blob: b143c46d1682f58c316216699aac8846e5918e07 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2019 fortiss GmbH
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
* Contributors:
* Jose Cabral - initial implementation
#include <string>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <utility> // needed for std::pair
* Helper class to parse configuration files. For now, all lines must be formed as key=value or empty lines
class CConfigFileParser {
* Possible results that can be returned when parsing a line
enum ParseResult {
eOk, //!< eOk No problem occurred
eEmptyLine, //!< eEmptyLine An empty line was found
eEndOfFile, //!< eEndOfFile The end of the file was found
eWrongLine, //!< eWrongLine A wrongly formed line was found
eFileNotOpened, //!< eFileNotOpened The file is not opened
eInternalError, //!< eInternalError An internal error occurred
* Constructor
* @param paFileLocation location of the configuration file to be parsed
explicit CConfigFileParser(std::string &paFileLocation);
* Destructor
virtual ~CConfigFileParser();
* Parse the next line of the file. The key and value are stored in the passed parameter
* @param paResult Place to store the key and value
* @return Result of the parsing
ParseResult parseNextLine(std::pair<std::string, std::string> &paResult);
* Looks for a key and value in the file that matches the values passed as parameter
* @param paFileParse Parser object used to look for the key/value
* @param paKey Key to look for in the file
* @param paValue Value to look for
* @param paFound True if the key/value was found, false otherwise
* @return True if no error occurred, false otherwise. If the key is found but no the value, it's still a valid result and paFound is false
static bool lookForKeyValueInFile(CConfigFileParser &paFileParse, std::string &paKey, std::string &paValue, bool &paFound);
* File to be parsed
FILE *mConfigFile;
static const size_t scmLineBuffer = 256;
static const char scmSeparator = '=';
static const size_t scmNumberOfElementsInLine = 2;