blob: 0503aa25747af14d1554b87d7392545371aee364 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2015, 2016 fortiss GmbH
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* Gerd Kainz, Alois Zoitl - initial API and implementation and/or initial documentation
* Alois Zoitl - changed from i2c-dev to simple read writes
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sstream>
#include "i2cprocessinterface.h"
const char * const CI2CProcessInterface::scmOK = "OK";
const char * const CI2CProcessInterface::scmNotInitialised = "Not initialised";
const char * const CI2CProcessInterface::scmInvalidParam = "Invalid parameter";
const char * const CI2CProcessInterface::scmCouldNotRead = "Could not read value";
const char * const CI2CProcessInterface::scmCouldNotWrite = "Could not write value";
CI2CProcessInterface::CI2CProcessInterface(CResource *paSrcRes, const SFBInterfaceSpec *paInterfaceSpec, const CStringDictionary::TStringId paInstanceNameId, TForteByte *paFBConnData, TForteByte *paFBVarsData) :
CProcessInterfaceBase(paSrcRes, paInterfaceSpec, paInstanceNameId, paFBConnData, paFBVarsData), mFd(-1), mValueAddress(-1){
bool CI2CProcessInterface::initialise(bool ){
bool retVal = false;
STATUS() = scmNotInitialised;
std::vector<std::string> paramsList(generateParameterList());
if(3 == paramsList.size()){
CIEC_INT param;
param.fromString(paramsList[1].c_str()); //TODO check return value
int deviceAddress = param;
param.fromString(paramsList[2].c_str()); //TODO check return value
mValueAddress = param;
std::string devPath("/dev/i2c-");
devPath += paramsList[0];
STATUS() = scmNotInitialised;
mFd = open(devPath.c_str(), O_RDWR);
if(0 <= mFd){
if(0 <= ioctl(mFd, scmSetSlaveId, deviceAddress)){
STATUS() = scmOK;
retVal = true;
return retVal;
bool CI2CProcessInterface::deinitialise(){
STATUS() = scmOK;
return true;
bool CI2CProcessInterface::readPin(){
bool retVal = false;
TForteByte res;
if(1 == read(mFd, &res, 1)){
IN_X() = (res & (1 << mValueAddress)) ? true : false;
retVal = true;
STATUS() = scmOK;
STATUS() = scmCouldNotRead;
return retVal;
bool CI2CProcessInterface::writePin(){
bool retVal = false;
TForteByte byteValue;
if(1 == read(mFd, &byteValue, 1)){
byteValue = static_cast<TForteByte>(byteValue | static_cast<TForteByte>(1 << mValueAddress));
byteValue = byteValue & static_cast<TForteByte>(~(1 << mValueAddress));
if(1 == write(mFd, &byteValue, 1)){
retVal = true;
STATUS() = scmOK;
STATUS() = scmCouldNotWrite;
STATUS() = scmCouldNotWrite;
return retVal;
bool CI2CProcessInterface::readWord(){
bool retVal = true;
TForteByte readValue[2];
STATUS() = scmOK;
//assume in the simple case that a simple read of 2 bytes is sufficient.
if(2 == read(mFd, readValue, 2)){
IN_W() = static_cast<TForteWord>(static_cast<TForteWord>(readValue[0]) + (static_cast<TForteWord>(readValue[1]) << 8));
STATUS() = scmCouldNotRead;
retVal = false;
return retVal;
bool CI2CProcessInterface::writeWord(){
bool retVal = true;
TForteByte writeValue[3] = { mValueAddress };
STATUS() = scmOK;
writeValue[1] = static_cast<TForteByte>(OUT_W().operator unsigned short int());
writeValue[2] = static_cast<TForteByte>(OUT_W().operator unsigned short int() >> 8);
if(3 != write(mFd, writeValue, 3)){
STATUS() = scmCouldNotWrite;
retVal = false;
return retVal;
//TODO this is duplicated code from LMS EV3 process interface
std::vector<std::string> CI2CProcessInterface::generateParameterList(){
std::stringstream streamBuf(std::string(PARAMS().getValue()));
std::string segment;
std::vector<std::string> retVal;
while(std::getline(streamBuf, segment, '.')){ //Separate the PARAMS input by '.' for easier processing
return retVal;