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<title>Configure the generation: &lt;config&gt; tag</title>
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<h2>Configure the generation: &lt;config&gt; tag</h2>
<p>The tag <b><span class="code">&lt;config&gt;</span></b> must be defined <b><u>only once</u></b>, on top of the template document.</p>
<p>This tag defines the path of the output document, and a list of global parameters for the template.</p>
<h2>Define generation output</h2>
<p><b><span class="code">&lt;output&gt;</span></b> tag is optional. If not present, the document is generated at template
location, with suffix '_generated'</p>
<p>If defined, the syntax is the following:</p>
<div class="codeBox cbBg">
<p class="code">
&emsp;&emsp;&lt;output path=&lt;&lt;Absolute path of the document to be generated&gt;&gt; /&gt;
<p class=MsoNormal><span lang=EN-US>Global parameters can be used to define a
relative path.</span></p>
<div class="codeBox cbBg">
<p><u>Example</u>: The generated document will belocated in D:/generatedFile.docx</p>
<p class="code">
&emsp;&emsp;&lt;output path='D:/generatedFile.docx' /&gt;<br/>
<a name="_Define_global_parameters"/><h2>Define global parameters for the template</h2>
<p >Global parameters for the template can be defined, for example to define model path,
folders to use or any other static value to be used in template.</p>
<p>Parameters are defined in <b>&lt;config&gt;</b> tag with the following syntax:</p>
<div class="codeBox">
<p class="code">&lt;config&gt; <br/>
&emsp;&emsp;&lt;param key=&lt;&lt;Parameter1_key&gt;&gt; value=&lt;&lt;Parameter1_value&gt;&gt; /&gt;<br/>
&emsp;&emsp;&lt;param key=&lt;&lt;Parameter2_key&gt;&gt; value=&lt;&lt;Parameter2_value&gt;&gt; /&gt;<br/>
&emsp;&emsp;&lt;param .../&gt;<br/>
<p>How to access parameters?</p>
<li><b>${</b><i>paramKey</i><b>}</b> inside <span class="code">&lt;context&gt;</span> or other <span class="code">&lt;param&gt;</span> , </li>
<li> <b>gGet(</b><i>paramKey</i><b>)</b> inside a <span class="code">&lt;gendoc&gt;</span> tag</li>
<div class="codeBox cbBg">
<p><u>Example</u>:  creation of global parameters
for model folder, model path, and path of a specific package inside model and
example of usage in &lt;context&gt; tag.</p>
<p class="code">
&emsp;&emsp;&lt;param key='<span class="blue">model_path</span>' value='D:/Models/Model_v1/My_model.uml'/&gt;<br/>
&emsp;&emsp;&lt;param key='<span class="blue">UC_package_path</span>' value='/MyUMLModel/UseCases'/&gt;<br/>
&lt;context model='<span class="blue">${model_path}</span>' element='<span class="blue">${UC_package_path}</span>'/&gt;
<h2>Pre-defined parameters</h2>
<p>Some <b><span class="code">&lt;param&gt;</span></b> are pre-defined in Gendoc and can be used directly in the template.</p>
<li><p><b>${input}</b> is the name of the input template document</p></li>
<div class="codeBox cbBg">
<p class="code">
&lt;param key='<span class="blue">generation_folder</span>' value='D:/Generated'/&gt;<br/>
&lt;output path='<span class="blue">${generation_folder}</span>/<span class="blue">${input}</span>-generated.docx' /&gt;
<p >If the input document is named template1.docx, the result file is named
template1-generated.docx. </p>
<p>The following variables are also ready to be used by default:</p>
<li><b>${date}</b> is the date of the generation. The format of the date is 'yyyy-MM-dd-HHmmss'.</li>
<li><b>${input_directory}</b> location directory of the template.</li>
<div class="codeBox cbBg">
<p><b><span class="code">&lt;output path='<span class="blue">${input_directory}</span>/<span class="blue">${input}</span>-generated-<span class="blue">${date}</span>.docx' /&gt;</span></b></p>
<p>Result file example: template-generated-2014-08-02-093707.docx</p>
<h2>Use of variables inside parameters</h2>
<p>It is also possible to use variables defined in project of the document.</p>
<p>From the project on Project Explorer view, right click &gt; Properties &gt; Resource &gt; Linked Resources &gt; Path Variables</p>
<img src="img/configure_set_variables_dialog.png"/>
<p>Predefined variables or user variables can be used in the template. They are NOT case-sensitive.</p>
<div class="codeBox cbBg">
<p><u>Example</u> :</p>
<p><span class="code"><b>&lt;output path='${project_loc}/${input}-generated.docx' /&gt;</b></span></p>
<h2>4.5 Variables stored in another file</h2>
<p>As you may need to put many additional variables inside your project, in order to make the config tag
more readable and more reusable, you can put the variables in a file with .properties extension.
To access the content of this file you should add the <span class="code">&lt;properties&gt;</span> tag in the following manner:</p>
<div class="codeBox cbBg">
<p><u>Example</u> :</p>
<p class="code">&lt;properties path='<span class="blue">${input_directory}</span>/' /&gt;</p>
<p>Where the may have the content like this:</p>
<div class="codeBox cbBg">
<p><u>Example</u> :</p>
<p class="code">
<p>These variables can be used in Gendoc tags :</p>
<div class="codeBox cbBg">
<p><u>Example</u> :</p>
<p class="code">&lt;output path='<span class="blue">${output_generation}</span>' /&gt;</p>
<h2>4.6 Context with CDO models</h2>
<p>You can use CDO URIs in context tags</p>
<div class="codeBox cbBg">
<p><u>Example</u> :</p>
<p class="code">&lt;context model=&rsquo;cdo.net4j.tcp://localhost:2036/repository/resource?transactional=true&rsquo; element=&rsquo;{0}&rsquo;/&gt;</p>