blob: 09d23a180a1e70d6c0249d97991c8e90ce9fd6e6 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2018 Agence spatiale canadienne / Canadian Space Agency
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* Pierre Allard,
* Regent L'Archeveque,
* Sebastien Gemme - initial API and implementation
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-1.0
package org.eclipse.apogy.addons.mobility.pathplanners.impl;
import javax.vecmath.Matrix4d;
import javax.vecmath.Point3d;
import javax.vecmath.Vector3d;
import org.eclipse.apogy.common.geometry.data3d.ApogyCommonGeometryData3DFacade;
import org.eclipse.apogy.common.geometry.data3d.ApogyCommonGeometryData3DFactory;
import org.eclipse.apogy.common.geometry.data3d.CartesianPlane;
import org.eclipse.apogy.common.geometry.data3d.CartesianPolygon;
import org.eclipse.apogy.common.geometry.data3d.CartesianPositionCoordinates;
import org.eclipse.apogy.common.geometry.data3d.CartesianTriangle;
import org.eclipse.apogy.common.geometry.data3d.Geometry3DUtilities;
import org.eclipse.apogy.common.topology.ApogyCommonTopologyFacade;
public class CircularExclusionZoneCustomImpl extends CircularExclusionZoneImpl {
private static CartesianPositionCoordinates center = ApogyCommonGeometryData3DFactory.eINSTANCE
public boolean isPolygonInside(CartesianTriangle polygon) {
return isPolygonInside((CartesianPolygon) polygon);
public boolean isPolygonInside(CartesianPolygon polygon) {
boolean inside = false;
// First checks if the center of the exclusion zones falls onto the polygon.
Matrix4d centerTransform = ApogyCommonTopologyFacade.INSTANCE.expressNodeInRootFrame(this);
Vector3d centerPosition = new Vector3d();
CartesianPositionCoordinates point = ApogyCommonGeometryData3DFacade.INSTANCE
.createCartesianPositionCoordinates(centerPosition.x, centerPosition.y, centerPosition.z);
inside = Geometry3DUtilities.isInsidePolygon(point, polygon);
if (!inside) {
// Check each of the edge to see if it falls within the cylinder.
int index = 0;
CartesianPositionCoordinates from = null;
CartesianPositionCoordinates to = null;
while (index < polygon.getVertices().size() && !inside) {
from = polygon.getVertices().get(index);
if ((index + 1) >= polygon.getVertices().size()) {
to = polygon.getVertices().get(0);
} else {
to = polygon.getVertices().get(index + 1);
inside = intersects(from, to);
if (isInvertSamplingShape()) {
return !inside;
} else {
return inside;
* Returns the centre of the circular exclusion zone relative to the tolopology
* root node.
* @return The centre of the exclusion zone.
private CartesianPositionCoordinates projectOntoExclusionZone(CartesianPositionCoordinates point) {
Matrix4d matrix = ApogyCommonTopologyFacade.INSTANCE.expressRootInNodeFrame(this);
Point3d projected = new Point3d();
matrix.transform(point.asPoint3d(), projected);
CartesianPositionCoordinates projectedPoint = ApogyCommonGeometryData3DFacade.INSTANCE
.createCartesianPositionCoordinates(projected.x, projected.y, projected.z);
return Geometry3DUtilities.getFlattenCoordinate(CartesianPlane.XY, projectedPoint);
public boolean isInside(CartesianPositionCoordinates point) {
// Gets the point's flattened coordinates.
CartesianPositionCoordinates projectedPoint = projectOntoExclusionZone(point);
boolean inside = (Geometry3DUtilities.getDistance(projectedPoint, center) < getRadius());
if (isInvertSamplingShape()) {
return !inside;
} else {
return inside;
public boolean intersects(CartesianPositionCoordinates from, CartesianPositionCoordinates to) {
// Check if from or to is inside the zone.
if (isInside(from) || isInside(to)) {
return true;
} else {
// Gets the centre's flattened coordinates.
CartesianPositionCoordinates flattenedCenter = ApogyCommonGeometryData3DFactory.eINSTANCE
// Gets the point's flattened coordinates of the line.
CartesianPositionCoordinates flattenedFrom = projectOntoExclusionZone(from);
CartesianPositionCoordinates flattenedTo = projectOntoExclusionZone(to);
// Gets the centre projection on the from->to line.
CartesianPositionCoordinates intersect = Geometry3DUtilities.getProjection(flattenedCenter, flattenedFrom,
// Check if the distance between the projection and the centre is less than the
// radius
if (Geometry3DUtilities.getDistance(flattenedCenter, intersect) < getRadius()) {
double u1u2Distance = Geometry3DUtilities.getDistance(flattenedFrom, flattenedTo);
// Check if the projection falls between u1 and u2. This is to account for the
// case
// where the projection of the line passes through the circle.
if ((Geometry3DUtilities.getDistance(intersect, flattenedFrom) < u1u2Distance)
&& (Geometry3DUtilities.getDistance(intersect, flattenedTo) < u1u2Distance)) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
} else {
return false;
} // CircularExclusionZoneImpl