blob: f8869753c893391ace34c869df5660d700b0bb99 [file] [log] [blame]
A simple model of epidemic dynamics. We define individual agents with different disease states. The progression of disease moves from succeptible to exposed to infectious (either symptomatic or asymptomatic) to some outcome state. Agents can transmit infection to their immediate neighbors.
For some background on the general approach, see Joshua M. Epstein. "Generative Social Science". 2006. Princeton.
Copyright 2009, Miles Parker. Released under Eclipse Public License. All uses should be attributed.
Epidemic Individual Count The number of individuals to create. int 1500
Epidemic Initial Infection Probability The probability that any given individual will be infected at the beginning of the model run. For example, if this value is .15, and their are 100 individuals in the model, roughly 15 of those individuals will be infected at time 0. double .05
Epidemic Min Contact Transmission Probability The minimum probability that proximity to a single neighbor for a single period will result in transmission of infection. At the start of each model run, each individual is assigned a contact transmission probability between the minimum and maximum value. For example, if this value was .08 and the maximum value was 0.12 a given individual could have any value between those two, but the average transmission probability would be around .1. If minium and maximum values are the same, then all individuals will have the same chance of passing along infection to a given neighbor. This value must be between 0.0 and 1.0 and less than or equal to Max Contact transmission Probability. double .08
Epidemic Max Contact Transmission Probability The maximum probability that proximity to a single neighbor for a single period will result in transmission of infection. See Min Contact Probability for more information. Must be a value between 0.0 and 1.0 and greater or equal to Min Contact Transmission Probability. double .16
Epidemic Case Mortality Rate The current probability that death will occur for a given individual as a result of infection. Some number between 0.0 and 1.0. double .05
Epidemic Periods per Day int 24
Epidemic Min Period Exposure The minimum amount of time from initial exposure to infectious asymptomatic or symptomatic state. 0 or greater. int 24
Epidemic Max Period Exposure Maximum time from initial exposure to infectious asymptomatic or symptomatic state. 0 or greater. int 72
Epidemic Min Period Asymptom Infection Maximum time spent infected without showing symptoms. 0 or greater. int 24
Epidemic Max Period Asymptom Infection Maximum time spent infected without showing symptoms. May be zero! int 96
Epidemic Min Period Symptom Infection Minimum time spent infected with obvious symptoms. 0 or greater. int 24
Epidemic Max Period Symptom Infection Maximum time spent infected with obvious symptoms. 1 or greater. int 168
Epidemic Movement Probability The chance that an agent will move within a given period. May be any value between 0.0 and 1.0. double .5
Agent Name Description Type Default Value
Individual Status StatusEnum Susceptible
Individual Exposure End Period int
Individual Asymptomatic End Period int
Individual Outcome Period int
Individual Contact Transmission Probability double
Agent Name Description
Individual Initialize Location Initialize Location Initialization. Executed once at the beginning of each model run.
Individual Movement Movement Rule. Executed every period.
Individual Initialize State Initialize State Initialization. Executed once at the beginning of each model run.
Individual Transmission Transmission Rule. Executed every period.
Individual Progression Progression Rule. Executed every period.
Individual Exposure Watch for changes in Status.
Name Description Type
City 2-Dimensional Grid
Generated by metaabm system: Jun 25, 2011 6:16:49 PM PDT.