blob: fdd3e7deaef6354700fb811bafaa0d80cf9ab125 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2017 fortiss GmbH
# This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
# terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at
# SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
# Contributors:
# Jose Cabral - initial API and implementation and/or initial documentation
# *******************************************************************************/
Activate this module to access the I/O of the uMIC 200 of MicroControl
ATTENTION: To use the relay and led, in some cases you might have to change some header files in your uMIC200.
You need to find the files /usr/include/umic_led.h and /usr/include/umic_relay.h and add two things:
1- At the beginning, right after the first #define add:
// take precautions if compiled with C++ compiler //
#ifdef __cplusplus //
extern "C" { //
#endif //
2- And at the end, right before the last #endif, add
#ifdef __cplusplus //
} //
#endif //
// end of C++ compiler wrapper //
If you don't want to use the relay and led, or you don't want to change the header files, go to ~/ and
set the definitions of UMIC_LED_ENABLED and UMIC_RELAY_ENABLED to zero.
Use the IX and QX Function Blocks. The parameters should be as follow
NUMBER depends on TYPE, where TYPE can be:
1 - led
2 - dio
3 - relay
NOTE: all are in lowercase.
"led" controls the LED1-4. The possible numbers for NUMBER are from 0 to 7 according to the table below:
4 - LED1_RED
5 - LED2_RED
6 - LED3_RED
7 - LED4_RED
NOTE: Only QX can be used with "led"
led.4 will control the LED1 color red
"dio" controls the 8 digital I/O at pins 5-12. Number can be from 1 to 8.
NOTE: Use IX to make it input, and QX to make it output
dio.3 will access Digital I/O 3 at pin 7 of the uMIC200
"relay" controls the relays. The possible numbers are 1 and 2. The 1 controls the NO relay and 2 the NC.
NOTE: Only QX can be used with "relay"
relay.1 will control the NC relay at pins 14- 15