blob: fc2490b456e8029e3bff8c2885175e8382840043 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2005 - 2015 ACIN, Profactor GmbH, fortiss GmbH
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
* Contributors:
* Alois Zoitl, Gunnar Grabmair, Rene Smodic, Gerhard Ebenhofer,
* Martin Melik Merkumians, Ingo Hegny, Micheal Hofmann
* - initial implementation and rework communication infrastructure
#ifndef _TYPELIB_H_
#define _TYPELIB_H_
#include <fortenew.h>
#include "mgmcmd.h"
#include <stringlist.h>
#include "./utils/staticassert.h"
//forward declaration of a few classes to reduce include file dependencies
class CFunctionBlock;
class CResource;
class CIEC_ANY;
class CAdapter;
//!\ingroup CORE Type for a function pointer which allows to create a functionblock instance
typedef CFunctionBlock *(*TFunctionBlockCreateFunc)(CStringDictionary::TStringId pa_nInstanceNameId, CResource *pa_poSrcRes);
//!\ingroup CORE Type for a function pointer which allows to create an adapter instance
typedef CAdapter *(*TAdapterCreateFunc)(CStringDictionary::TStringId pa_nInstanceNameId, CResource *pa_poSrcRes, bool pa_bIsPlug);
//!\ingroup CORE Type for a function pointer which allows to create a data type instance
typedef CIEC_ANY *(*TDataTypeCreateFunc)(TForteByte *pa_acDataBuf);
#define FORTE_DUMMY_INIT_DEF(fbclass) int fbclass::dummyInit() {return 0; }
#define FORTE_DUMMY_INIT_DEC static int dummyInit();
//!\ingroup CORE This define is used to create the definition necessary for generic FirmwareFunction blocks in order to get them automatically added to the FirmwareType list.
private: \
const static CTypeLib::CFBTypeEntry csm_oFirmwareFBEntry_##fbclass; \
public: \
static CFunctionBlock *createFB(CStringDictionary::TStringId pa_nInstanceNameId, CResource *pa_poSrcRes){ \
return new fbclass( pa_nInstanceNameId, pa_poSrcRes);\
}; \
//!\ingroup CORE This define is used to create the definition necessary for FirmwareFunction blocks in order to get them automatically added to the FirmwareType list.
#define DECLARE_FIRMWARE_FB(fbclass) \
public: \
virtual CStringDictionary::TStringId getFBTypeId(void) const;\
#define DEFINE_GENERIC_FIRMWARE_FB(fbclass, fbTypeNameId)\
extern const CStringDictionary::TStringId g_nStringId##fbclass; \
const CTypeLib::CFBTypeEntry fbclass::csm_oFirmwareFBEntry_##fbclass((fbTypeNameId), fbclass::createFB, 0); \
/*!\ingroup CORE This define is used to create the implementation for the above definition. The second parameter is needed for the
* prebuild script that generates the constant string list.
#define DEFINE_FIRMWARE_FB(fbclass, fbTypeNameId) \
extern const CStringDictionary::TStringId g_nStringId##fbclass; \
const CTypeLib::CFBTypeEntry fbclass::csm_oFirmwareFBEntry_##fbclass((fbTypeNameId), fbclass::createFB, &(fbclass::scm_stFBInterfaceSpec)); \
CStringDictionary::TStringId fbclass::getFBTypeId(void) const {return (fbTypeNameId); }
//!\ingroup CORE This define is used to create the definition necessary for Adapter types.
#define DECLARE_ADAPTER_TYPE(adapterclass) \
private: \
const static CTypeLib::CAdapterTypeEntry csm_oAdapterTypeEntry_##adapterclass; \
public: \
static CAdapter *createAdapter(CStringDictionary::TStringId pa_nInstanceNameId, CResource *pa_poSrcRes, bool pa_bIsPlug){\
return new adapterclass(pa_nInstanceNameId, pa_poSrcRes, pa_bIsPlug);\
}; \
virtual CStringDictionary::TStringId getFBTypeId(void) const {return (csm_oAdapterTypeEntry_##adapterclass.getTypeNameId()); };\
//!\ingroup CORE This define is used to create the implementation for the above definition.
