blob: 5f8d4b3cc0da66b1bde34bdb95e88be61619cda6 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2008 - 2017 Profactor GmbH, TU Wien ACIN, fortiss GmbH
* 2019 Johannes Kepler University Linz
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
* Contributors:
* Gerhard Ebenhofer, Alois Zoitl, Matthias Plasch, Monika Wenger, Gerd Kainz, Martin Jobst
* - initial API and implementation and/or initial documentation
* Bianca Wiesmayr
* - improve name proposals
package org.eclipse.fordiac.ide.model;
import static org.eclipse.fordiac.ide.model.FordiacKeywords.RESERVED_KEYWORDS;
import java.text.MessageFormat;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Assert;
import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.BasicEList;
import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.EList;
import org.eclipse.fordiac.ide.model.Palette.Palette;
import org.eclipse.fordiac.ide.model.libraryElement.AdapterType;
import org.eclipse.fordiac.ide.model.libraryElement.Algorithm;
import org.eclipse.fordiac.ide.model.libraryElement.Application;
import org.eclipse.fordiac.ide.model.libraryElement.BaseFBType;
import org.eclipse.fordiac.ide.model.libraryElement.BasicFBType;
import org.eclipse.fordiac.ide.model.libraryElement.Device;
import org.eclipse.fordiac.ide.model.libraryElement.ECC;
import org.eclipse.fordiac.ide.model.libraryElement.ECState;
import org.eclipse.fordiac.ide.model.libraryElement.FBNetworkElement;
import org.eclipse.fordiac.ide.model.libraryElement.FBType;
import org.eclipse.fordiac.ide.model.libraryElement.IInterfaceElement;
import org.eclipse.fordiac.ide.model.libraryElement.INamedElement;
import org.eclipse.fordiac.ide.model.libraryElement.InterfaceList;
import org.eclipse.fordiac.ide.model.libraryElement.LibraryElement;
import org.eclipse.fordiac.ide.model.libraryElement.Resource;
import org.eclipse.fordiac.ide.model.libraryElement.Segment;
import org.eclipse.fordiac.ide.model.libraryElement.SubAppType;
import org.eclipse.fordiac.ide.model.libraryElement.SystemConfiguration;
import org.eclipse.fordiac.ide.model.typelibrary.DataTypeLibrary;
import org.eclipse.fordiac.ide.model.typelibrary.TypeLibrary;
import org.eclipse.fordiac.ide.ui.errormessages.ErrorMessenger;
public final class NameRepository {
private static final Pattern END_IN_NUMBER_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("^.*\\d$"); //$NON-NLS-1$
private static final Pattern GET_LAST_NUMBER_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("\\d+$"); //$NON-NLS-1$
private NameRepository() {
// empty private constructor
public static String createUniqueTypeName(final LibraryElement type) {
final TypeLibrary typeLibrary = type.getTypeLibrary();
final Palette blockTypeLib = typeLibrary.getBlockTypeLib();
String typeName = type.getName();
if(type instanceof DataType) {
final DataTypeLibrary dataTypeLibrary = typeLibrary.getDataTypeLibrary();
while (dataTypeLibrary.getTypeIfExists(typeName) != null) {
typeName = createUniqueName(type.getName(), typeName);
return typeName;
if (type instanceof FBType) {
while (blockTypeLib.getFBTypeEntry(typeName) != null) {
typeName = createUniqueName(type.getName(), typeName);
return typeName;
if (type instanceof SubAppType) {
while (blockTypeLib.getSubAppTypeEntry(typeName) != null) {
typeName = createUniqueName(type.getName(), typeName);
return typeName;
if (type instanceof AdapterType) {
while (blockTypeLib.getAdapterTypeEntry(typeName) != null) {
typeName = createUniqueName(type.getName(), typeName);
return typeName;
return null;
* Check and if necessary adapt the given name proposal so that it is a valid
* name for the given INamedElement
* This method expects that the element is already correctly inserted in the
* model and that its eContainer returns the correct container. The nameProposal
* needs to be a valid identifier
* @param element the element for which the name should be created
* @param nameProposal a proposal for a name of the element
* @return a valid unique element name
public static String createUniqueName(final INamedElement element, final String nameProposal) {
"The given name proposal is not a valid identifier!"); //$NON-NLS-1$
"For a correct operation createuniqueName expects that the model element is already added in its containing model!"); //$NON-NLS-1$
String retVal = nameProposal;
if (element instanceof IInterfaceElement) {
// for interface elements we need to check if it not a reserved keyword
retVal = checkReservedKeyWords(nameProposal);
return getUniqueName(getRefNames(element), retVal);
* Check if the given nameProposal is a valid name for the given named element.
