blob: e447d1b1363d8a4ee18d3c4c0e92f96ed1657019 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<FBType Comment="Fetch value from array at given index. Array data type has to match with output data type." Name="GET_AT_INDEX">
<Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2014 Profactor GmbH&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at;&#10;&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0"/>
<VersionInfo Author="Matthias Plasch" Date="2014-07-11" Organization="Profactor GmbH" Version="1.0"/>
<Event Comment="Service Request" Name="REQ" Type="Event">
<With Var="IN_ARRAY"/>
<With Var="INDEX"/>
<Event Comment="Confirmation of Requested Service" Name="CNF" Type="Event">
<With Var="QO"/>
<With Var="OUT"/>
<VarDeclaration Comment="input array" Name="IN_ARRAY" Type="ANY"/>
<VarDeclaration Comment="index to fetch value from" Name="INDEX" Type="UINT"/>
<VarDeclaration Comment="Event Output Qualifier" InitialValue="" Name="QO" Type="BOOL"/>
<VarDeclaration Comment="fetched output value" Name="OUT" Type="ANY"/>