#define DEFINE_ADAPTER_TYPE(adapterclass, adapterTypeNameId)\
const CTypeLib::CAdapterTypeEntry adapterclass::csm_oAdapterTypeEntry_##adapterclass((adapterTypeNameId), adapterclass::createAdapter, &(adapterclass::scm_stFBInterfaceSpecSocket)); \
#define DEFINE_GENERIC_ADAPTER_TYPE(adapterclass, adapterTypeNameId)\
const CTypeLib::CAdapterTypeEntry adapterclass::csm_oAdapterTypeEntry_##adapterclass((adapterTypeNameId), adapterclass::createAdapter, 0); \
//!\ingroup CORE This define is used to create the definition necessary for Firmware datatype in order to get them automatically added to the FirmwareType list.
#define DECLARE_FIRMWARE_DATATYPE(datatypename) \
public: \
static CIEC_ANY *createDataType(TForteByte *pa_acDataBuf){ \
return (0 != pa_acDataBuf) ? new(pa_acDataBuf)CIEC_##datatypename() : new CIEC_##datatypename;\
}; \
const static CTypeLib::CDataTypeEntry csm_oFirmwareDataTypeEntry_##datatypename; \
virtual CIEC_ANY* clone(TForteByte *pa_acDataBuf) const { \
FORTE_STATIC_ASSERT((sizeof(CIEC_ANY) == sizeof(CIEC_##datatypename)), DataTypeNotTheSameSizeAsANY); \
return (0 != pa_acDataBuf) ? new(pa_acDataBuf)CIEC_##datatypename(*this) : new CIEC_##datatypename(*this); } \
//!\ingroup CORE This define is used to create the implementation for the above definition.
#define DEFINE_FIRMWARE_DATATYPE(datatypename, datatypenameid)\
extern const CStringDictionary::TStringId g_nStringId##datatypename; \
const CTypeLib::CDataTypeEntry CIEC_##datatypename::csm_oFirmwareDataTypeEntry_##datatypename((datatypenameid), CIEC_##datatypename::createDataType);\
struct SFBInterfaceSpec;
/*!\ingroup CORE \brief Class for storing the functionblock libraries.
class CTypeLib{
//! The base class for all type entries in the type lib.
class CTypeEntry{
CStringDictionary::TStringId m_nTypeNameId;
CTypeEntry *m_poNext; //!< a pointer to the next element in the list. Will be used to build single linked list of type entries.
explicit CTypeEntry(CStringDictionary::TStringId pa_nTypeNameId);
virtual ~CTypeEntry(void);
CStringDictionary::TStringId getTypeNameId(void) const { return m_nTypeNameId; };
class CSpecTypeEntry : public CTypeEntry {
const SFBInterfaceSpec* mSocketInterfaceSpec;
CSpecTypeEntry(CStringDictionary::TStringId pa_nTypeNameId, const SFBInterfaceSpec* paSocketInterfaceSpec);
virtual ~CSpecTypeEntry(void);
const SFBInterfaceSpec* getInterfaceSpec() const{ return mSocketInterfaceSpec; }
//! The base class for all function block types entries in the type lib.
class CFBTypeEntry : public CSpecTypeEntry{
CFBTypeEntry(CStringDictionary::TStringId pa_nTypeNameId, TFunctionBlockCreateFunc pa_pfuncCreateFB, const SFBInterfaceSpec* paSocketInterfaceSpec);
virtual ~CFBTypeEntry(void);
virtual CFunctionBlock *createFBInstance(CStringDictionary::TStringId pa_nInstanceNameId, CResource *pa_poSrcRes){
return m_pfuncFBCreationFunc( pa_nInstanceNameId, pa_poSrcRes);
TFunctionBlockCreateFunc m_pfuncFBCreationFunc;
/*!\brief Class for adapter type entries in the type lib.
class CAdapterTypeEntry : public CSpecTypeEntry{
CAdapterTypeEntry(CStringDictionary::TStringId pa_nTypeNameId, TAdapterCreateFunc pa_pfuncCreateAdapter, const SFBInterfaceSpec* paSocketInterfaceSpec);
virtual ~CAdapterTypeEntry(void);
virtual CAdapter *createAdapterInstance(CStringDictionary::TStringId pa_nInstanceNameId, CResource *pa_poSrcRes, bool pa_bIsPlug){
return m_pfuncAdapterCreationFunc( pa_nInstanceNameId, pa_poSrcRes, pa_bIsPlug);
TAdapterCreateFunc m_pfuncAdapterCreationFunc;
//! The base class for all data type entries in the type lib.
