
«IF dataDriven || async»
void «»_execute(«»* self);
«ac.userCode(2, true)»
def protected generateUtilsFile(Root root, ExpandedActorClass xpac) {
val ac = xpac.actorClass
val eventPorts = ac.allEndPorts.filter(p|(p.protocol as ProtocolClass).commType==CommunicationType::EVENT_DRIVEN)
val replEventPorts = eventPorts.filter[multiplicity!=1]
val sendPorts = ac.allEndPorts.filter(p|(p.protocol as ProtocolClass).commType==CommunicationType::DATA_DRIVEN && p.conjugated && p.multiplicity==1)
val recvPorts = ac.allEndPorts.filter(p|(p.protocol as ProtocolClass).commType==CommunicationType::DATA_DRIVEN && !p.conjugated && p.multiplicity==1)
val portsWithOperations = ac.allInterfaceItems.filter(p|p.portClass!=null && p.portClass.operations.size>0)
val filename = (ac.eContainer as RoomModel).name.replaceAll("\\.","_")+"_""_Utils"
* @author generated by eTrice
* Utils File of ActorClass «»
#include «ac.includePath»
* access macros for ports, operations and attributes
/* simple event ports */
«FOR ep : eventPorts.filter[multiplicity==1]»
«FOR msg : ep.outgoing»
«val data1 = if (!=null) "data" else ""»
«val data2 = if (!=null) ", data" else ""»
#define «»_«»(«data1») «ep.portClassName»_«»(&self->constData->«»«data2»)
/* data receive ports */
«FOR ep : recvPorts»
«FOR msg : ep.incoming»
#define «»_«» «ep.portClassName»_«»_get(&self->constData->«»)
/* data send ports */
«FOR ep : sendPorts»
«FOR msg : ep.outgoing»
«val data1 = if (!=null) "data" else ""»
«val data2 = if (!=null) ", data" else ""»
#define «»_«»(«data1») «ep.portClassName»_«»_set(&self->«»«data2»)
/* saps */
«FOR sap: ac.allSAPs»
«FOR msg : sap.outgoing»
«val data1 = if (!=null) "data" else ""»
«val data2 = if (!=null) ", data" else ""»
#define «»_«»(«data1») «sap.portClassName»_«»(&self->constData->«»«data2»)
/* replicated event ports */
«IF !replEventPorts.empty»
#define ifitem_index (((etReplSubPort*)ifitem)->index)
«FOR ep : replEventPorts»
«FOR msg : ep.outgoing»
«val data1 = if (!=null) "data" else ""»
«val data2 = if (!=null) ", data" else ""»
#define «»_«»_broadcast(«data1») «ep.portClassName»_«»_broadcast(&self->constData->«»«data2»)
#define «»_«»(idx«data2») «ep.portClassName»_«»(&self->constData->«», idx«data2»)
/* services */
«FOR svc : ac.allServiceImplementations»
«FOR msg : svc.spp.outgoing»
«val data1 = if (!=null) "data" else ""»
«val data2 = if (!=null) ", data" else ""»
#define «»_«»_broadcast(«data1») «svc.spp.portClassName»_«»_broadcast(&self->constData->«»«data2»)
#define «»_«»(idx«data2») «svc.spp.portClassName»_«»(&self->constData->«», idx«data2»)
/* operations */
«FOR op : ac.latestOperations»
«val args = op.argList»
#define «»(«args») «»_«»(self«IF !op.arguments.empty», «args»«ENDIF»)
/* attributes */
«FOR a : ac.allAttributes»
#define «» (self->«»)
/* port operations */
«FOR p : portsWithOperations»
«FOR op : p.portClass.operations»
«val args = op.argList»
#define «»_«»(«args») «p.portClassName»_«»((«p.portClassName»*)&self->constData->«»«IF !op.arguments.empty», «args»«ENDIF»)
private def argList(Operation op) {
'''«FOR a : op.arguments SEPARATOR ", "»«»«ENDFOR»'''
def protected generateSourceFile(Root root, ExpandedActorClass xpac) {
val ac = xpac.actorClass
val async = ac.commType==ComponentCommunicationType::ASYNCHRONOUS
val eventDriven = ac.commType==ComponentCommunicationType::EVENT_DRIVEN
val dataDriven = ac.commType==ComponentCommunicationType::DATA_DRIVEN
val handleEvents = async || eventDriven
* @author generated by eTrice
* Source File of ActorClass «»
#include "«ac.getCHeaderFileName»"
#include "modelbase/etActor.h"
#include "debugging/etLogger.h"
#include "debugging/etMSCLogger.h"
#include "etUnit/etUnit.h"
#include "base/etMemory.h"
«FOR pc : root.getReferencedProtocolClasses(ac)»
#include «pc.includePath»
#include "«ac.getCUtilsFileName»"
«ac.userCode(3, true)»
/* interface item IDs */
«IF !xpac.stateMachine.empty»
void «»_init(«»* self){
«IF !xpac.stateMachine.empty»
void «»_receiveMessage(void* self, const void* ifitem, const etMessage* msg){
ET_MSC_LOGGER_SYNC_ENTRY("«»", "_receiveMessage")
«IF !xpac.stateMachine.empty»
«IF handleEvents»
«langExt.operationScope(, false)»receiveEvent(self, (etPort*)ifitem, msg->evtID, (void*)(((char*)msg)+MEM_CEIL(sizeof(etMessage))));
«langExt.operationScope(, false)»receiveEventInternal(self);
«IF dataDriven || async»
void «»_execute(«»* self) {
ET_MSC_LOGGER_SYNC_ENTRY("«»", "_execute")
«IF !xpac.stateMachine.empty»
«IF handleEvents»
«langExt.operationScope(, false)»receiveEvent(self, NULL, 0, NULL);
«langExt.operationScope(, false)»receiveEventInternal(self);