blob: fd9d84d1a38c1970ddf7d009194951ab354292a6 [file] [log] [blame]
<chapter id="requirements">
<para>Gemini Blueprint 2.x binaries require JDK level 7.0 or above,
and <ulink url="">OSGi
R5.x</ulink> (though R4.1 and even R4.0 might work) or above. For JDK &lt; 1.7, consider using Gemini Blueprint 1.x.
For JDK &lt; 1.5, consider using Spring Dynamic Modules 1.x.
Bundles deployed for use with Gemini Blueprint should specify
<literal>"Bundle-ManifestVersion: 2"</literal> in their manifest (require OSGi R4 behaviour).
Note that for OSGi 4.2 specific functionality (such as the Blueprint Container),
an appropriate container needs to be used.
We test against <ulink
url="">Equinox</ulink> and <ulink
url="">Felix</ulink> as part of our
release process.