* @param element the named element for which a new name proposal should be
* checked
* @param nameProposal the new name to be checked
* @return true if the nameProposal is a valid new name for the named element
public static boolean isValidName(final INamedElement element, final String nameProposal) {
"For a correct operation createuniqueName expects that the model element is already added in its containing model!"); //$NON-NLS-1$
if (!IdentifierVerifyer.isValidIdentifier(nameProposal)) {
MessageFormat.format(Messages.NameRepository_NameNotAValidIdentifier, nameProposal));
return false;
if (element instanceof IInterfaceElement && RESERVED_KEYWORDS.contains(nameProposal)) {
MessageFormat.format(Messages.NameRepository_NameReservedKeyWord, nameProposal));
return false;
if (getRefNames(element).contains(nameProposal)) {
MessageFormat.format(Messages.NameRepository_NameAlreadyExists, nameProposal));
return false;
return true;
private static Set<String> getRefNames(final INamedElement refElement) {
EList<? extends INamedElement> elementsList = null;
// TODO consider moving this instance of cascade into the model utilizing the
// inheritance hierarchy to our advantage
if (refElement instanceof Algorithm) {
elementsList = ((BasicFBType) ((Algorithm) refElement).eContainer()).getAlgorithm();
} else if (refElement instanceof Application) {
elementsList = ((Application) refElement).getAutomationSystem().getApplication();
} else if (refElement instanceof Device) {
elementsList = ((Device) refElement).getSystemConfiguration().getDevices();
} else if (refElement instanceof FBNetworkElement) {
elementsList = ((FBNetworkElement) refElement).getFbNetwork().getNetworkElements();
} else if (refElement instanceof Resource) {
elementsList = ((Resource) refElement).getDevice().getResource();
} else if (refElement instanceof Segment) {
elementsList = ((SystemConfiguration) ((Segment) refElement).eContainer()).getSegments();
} else if (refElement instanceof ECState) {
elementsList = ((ECC) ((ECState) refElement).eContainer()).getECState();
} else if (refElement instanceof IInterfaceElement) {
if (((IInterfaceElement) refElement).eContainer() instanceof StructuredType) {
elementsList = ((StructuredType) ((IInterfaceElement) refElement).eContainer()).getMemberVariables();
} else {
final EList<INamedElement> elements = new BasicEList<>();
InterfaceList interfaceList = null;
if (((IInterfaceElement) refElement).eContainer() instanceof InterfaceList) {
interfaceList = (InterfaceList) ((IInterfaceElement) refElement).eContainer();
} else {
// this is an internal variable
interfaceList = ((BaseFBType) ((IInterfaceElement) refElement).eContainer()).getInterfaceList();
if (interfaceList.eContainer() instanceof BaseFBType) { // has internal variables
elements.addAll(((BaseFBType) interfaceList.eContainer()).getInternalVars());
elementsList = elements;
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Refenrence list for given class not available: " + refElement.getClass().toString()); //$NON-NLS-1$
return -> element != refElement).map(INamedElement::getName)
* Generating a unique name for a name proposal which is definitely not in the
* list of given existing names
* If the proposed name is already found in the list an '_' and a consecutive
* number is appended to the proposed name. The number incremented until a
* unique name is found.
* @param existingNameList the list of names already existing in the context
* @param nameProposal a proposal for a name as starting point
* @return a unique name
private static String getUniqueName(final Set<String> existingNameList, final String nameProposal) {
String temp = nameProposal;
while (existingNameList.contains(temp)) {
temp = createUniqueName(nameProposal, temp);
return temp;
private static String createUniqueName(final String nameProposal, String temp) {
if (END_IN_NUMBER_PATTERN.matcher(temp).matches()) {
final Matcher matchNumber = GET_LAST_NUMBER_PATTERN.matcher(temp);
final int number = Integer.parseInt(temp.substring(matchNumber.start(), matchNumber.end())) + 1;
temp = temp.substring(0, matchNumber.start()) + number; // $NON-NLS-1$
} else {
temp = nameProposal + "_" + 1; //$NON-NLS-1$
return temp;
private static String checkReservedKeyWords(final String name) {
if (RESERVED_KEYWORDS.contains(name.toUpperCase())) {
return name + "1"; //$NON-NLS-1$
return name;