class CDataTypeEntry : public CTypeEntry{
CDataTypeEntry(CStringDictionary::TStringId pa_nTypeNameId, TDataTypeCreateFunc pa_pfuncDTCreateFunc);
virtual ~CDataTypeEntry(void);
virtual CIEC_ANY *createDataTypeInstance(TForteByte *pa_acDataBuf){
return m_pfuncDTCreateFunc(pa_acDataBuf);
TDataTypeCreateFunc m_pfuncDTCreateFunc;
/*!\brief Create a new FB instance of given type and given instance name.
* \param pa_nInstanceNameId StringId of instance name as this information can be stored within the resource
* \param pa_nFBTypeId Type of the FB to create.
* \param pa_poRes Resource the FB is contained in.
* \return On success a pointer to the new FB is returned, else the return value is 0 use getLastError for getting more information on the problem.
* possible error codes are:
* - e_UNSUPPORTED_TYPE The requested FB type is not known to the typelib
* - e_INVALID_OPERATION The requested FB can not be created (e.g. out of memory)
static CFunctionBlock *createFB(CStringDictionary::TStringId pa_nInstanceNameId, CStringDictionary::TStringId pa_nFBTypeId, CResource *pa_poRes);
/*\brief Delete the given FB
static bool deleteFB(CFunctionBlock *pa_poFBToDelete);
static CAdapter *createAdapter(CStringDictionary::TStringId pa_nInstanceNameId, CStringDictionary::TStringId pa_nFBTypeId, CResource *pa_poRes, bool pa_bIsPlug);
/*!\brief Create an instance of an data type.
* @param pa_nDTNameId string id of the datatype to create
* @param pa_acDataBuf buffer that the datatype should use. Has to be at least the size of CIEC_ANY
* @return pointer to the create data type.
static CIEC_ANY *createDataTypeInstance(CStringDictionary::TStringId pa_nDTNameId, TForteByte *pa_acDataBuf);
/*!\brief Return a description of the last error that occured within the CTypeLib.
* e.g. Out of memory
* \return Reference to the error string.
static EMGMResponse getLastError(void) { return m_eLastErrorMSG; };
/*!\brief add a Firmware FB type to the type lib (is mainly used by the corresponding entry class).
static void addFBType(CFBTypeEntry *pa_poFBTypeEntry);
/*!\brief add a Firmware Adapter type to the type lib (is mainly used by the corresponding entry class).
static void addAdapterType(CAdapterTypeEntry *pa_poAdapterTypeEntry);
/*!\brief add a Firmware data type to the type lib (is mainly used by the corresponding entry class).
static void addDataType(CDataTypeEntry *pa_poDTEntry);
/*!\brief Get a pointer to the begin of the FB library list
static CTypeEntry *getFBLibStart() { return m_poFBLibStart; }
/*!\brief Get a pointer to the begin of the FB library list
static CTypeEntry *getAdapterLibStart() { return m_poAdapterLibStart; }
/*!\brief Get a pointer to the begin of the datatype library list
static CTypeEntry *getDTLibStart() { return m_poDTLibStart; }
static CTypeEntry *findType(CStringDictionary::TStringId pa_nTypeId, CTypeEntry *pa_poListStart);
/*!\brief Buffer for the last error that occurred.
static EMGMResponse m_eLastErrorMSG;
static CFBTypeEntry *m_poFBLibStart, //!< pointer to the begin of the firmware fb library list
*m_poFBLibEnd; //!<pointer to the end of the firmware fb library list
static CAdapterTypeEntry *m_poAdapterLibStart, //!< pointer to the begin of the firmware adapter library list
*m_poAdapterLibEnd; //!<pointer to the end of the firmware adapter library list
static CDataTypeEntry *m_poDTLibStart, //!< pointer to the begin of the data type library
*m_poDTLibEnd; //!< pointer to the end of the data type library
//! find the position of the first underscore that marks the end of the type name and the beginning of the generic part
static const char* getFirstNonTypeNameUnderscorePos(const char* pa_acTypeName);
#endif /*TYPELIB_H_*/